Just Joined Oddworld Forums
Just joined yesterday, I figure'd I would post 'eet here. I think I used to have an account here awhile back, but I don't recall the name, lol.
Nice name btw. |
Lol thanks. Thought of it when I was changing my gamertag.
Certainly fits in well with the tone of the forums.
hello. as twattish as we may be, it would actually be nice for a new member to stick around. SCUSE THE PUN
but yeah, don't be scared off and don't end up so angry that you never come back. we will test your patience, at times. now i don't have to be nice for another 6 months. EDIT: oh and don't confine yourself to FC, there's a lot you'll be missing otherwise. |
Hey, It's Dick's and a Doo!
you're joking.
Swallow this surprise, Rabbit. It's chocolate covered chocolate, Rabbit.
Welcome WhiteStickyMess
I didn't think i'll ever say that. |
Welcome WMS. I hope your stay here is full of... You'll see soon enough. |
Hey there WhiteStickyMess...would you like to come see me pitch a tent in the forest?
welcome. |
Do you want to come as well?
I just want to watch...
I'll be the horse
I prematurely ejaculate so the inside of my boxer shorts sums you up just fine.