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SlagoTheSlig 01-14-2009 05:27 PM

What's your favorite oddworld game?
My favorite is Munch's Oddysee

Leto 01-14-2009 06:37 PM

There is many threads, and in fact a section in every members profile, addressing this topic.

OANST 01-14-2009 07:41 PM

Sometimes, when I'm alone at night, I feel a deep emptiness. This is important. Because this emptiness is what I am. It isn't that it is absent when others are around. It's more that I am able to ignore it's presence (or lack of presence) when I crowd my mind with all sorts of foolishness. But at night, in my room, with tears streaming down my cheaks I know the truth.

Wait. What was this thread about?

moxco 01-14-2009 09:45 PM


Sometimes, when I'm alone at night, I feel a deep emptiness. This is important. Because this emptiness is what I am. It isn't that it is absent when others are around. It's more that I am able to ignore it's presence (or lack of presence) when I crowd my mind with all sorts of foolishness. But at night, in my room, with tears streaming down my cheaks I know the truth.

Wait. What was this thread about?

You theese forums random and interesting. Good on you.

lbyrd2 01-15-2009 12:18 AM

AE although I only have the abe games.

Leto 01-15-2009 10:35 AM


You theese forums random and interesting. Good on you.

Although what you were trying to say is true, you really suck. You suck so badly, that it negates any truth in the above posts.

Srsly everyone goes through the "I'M AN ASSHOLE ON THE INTARNET" so just snap the fuck out of it.

Fil The Slig 01-16-2009 11:57 AM

Oddworld Fangus!:fuzcool:
I didn't play it (It's not ever made :fuzwink: )
but i seen the artworks,and it became my Favorite Un-made game!

Killy 01-17-2009 03:22 PM

Why hasn't this been locked? Dumb people will just keep filling up the thread with the long-awaited answer to the question up top.

My favorit oddwrld game i s munchs odyse bcuz you can swim in 3d and bigbros are fun ^^ :) :D

Nate 01-17-2009 03:27 PM

As long as it's not too soon after the last version of the same topic, we generally allow it to live. We have had a lot of new members in the last few months after all and some people's opinions change.

Grandi 01-18-2009 01:20 AM

Abe's exoddus.

The starting places are boring, but the paramite / scrabania, secret places and whole 2 disc is great. The quicksave helps a little when you suck and has still enought difficult level. The best thing is the length - for me, there is enought to play.

Crashpunk 02-17-2009 01:21 AM

Mines Abe's Exoddus and theres nothing i don't like about it.
can we say are worst too? well anyway i didn't like Sranger's wrath because Abe is not in it

AlexFili 02-17-2009 06:41 AM

For about 10 years the answer has been Abe's Exoddus.
I really like Munch's Oddysee because controlling Sligs in 3D is really fun. But some of the levels really annoy me; Paramite Run / Meep Herding. I like the Glukkon funding thing, that's a really neat idea, and would make for a really interesting sandbox style game.
Imagine going round to 50-100 different factories, and possessing all the glukkons? that would be immense!

Stranger's Wrath is really awesome as well, one of the best FPS games I've ever played.

Bullet Magnet 02-17-2009 07:48 AM

It would be more immense if we periodically got to play as Lulu, and finding a potential donor in the world and getting him to support the cause was something we had to seek out on our own accord, rather than being led by the hand to the perfect pigeons one after another.

AlexFili 02-17-2009 10:05 AM

What I was thinking it would be like, would be like Godfather Mob Wars or Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories. You search through a massive factory, find the glukkons in charge, convince/blackmail them to donate money, and then repeat for about 50-100 times, with randomly generated factory settings...

Obviously the bits in Munch's Oddysee are linear, take out the linearity and you have a game with a much longer lifespan. Random enemy choices would be interesting too!

It would be awesome to pick a race, like slig/mudokon and experience a shortened version of their life... a bit like mixing The Sims with the possession system in Munch's Oddysee. That would be cool!

Guekko 02-17-2009 10:26 AM

My favourite is Abe's Exoddus, Stranger's Wrath comes a close second
I shall one day find that one single mudokon that I keep missing every time...

shaman 02-17-2009 10:44 AM

Abe's exodus or stranger's wrath.

fastability 02-17-2009 12:55 PM

I think my favourite oddworld game is oddworld abe's oddysee and favourite places are paramonia and scrabanian :)

marlz 03-18-2009 07:05 PM

The first two (Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus) are my favourites. I just can't stop playing them.