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STM 04-06-2010 09:59 AM

Oddworld The Free Fire Zone - Survival
Hello and welcome to Oddworld the Free Fire Zone - Survival (OFFZS.)

I hope I don't piss off Splat with this but I generally think it will work!

OFFZS is a new RPG that broadens RPG to stats, perks and random encounters, I hope to turn the game into a broad world in which you control overall how the free fire zone looks like in 300 days time! The rules for the game are quite long but once you read you can refer back to the documents should you need to. Once you get the hang of it it's really easy as well.
I would like to get about five or six players not including myself since the RPG needs to be quite big.

Everyone can have one character only but I will have two, I will also control random encounters and NPC players to make the game universe bigger.

You may move up to one days space per post and you can post once a day.

Once you say you would like to join post your stats and I'll create your inventory

STM 04-06-2010 10:03 AM

Profile and Inventory

Name: Plop
Species: Slig
Age: 14 (mature)
Notes: Owner of Stuff Co depot,
has 8 big bro defenders and a mudokon
slave called Grog
P:10 Inventory: Max capacity: 800,000 kg
I:10 X100 all items
E:10 Alliance Magog Cartel

Note: Your stats and inventory will be decided by Scrabtrapman

Name: Grog
Species: Mudokon
Age: 10 (late juvenile)
Notes: Paid slave for Stuff Co,
works under allegiance of the
Magog Cartel but is easily swayed.
P:5 Inventory: Max Capacity
I:6 x1 baton
S:5 x1 snuzi
S:7 x300 snuzi bullets
E:8 x3 roids
Experience PTS: Level 10

Perks: Bounty Hunter & Animal Friendly

Splat 04-06-2010 11:37 AM

And thank you very much for posting without ever getting permission. Though as you never could be bothered to send me the first post, I'll read this when i have time and decide whether to unlock it or not.

Splat 04-15-2010 05:56 AM

Alright, I have to admit I couldn't be bothered to read all of it. But I do want to have an 'open mind' about the statistic-heavy RPGing so I suppose I'll let this run, and we'll see. If other people are interested then why not.

As RPG-mod, I'm suddenly feeling old-fashioned and outdated :p This is not a good thing for a 21-year-old to feel! :eek:

STM 04-15-2010 01:46 PM

Poor splat, ask someone for a hug but not a stranger. =)

Ok anyone interested? Roll up pweeze.

Looks like my work went to waste, lucky you Splat you don't have to rewrite everything

Coldflame98 04-13-2012 02:29 AM

Is this dead? or can I still join?

Varrok 04-13-2012 03:33 AM


Coldflame98 04-13-2012 12:29 PM

by which you mean?

Varrok 04-13-2012 12:41 PM

Two years have passed with no response, so it's probably dead. And nobody will stop you from joining something which is dead.

Coldflame98 04-13-2012 12:47 PM

Thats a no, then. oh well, who cares.

Splat 04-13-2012 01:52 PM

Coldflame, you can see the date of the last person to post in a thread by looking at its top left corner. Since the last post in this thread before yours was two years ago, it's fair to assume that this is very dead.