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Abe Elum Slig 11-14-2009 05:37 PM

Oddworld 4
How you imagine a new oddworld?


Nate 11-14-2009 06:06 PM

Are you suggesting that the Glukkons have the technology to build entire planets from scratch?

used:) 11-14-2009 07:32 PM

Not the Glukkons; the Vykkers, stupid.

I like your avatar.

Xavier 11-15-2009 03:02 AM

Oddworld 4 is already out and it's called Stranger's Wrath...

Leto 11-15-2009 03:24 AM

Xav. It's OW3. AE was a bonus game. I'm not even sure if SW counted towards the quintology?


Crashpunk 11-15-2009 03:37 AM

When i hear AE was a bonus game i die a little each time.

I'm not even sure if SW counted towards the quintology?
No it didn't. It should of been Munch's Exoddus or Nod's Oddysee next.

Josh 11-15-2009 04:25 AM


No it didn't. It should of been Munch's Exoddus or Nod's Oddysee next.

Every time somebody says Nod's Oddysee is part of the quintology I die a little inside.

MeechMunchie 11-15-2009 04:59 AM

I thought t was going to be Squeek, anyway?

Josh 11-15-2009 05:04 AM

So far we have Abe, Munch and Sqeek. The other two are unknown.

OddjobAbe 11-15-2009 05:16 AM

I never liked the name "Squeek". It feels a bit like they were going to have puppets in the game.

AlexFili 11-15-2009 05:40 AM

I'd like to see a Slig hero in the final Oddworld game, not sure why.

Wil 11-15-2009 05:43 AM

OMG, it's 1999 all over.

Fuzzle Guy 11-15-2009 06:40 AM

If anything Munch was the bonus game.

abe619 11-15-2009 09:11 AM

games from quintology

ODDWORLD: Abe's Oddysee
ODDWORLD: Munch's Oddysee


games that aren't part of the quintology

ODDWORLD: Abe's Exoddus
ODDWORLD: Stranger's Wrath

this thread should be called 'oddworld 3' not 'oddworld 4'

Wil 11-15-2009 11:11 AM

The OP didn't specify Quintology.

Xavier 11-15-2009 11:38 AM


this thread should be called 'oddworld 3' not 'oddworld 4'

this thread should be called 'oddworld 5' not 'oddworld 4'

Abe Elum Slig 11-15-2009 01:47 PM

a strategy game, like age of empires. One side with (Mudokons, Gabbits Scrabes, Paramites etc..) and the other side with, (Glukkons, Sligs Greeter, Slogs etc...)

enchilado 11-15-2009 02:32 PM

~Hand of Odd?

used:) 11-15-2009 02:39 PM

Does anyone else think that RTS just wouldn´t work with Oddworld? Not if it´s done in the typical RTS manner?

Sekto Springs 11-15-2009 02:43 PM

Personally, the idea of having a big hoard of sligs or mudokons that you move around via point and click is just very unappealing.

Leto 11-15-2009 02:46 PM

sounds uber lamers

used:) 11-15-2009 02:48 PM

Yeah, the game play should not be typical swarm-and-storm style. Maybe if it was more like Tropico that sort of combined management and action.

Nate 11-15-2009 04:27 PM

I believe the point of HoO was less to do with the war aspect of many RTSes, but rather the gameplay would revolve around resource management.

T-nex 11-15-2009 05:00 PM

I for one, would love to see a "Fable"-ish oddworld RPG game...

moxco 11-15-2009 10:33 PM

You mean an RPG? Oblivion FTW! LOLOLOLOLOLOL Fable sucks dick!

Josh 11-15-2009 10:35 PM


Oblivion FTW! LOLOLOLOLOLOL Fable sucks dick!

Don't make me kill you.

Schnappi 11-15-2009 11:11 PM

I'm with Josh. Oblivion wasn't that bad (Buggy, lacks in story and engine, but still playable) , but Fable kickass (Too bad I don't have Xbox360, I would try Fable 2).
I'm ok with "New oddworld -> Fable style" although I cannot imagine that.

enchilado 11-15-2009 11:46 PM

How about a fan-made Oddworld MMORPG using http://manasource.org/? (I'm slightly involved in the game-side of this project, which recently split into two; the game and the source. The game's site can be found here: http://themanaworld.org/. I've done a bit of pixel-art for it and am working on more).

Anyway, we can use the ManaSource platform to make an Oddworld game, with three races: Mudokon, Gabbit and Slig. For monsters: Scrab, Paramite, Fleech, and so on. There could be some fancy equipment for Mudokons, not much for Gabbits (but they alone can enter special underwater maps) and not much for Sligs, either. For weapons: Club, Spoocebow, various Slig guns...

~we could make this.

Leto 11-16-2009 01:16 AM


(Buggy, lacks in story and engine, but still playable) ,
and Fable's story and engine are...?

enchilado 11-16-2009 01:20 AM

Buggy! Oo, with like, six wheels, and it can drive up walls and Sligs can't hurt it and it can CRUSH EVERYBODY!

~Your head asplode.