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-   -   Useful Fan Corner Links (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=18515)

Splat 09-17-2009 12:07 PM

Useful Fan Corner Links
“Follow me!”

Please note that is acceptable to necromance these threads. However, for the threads linked to in these threads, please refer to the normal Fan Corner rules for thread necromancy.

So here are some great fancorner threads to check out!

The Oddworld Font
Fonts used in Oddworld games! And fonts similar to fonts used in Oddworld games!

Resources for fangame designers and developers
Links to useful threads for fangame makers

Fanfiction Library
A library of many of the fan stories on Oddworld Forums, starting from the very beginning. The list is under construction and does not quite reach to the modern day.

This is an online mix between a game and a chatroom, based in a fan-designed Oddworld environment, hosted on furcadia.

Oddworld Drawing Tutorials
One member's attempt to help make drawing Oddworld creatures that little bit easier.

Tim's Oddworld Fangame Resources
Another member's attempt to provide useful textures and images for use in fangames.

A List of Uploading Sites
Chubfish's guide to good services for uploading files, pictures and videos.

Fan-Corner Competitons

Fanfiction competition. Theme was 'Captured'. Won by Oddey
Results and entries
Application thread

Fanart competition. Theme was 'Fears'. Won by Dryadri
Results and entries
Application thread

Fanfiction competition. Theme was 'One Hour'. Won by Oddey
Results and entries
Application thread

Fanart competition. Theme was 'Moonlight'. Won by MeechMunchie
Results and entries
Application thread

Fanfiction competition. Theme is 'Journey'.
Application Thread

Fanart competition. Theme was 'Industrialism vs Nature'.
Application Thread

- - - -

If you have any suggestions for other links that you think should be here, you can make suggestions in this thread (though please remember this is not a place for advertising the work of individual members, but for links affecting the Fan Corner community as a whole.)

STM 09-18-2009 09:38 AM

thanks Splat you've been true gold so far!

Crashpunk 09-26-2009 06:49 AM

Very useful links! Thanks!

Splat 03-22-2010 03:02 PM

Glcelebi, please notice that this thread is for fancorner links, not 'whatever I feel like' links.

To warn you, no attempt at introducing any sort of forum or group to fulfil the same function as Oddworld Forums but with a new creator in charge has never gone well, and usually ends in a lot of people being rather rude to the person who created the new group. So I seriously recommend you forget about this idea; it is not at all a good idea.

There already is an OWF facebook group, if you care to look for it.

glcelebi 03-23-2010 11:30 PM

Dear Splat
I would appreciate that you do not say things in such a rude manner. I will not post links again, this wat not intended to replace oddworld forums, it never was intended to replace this site. It was never a 'whatever i feel like' link, it was indeed a link made by me, the fan and was meant to be a nice thing for other fans to join or look at, it was meant to carry on the oddworld legacy in my own way, it never expands as far as the oddworld forums do in functions. Now i would appreciate it if you do not post such rude comments again. Even if there is an OWF facebook group, i really do not care, this was a group merely intended for fans, they have their own choice if they want to join it, so i would much appreciate it if you keep your comments to yourself if this is how you talk to members. Thankyou

MeechMunchie 03-24-2010 09:32 AM


Dear Splat
I would appreciate that you do not say things in such a rude manner. I will not post links again, this wat not intended to replace oddworld forums, it never was intended to replace this site. It was never a 'whatever i feel like' link, it was indeed a link made by me, the fan and was meant to be a nice thing for other fans to join or look at, it was meant to carry on the oddworld legacy in my own way, it never expands as far as the oddworld forums do in functions. Now i would appreciate it if you do not post such rude comments again. Even if there is an OWF facebook group, i really do not care, this was a group merely intended for fans, they have their own choice if they want to join it, so i would much appreciate it if you keep your comments to yourself if this is how you talk to members. Thankyou

1) Splat is the king of polite, letter-style complaints. Don't be moving into his territory.
2) He wasn't being rude. If you think he was, try visiting the rest of the forums. It gets much worse.
3) Don't be melodramatic.
4) You broke a rule by posting a link that was not relaed to the thread's purpose i.e. spam. Splat just did his job by pointing it out.
5) It's probably not a good idea to tell Mods how to do their job.
6) If you didn't care, you shouldn't have bothered.
7) Oddworld fans have the forums. Those who want to show their loyalty in social networks have the respective groups.

Sorry about that rant/spam Splat, it just needed to be said.

STM 03-24-2010 11:39 AM

Yeh, what he said! What is this about anywho

glcelebi 03-24-2010 12:49 PM

then i apologise for any misunderstanding or confusion that i may have caused if any by what i had said, maybe i had just misunderstood what he was trying to say, i also never intended my links to be considered as spam, if it was, then i apologise for the whole misunderstanding.

Ridg3 03-24-2010 12:57 PM

Too late...you've been condemned to the mercy of the tomato wielding peasants.

By the way Splat is that MMO thing still active?

Splat 03-24-2010 02:32 PM

Revive the thread; with any luck it'll prompt Aji to upload the dream again.

I accept your apology, glcelebi.
(And cheers, Meech :D)

glcelebi 03-25-2010 07:32 AM

Thakyou splat

NovaMan 01-26-2011 07:19 AM

Please remove this post and same for the human (Infraction) .

Thanks in advance.

Splat 01-31-2011 09:06 AM

Guys, ask things in the right threads. Scrabtrapman, if you're making a theme then I suggest you make a thread for it. I also suggest you learn to use something better than MSPaint (e.g. anything). If you share my inability to motivate yourself to learn then don't bother trying.

Novaman, don't spam.

*Splits this thread into a Scrabtrapman theme making thread of joy*

Splat 03-31-2011 08:29 AM

*Moved a post by OddHunter to The Odd Font.*

Gunnr 05-23-2016 09:39 AM

Wow I wish I read this when I first signed into this site-so many silly mistakes! Thanks ! :)

STM 05-23-2016 10:51 AM

Gunnr, for future reference it's considered good forum etiquette not to post in threads that are five years old. Make sure you check the date of the thread you're searching, especially in Fan Corner as you can revive really old threads here by mistake. :)