My Oddworld Art Canvas
Waaay Back in year 9 my art project was cave art so i desided to paint the Oddworld Scrab & Paramite scars from Abe's Oddysee onto a Canvas with my own little design and colours and it became my best Art.
So i wanted to show you all and see what you think :p NOTE: I might repaint it if it gets enough views |
Year 9 huh? well there's definately talent there. I say repaint it and do a bit more work on the paramites
Thanks Taco, Yeah i agree the Paramites need repainting!
Is that Shrykull in the middle? I once drew a Shrykull symbol in AE Necrum style.
Is there a Meech one? I kinda half-designed one, not knowing if there was or not.
Nice painting Crashpunk. |
Thanks ^^
No that isn't a Meech design. they don't exist offically. well apart from the fan made one Designed by the guy above me. (There epic BTW) |
Ah yes. I had actually seen those but forgot about them. H'm. I'ma add mine to my signature and we can battle it out for the best design!
J/k |