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oko 02-24-2009 06:50 AM

truly unique and outstanding games
so I got a new computer last month and the first I thought was "I CAN PLAY ANYTHING NOW!!!" So after finishing Crysis, Bioshock, Mass Effect and Assassins creed, and while these games where amazing, I realized there aren't any really unique and outstanding games released recently.

I'm talking about the truly original, not things like timeshift or prey which is first person with an original twist, I'm talking about the way out unique games such as the Oddworld series! I'm talking:




Grim Fandango


Beyond Good & Evil


So if anyone know of other great and unique games, please tell me! Thank you!

OANST 02-24-2009 06:57 AM

There are a shit ton, but most of the ones I know are not on the pc.

If you haven't played Portal then that is a must have for you. It is the best thing to happen to video games in quite a while.

shaman 02-24-2009 07:02 AM

play "Siren Blood Curse"

Disgruntled Intern 02-24-2009 03:50 PM

Earthworm Jim. Duh.

The fact that a next gen sequel of sorts has been announced makes my normally flaccid nipples stand tall. Tall and proud.

used:) 02-24-2009 04:48 PM

Beyond Atlantis, Shadow of the Colossus, Oddworld, Beyond Good and Evil, Pikmin.

Mac Sirloin 02-25-2009 06:09 PM


Earthworm Jim. Duh.

The fact that a next gen sequel of sorts has been announced makes my normally flaccid nipples stand tall. Tall and proud.


moxco 02-25-2009 06:25 PM

It really depends on you taste. I'd go for Fallout 3 or Oblivion.

Wings of Fire 02-26-2009 02:18 AM

Eternal Darkness.

Hobo 02-26-2009 04:00 PM


It really depends on you taste. I'd go for Fallout 3 or Oblivion.

How can it be unique if you recommend the same basic game twice?

Slog Bait 02-26-2009 04:08 PM


Earthworm Jim. Duh.

The Force is stong with this one.

EWJ was one of my absolute most favorite for SegaGenesis, though it didn't make sense.

Just three words: I like cows.

moxco 02-26-2009 08:22 PM


How can it be unique if you recommend the same basic game twice?

Yes they are similar, but different from everything else. And anyway I think he means unique as in "unique cus it's a good game" (cus alot of games are very average."

oko 02-27-2009 01:18 AM

no, I really meant unique, Oblivion and Fallout 3 being first person action RPGs in different fantasy settings just don't cut it. Fallout 1/2 would be closer to what I was looking for.

I remember watching the earthworm Jim cartoons when I was young and loved them. I'll check the game out. Also, I'm a huge Lovecraft fan, so thanks for suggesting Eternal darkness

squeak117 02-27-2009 02:42 AM

Shadow of the Colossus.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

Grand Theft Auto 3 (for it's time).


Out of all that I've played, these take the cake(s). There are probably more that I can't think of... I'll post them when/if they come to me.

moxco 02-27-2009 10:26 AM

You can a have a game that is unique and bad.

AlexFili 02-27-2009 10:32 AM

Postal 2, No More Heroes, Ninjatown

OANST 02-27-2009 10:43 AM

Has anyone mentioned Braid? Braid. Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid

oko 02-27-2009 11:17 AM


You can a have a game that is unique and bad.

But I'd rather not

Disgruntled Intern 02-27-2009 01:18 PM

How did earthworm jim not make sense?

Mac Sirloin 02-27-2009 06:35 PM


Has anyone mentioned Braid? Braid. Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid BraidBraid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid


Postal 2, No More Heroes,

I'd agree with Postal 2 in that it was really ballsy and offensive, I agree with NMH if only for the music.

How did earthworm jim not make sense?

I think he's talking about the irreverent humor.

Somebody mentioned GT! 3, and I'm inclined to agree...sort of.

San Andreas stands proud and tall as the best GTA game to date. There was just so much more to do, and the story was a bit closer to home (What urban youth gives a shit about Russian crime rings? Seriously.)

mitsur 02-27-2009 06:52 PM

Obvious really, but the original Halo. It was probably the biggest reason why the market is flooded with shooters now.

The only other games that really stand out off the top of my head is probably Starcraft, since it made RTS a big deal. WoW as well, since it's what made MMORPGs popular in a big sense. And for the final candidate, Portal of course. You don't even need to say why if you've at least watched the teaser.

squeak117 02-28-2009 04:49 PM


Obvious really, but the original Halo. It was probably the biggest reason why the market is flooded with shooters now.

Just because it flooded the market doesn't mean it's a unique shooter. If anything, 007 Goldeneye was the most unique console shooter... not that I don't think Halo is awesome.

Also, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Hobo 03-01-2009 05:56 AM

Oh, Goldeneye on the N64 FOR SURE.

skillyaslig 03-01-2009 11:00 PM

I think Bioshock is a very unique game. Also the refers to WW2, and other factors, even the whole war and anti-communism thing make it surprisingly believable to me...Not that I really think there is a city under the sea, the whole type of plot, and trying to escape from religion, and communism was fascinating. Will remember that game for a while....

Daxter King 03-02-2009 05:48 PM


I think Bioshock is a very unique game. Also the refers to WW2, and other factors, even the whole war and anti-communism thing make it surprisingly believable to me...Not that I really think there is a city under the sea, the whole type of plot, and trying to escape from religion, and communism was fascinating. Will remember that game for a while....

That would all be valid if it wasn't System Shock 2 under the sea.

I agree with Conkers Bad Fur Day, and most games from Rare. Metal Arms was really good too.

Crashpunk 03-07-2009 12:41 AM

Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus (Best PC games EVER)
Age of Empires 2 Age of kings
the Orange box

Mac Sirloin 03-10-2009 02:44 PM

This whole thread is filled with games I want to download off of the Xbox Live marketplace.