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moxco 01-07-2010 02:48 PM

I have been searching through AO's .ddv files. Although I have failed to decipher any understanding from them I have, however noticed that nearly all the files repeat the key words; "MOIR AKIK". They may be mixed up with other jibberish but they're always there. Does anyone know what this could mean?

Nate 01-07-2010 03:01 PM

I can't, but I'm sure Max will have an entirely plausible answer for you.

Taco 01-07-2010 03:13 PM

DDV? are they the cutscene ones? and have you been opening them in notepad or something?

Wil 01-07-2010 03:23 PM

As promised.

Moir Akik is the original name for Abe, back when they wanted to make the terrorist aspect of him all the more obvious. It was decided that this should be downplayed at the beginning to make audiences more sympathetic to Abe. It was also thought it might be racist to use a Middle-Eastern name to imply terrorism.

moxco 01-07-2010 04:39 PM

Are you serious?

enchilado 01-07-2010 04:46 PM

Max is always serious...

moxco 01-07-2010 05:58 PM

Well Max has got a very unusual sense of humour...

Xavier 01-07-2010 11:21 PM

This is probably some internal variable linked to the way the video is encoded. I don't think it's pointing to anything really relevant.

Leto 01-07-2010 11:44 PM

When I was studying the pixels in Paramonia, I noticed a piece of graffitti on one of the huts in the background, and from what I could read of it it said "1am l0rn", and underneath it "suchmi dik". Does this mean anything to you people or is it just pixel artefacts?

enchilado 01-08-2010 12:48 AM

It's the ancient Mudokon language for "I am your God; do all you can to please me."

Xavier 01-08-2010 12:54 AM

Cut the spam guys...

STM 01-08-2010 04:37 AM

I thought abes name was going to be Abraham Lure

To answer Leto, Lorne Lanning does quite a few signatures I think throughout the game but I don't know what that other bit means.

Josh 01-08-2010 04:57 AM

Abe had a lot of other names before he was called Abe.

Wil 01-08-2010 07:43 AM

That story with Abe's almost-names takes place in Oddworld Inhabitants. Lorne wrote proto-Oddworld stories years before the company was founded.

STM 01-09-2010 03:37 AM

yeh but Abe was maybe going to be changed back to Abe Lure but people in the office put Abe sticky notes everywhere in San Obispo or San Luis wherever it was at the time.

Wil 01-09-2010 05:28 AM

Yes. Although, actually, no, that's not quite how the story goes.

STM 01-11-2010 08:09 AM

i mena in there office

Josh 01-11-2010 08:14 AM

You mean the story about how people at OWI thought Abe was going to be called Monkfish despite all the drawings having ABE on them?

Aberaham Lure was a concept name that was changed when they made him ignorant of his spiritual heritage. Lure being a referance to him beong a fisherman.

(Read page 34 of the Art Book)

Paul 01-17-2010 11:05 AM


I have been searching through AO's .ddv files. Although I have failed to decipher any understanding from them I have, however noticed that nearly all the files repeat the key words; "MOIR AKIK". They may be mixed up with other jibberish but they're always there. Does anyone know what this could mean?

Every file is split into a "chunk" each chunk has a header which will look like:

MOIR - Ddv file
ANIM - Sprites
BITS - Cam back ground image
PALT - Pallet
PLBK - Recorded demo
SEQ - Back ground music

Edit: Seems there is "VALE" too - http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/Odd...es_Oddysee_DDV

STM 01-31-2010 01:40 AM

Max your terrorist idea has been destroyed

Wil 01-31-2010 02:06 AM

It's just a coincidence.

STM 02-03-2010 10:56 AM
