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Sligstorm84 07-02-2009 10:43 AM

YO Everyone!!!
Hey, I've been an Oddworld fan ever since I can remember, so yes another Newbie to bash! :fuzsmile:

OddjobAbe 07-02-2009 10:45 AM

You are not a member until you have been initiated by Pilot.


OANST 07-02-2009 10:49 AM

Yo, dogg. You is totally in the plizace fo the rizace. We be da penultimate place for keepin' it real with tha odds and da worlds.

Fo sho.

used:) 07-02-2009 11:43 AM


Anonyman! 07-02-2009 12:05 PM


*welcoming statement*

Laser 07-02-2009 01:23 PM

You seem happy.

You certaintly are the noob of the forum

Strike Witch 07-02-2009 02:12 PM


Wings of Fire 07-02-2009 03:29 PM

They've all got a heart of gold really.


Wil 07-02-2009 03:37 PM

I would like to welcome to the Oddworld Forums. It’s been a while since I’ve done something I liked, so I’m going to indulge myself.

Welcome to the Oddworld Forums.

Pilot 07-02-2009 08:17 PM


You are not a member until you have been initiated by Pilot.


Yeah, hiya.

I'm not going to bother initiating the boy until it's suggested that he's going to be a contributing member giggity and not a lurker.

Leto 07-03-2009 12:32 AM

I think by initiated, OddjobAbe means 'testing of the gag reflexes', naw meen.

Fuzzle Guy 07-03-2009 04:40 AM


It’s been a while since I’ve done something I liked

:( You did me last night! And you seemed pretty happy with it...

MA 07-03-2009 05:30 AM

hello thar.

by the way you word sentences i would assume you know 'U' very well. no?

MeechMunchie 07-03-2009 07:45 AM


i would assume you know 'U' very well.

Here we go again! *Comedy jingle*
I all seriousness, may I also say y hallo thar.

Pilot 07-03-2009 07:49 AM


:( You did me last night! And you seemed pretty happy with it...

I like this man.

Fuzzle Bud, you have taste. And so do you Max. :D

OANST 07-03-2009 07:58 AM

Please do not qualify that statement.

Pilot 07-03-2009 09:10 AM


Please do not qualify that statement.

How could I? I've never met him.

Man, what a dick!

Anonyman! 07-03-2009 10:49 AM

In a fucking welcoming thread guys. Come on.

not that this is the first welcoming thread you've jizzed all over

abe is now! 07-03-2009 10:53 AM


protect your face.

OANST 07-03-2009 10:55 AM

Is that what this is? Oh, well. It's not like he'll ever post again.

Pilot 07-03-2009 10:59 AM


In a fucking welcoming thread guys. Come on.

not that this is the first welcoming thread you've jizzed all over

Nope my sac is dry, I was just on /d/.

Mac Sirloin 07-03-2009 11:35 AM


Pilot 07-03-2009 11:40 AM

Hmm, still just one post. I don't know....

P.S. Sligstorm, if you can't take this crap then just know it stays confined to Off Topic discussion. There are plenty of other areas for real fans like yourself not wanting to talk about pee pees and wee wees.

Wil 07-03-2009 02:55 PM

Since posts in Welcomes & Birthdays don’t count towards post count, Sligstorm84 must have posted somewhere else on the Forums. In fact it was in Oddworld Discussion, which I’m quite certain I keep much tidier than shitty Zulag 2 (praise be upon Hobo), so I think we can still get up to our usual mischeif without fear of scaring anyone ever. Q.E.D.</spying>


I like this man.

Fuzzle Bud, you have taste. And so do you Max. :D

Thank you and thank you. Now you go on Skype.

Dixanadu 07-03-2009 03:46 PM

Welcome. Wanna make out?

Pilot 07-03-2009 08:34 PM


Thank you and thank you. Now you go on Skype.

Well PM me your skype ID so I can add it.