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Venks 04-11-2007 07:46 AM

So, Oddworld society
Are Khanzumers really a race of their own? I always assumed they were Clakkers.

Zerox 04-11-2007 09:16 AM

I don't think Clakkers could be considered that important...

They don't seem treated so well or anything as is made out.

mudling 09-18-2007 12:53 AM

Also, were Kanzumerz ever planned to be shown? and if so, when and what for? Or were they planned to be inhabitants of Nolyblab.

Nate 09-18-2007 04:38 PM

It's been more or less hinted that the Khanzumers would not be seen until much later in the quintology, when they would be revealed as the one true evil race on Oddworld.

oddworld king 10-18-2007 05:16 AM

i have a question.

does anyone know anything about the khanzumers apart from the fact that they are the most important race on oddworld.does anyone know what they look like?

Wil 10-18-2007 09:37 AM


does anyone know anything about the khanzumers apart from the fact that they are the most important race on oddworld.does anyone know what they look like?

No. This is one of the most common questions we get on OWF. Try searching for past discussion of Khanzumerz, or just use this Google search I already did just for you.

Slaveless 01-10-2008 01:53 PM

Mudokons, Sligs, and Glukkons are not the main species. (maybe even minor)

mudling 01-10-2008 06:58 PM

Wait, so who are the major speacies? I'm assuming the Kazumerz are one of them, hopefully the other continents will be shown, maybe in the OW movie (Hint hint to Lorne)

mudling 01-11-2008 09:29 AM

I didn't hense I asked, I often miss quite a bit here, so maybe someone knew something that I didn't, I just wondered if anyone knew anything, I mean, where was it mentioned that Gluckons weren't major speacies?

Wings of Fire 02-07-2008 05:28 AM

Alrighty, I have a question.

What is the form of government in Mudos? Is it a totally capitalist system or are there some forms of local or national constituencies?

Wings of Fire 02-07-2008 05:28 AM

Alrighty, I have a question.

What is the form of government in Mudos? Is it a totally capitalist system or are there some forms of local or national constituencies?

Bullet Magnet 02-07-2008 05:35 AM

Mudos is a continent of many countries. What goes for one may not go for the other. However, I think we can assume that the governing styles in many of these countries is something along this lines of iron-fist consumerist states, in which privatised businesses tend to run the show.

Wil 02-07-2008 05:53 AM


What is the form of government in Mudos? Is it a totally capitalist system or are there some forms of local or national constituencies?

There is a Glukkon Museum of Modern Technocracy, but this is probably more wordplay than an accurate indication of Mudos politics. There are apparently laws that apply to everyone, since Vykkers had to legalize animal testing before they could use it for R&D.


Mudos is a continent of many countries.

Mudos is something between a continent and a country as they are on Earth. Describing Mudos, the terms are interchangable.

Fuzzle Guy 02-09-2008 02:16 PM

Are Clakkers the avergae Joe of Oddworld (Or Mudos at least) because I've been thinking, Who is the brew, the snacks, the Shampoo (Obviously not used on Glukkons) and Splinterz actually for?

http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...M/CAOM0003.jpg This picture shows a city in Oddworld, something which must be populated with something, and I doubt it's Clakkerz. It also shows Mudokons, are all the Mudokons slaves? Or do some Mudokons live in the city as the average Joe.

I'm just curious, because the everyday man seems to be Clakkerz, but it seems strange that Glukkons would run businesses just for the Clakkerz, and I somehow doubt Glukkons populate that entire city seen in that picture.

On a side note, I have to say I don't liek that city. It seems too "Coruscant" for me. Why do the cars fly? This isn't Star Wars? Oddworld isn't meant to be futuristic like that :(

Bullet Magnet 02-09-2008 05:09 PM

Right, everyone! Two possibilities, one of which seems to get no air time at all. They are not mutually exclusive.

1. Khanzumers are an enigmatic race that we are yet to discover. If this is the case, stop asking us! No one knows anyway!

2. Khanzumers are both/either an in-universe term and/or a cryptic Oddworldism of a clue that means, obviously being "consumer".

For the latter, they do not necessarily have to be a single race. In fact, a race devoted entirely to the receiving end of consumerism makes no sense because they need to somehow earn moolah to be consumers in the first place, and unless there is some unique or Oddworldian perspective on some source of income (royalties? Inheritance? Taxes or interest?) then the khanzumers must also have industrialist occupations. Otherwise there is no economy, and the industrialists have no motivation.

This is what I think is meant by the khanzumers being the only truly evil race on Oddworld. They are not the classical, traditional or fantasy take on evil, but a much more realistic and important one. Their evil is that they fund the wholesale destruction of Oddworld's wilds and native peoples, whether they know or intend to, purely by continuing to purchase cheap products en masse, thus supporting such production methods and values. They have the power to stop all of the ecological troubles of Oddworld that we have and will see in past and future Oddworld games by the tiniest effort on their part: being more selective when making their various purchases, boycotting Magog products and supporting any Oddworld equivalents (if they exist) of Fair Trade, green, carbon-neutral etc. products. Sure, it would cost a little more, but they will not. The Khanzumers, whoever they are, are both apathetic and greedy. Possibly ignorant. There are way more industrialist and consumer species to see, but if the overlap of industrialist and consumer is as complete as I suspect, and that all industrialists are like the ones we have already seen, changing the way they think will require far more direct action on the Tree-Hugger's part.


Are Clakkers the avergae Joe of Oddworld (Or Mudos at least) because I've been thinking, Who is the brew, the snacks, the Shampoo (Obviously not used on Glukkons) and Splinterz actually for?

The khanzumers!


http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...M/CAOM0003.jpg This picture shows a city in Oddworld, something which must be populated with something, and I doubt it's Clakkerz. It also shows Mudokons, are all the Mudokons slaves? Or do some Mudokons live in the city as the average Joe.
We do know that some mudokons live the full consumer (khanzumer?) lifestyle.


I'm just curious, because the everyday man seems to be Clakkerz, but it seems strange that Glukkons would run businesses just for the Clakkerz, and I somehow doubt Glukkons populate that entire city seen in that picture.
Obviously Clakkers and Glukkons do not make up the sum population of Mudos. Especially when we take sligs, mudokons, Grubbs, Outlaws, steef, Interns and Vykkerz into account. There are also all the other species we have yet to see, including the khanzumers.


On a side note, I have to say I don't liek that city. It seems too "Coruscant" for me. Why do the cars fly? This isn't Star Wars? Oddworld isn't meant to be futuristic like that :(
This is most probably Rupture Farms, a part we haven't seen or maybe based on an older design. It could be a city, of course. These mudokons are slaves gathering at the Labour Union, which would explain, in either case, the extremely biased population sample here. The only reason that it looks futuristic is because there are neon signs (not very futuristic at all), it is night, so the lights are more evident, and there are tall buildings made of which the outside, at least, is metallic, as hinted by its black colour during night time. You do not know that those are cars. They are just dark splotches with lights on, that may not even be up there unsupported. How do you know that Oddworld is not supposed to be futuristic? We've hardly seen any of it, and what we have seen, especially in industrial environments, certainly suggests such influences. We know they have security orbs, which are able to float without any apparent means of lift. And don't forget al those teleporters

The colours are Coruscant, but that doesn't make it sci-fi-esque. It simply uses a basic city night palette.

squeak117 02-09-2008 05:33 PM

I think it's almost fair to say that the Khanzumers are Human... and there's a chance that they'd look like that as well, considering they live on... well... a planet.

Bullet Magnet 02-09-2008 06:13 PM

All the sapient races represent some aspect of humanity, so your first suggestion is moot, a given.

As for your second... no. Just no. This is Oddworld. Mudokons are probably the closest to humans in appearance anything will get.

abe is now! 02-10-2008 12:23 AM

I have always thought in Oddworld the major species have never been shown. At the end of my AE's manual I read (I think it was already started the production of Munch's Oddysee for PS2) two new names: Vixinex Lab and Khanzumers. Anyway I think Khanzumers a concept of doctor... maybe an old conception of Vykkers. And I can translate these words from Italian:

Altrimenti come faremmo a sapere se i nostri nuovi e migliorati prodotti sono veramente sicuri per le piĆ¹ importanti creature di Oddworld? - i Kanzumer? come dicono ai laboratori Vixinex: "E' OK, veramente, non sentiranno nulla!"
It tells that Khanzumers are products! Products for the major species of Oddworld. It tells they are new and improved products for them. I don't think I am correct, but this is written and I post an image of that page. If anyone can translate Italian well, I suggest him to do it.

Bullet Magnet 02-10-2008 02:37 AM

The English versions says, if I remember correctly: "How else can we be sure that our products are safe for the most valuable creatures on Oddworld: the Khanzumers!"

Notice the plural on creatures, which leaves it ambivalent as to whether Khanzumers are one or many species (since it may be a simple plural for their entire race), as opposed to your Italian version, which says only "creature," implying just one species (I could be wrong, my Italian grammar is rusty).

Wil 02-10-2008 02:48 AM

Alternatively, AIN, we can copy up the original English text.

How else can we learn if our new and improved products are truly safe for the most valuable creatures on Oddworld—​The Khanzumerz! As they say at Vykkers Labs, “It’s OK, really, they won’t feel a thing!” Munch’s Oddysee: A Screaming Good Time.
The Khanzumerz are not products, they are the receivers and purchasers of products. BM hit the nail on the head with a very well‐designed hammer of wisdom when he used the words ‘apathetic’ and ‘ignorant’. As consumers, the Khanzumerz (whatever they are) need to be exposed to the awful corporate practices of Mudos’s industrial families and start demanding to know more about where their goods and commoddities come from, how they’re made, and what effect they have on the environment and other cultures.

We’ve already seen this apathy and contentment in misinformed Mudokon slaves. Abe broke the mould by learning the truth about his work, setting him up to become the spearhead of Oddworld’s ethical consumerism movement.

abe is now! 02-10-2008 10:52 AM

So, I understood what is written in the Italian version. It mentions Khanzumers, but it is hard to understand what it means. Have anyone ever asked OWF what are Khanzumers?

Wings of Fire 02-10-2008 11:41 AM

Yes, scroll up and you'll see Venks did at the start of this thread.