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IAmHeavy 09-12-2007 04:54 PM

the emulator! :(
can someone please tell me how can i get a PS1 emulator? and to tell me how to get the Abe's Exoddus+Abe's Oddysee ROMs for the PS1 emulator?

Nemo 09-13-2007 02:34 AM

Technically illegal if you don't already own them, and even if you did, I doubt you'd want an emulator for it.

Wil 09-13-2007 03:39 AM





No, no, no. No links to illegal downloads of games will be provided by or through the Oddworld Forums. This has been said numerous times, with worrying frequency over the past month or so.

Hobo 09-13-2007 03:40 AM



Sorry, i just wanted to quote that.

Jordan 09-13-2007 05:58 AM

Max that made me laugh. :lol: (Wow I haven't posted that emoticon in ages.) Naughty. :P

Carnix 09-13-2007 09:28 AM


can someone please tell me how can i get a PS1 emulator? and to tell me how to get the Abe's Exoddus+Abe's Oddysee ROMs for the PS1 emulator?

I can see what you are trying to do. The requested software would get you oddworld for free. Just the thing I'm trying to do. I am afraid however you will get no positive response here because as Max has told you and previously me it is, and I would quote if I could be bothered, "naughty".

But even though a PS1 emulator would be a free source of oddworld it would run very slowly and it isn't really worth bothering downloading all the separate components you will need and blah blah blah. I have a GBA emulator and that runs at only 20% of the speed of a normal GBA so how the hell is your computer ganna cope with a playstation emulator?

alf's brother's mate 09-13-2007 09:34 AM

Blargh :p purchase the game for the appropriate console instead.
easy. i did it and it was only a few quid extra.

Paul 09-13-2007 12:19 PM

the psp ps1 emu runs it fine, should run fine on a pc version of the emulator too, but if you have a pc just buy the pc version :s

AdventBahamut 09-13-2007 03:07 PM


can someone please tell me how can i get a PS1 emulator? and to tell me how to get the Abe's Exoddus+Abe's Oddysee ROMs for the PS1 emulator?

Here's an easy way to get a PS1 emulator.

Get a PS2. :D

As for the games, eBay them.

Cullen Heath 09-13-2007 05:28 PM



Come one, AbeX300, together we can take him.

I won't support you in getting Oddworld Roms, because I just won't, but if you want other games...:D

Hobo 09-14-2007 02:41 AM


I can see what you are trying to do. The requested software would get you oddworld for free. Just the thing I'm trying to do. I am afraid however you will get no positive response here because as Max has told you and previously me it is, and I would quote if I could be bothered, "naughty".

But even though a PS1 emulator would be a free source of oddworld it would run very slowly and it isn't really worth bothering downloading all the separate components you will need and blah blah blah. I have a GBA emulator and that runs at only 20% of the speed of a normal GBA so how the hell is your computer ganna cope with a playstation emulator?

Most emulators come with a speed function. Either that's your problem or you've got a shite PC.

Carnix 09-14-2007 07:02 AM


Most emulators come with a speed function.

The speed function skips frames and makes the games jumpy. The point is that emulators run slowly so there's no point in getting one.

Zerox 09-14-2007 09:43 AM


The speed function skips frames and makes the games jumpy. The point is that emulators run slowly so there's no point in getting one.

GBA emulators (and even N64 ones) run fantastically fine on my computer, and that's a piece of c*ap. Either your computer is physically useless, or you've got a sucky emulator (sometimes speed is affected by the emulator's quality rather than the PC or something). So don't say there isn't point in getting one because of that.

Emulators and ROMs are technically only legal if you own the game, however, almost no one cares about that, since there's no way for anyone to find out, and nothing is ever done about the thousands of ROM and emu sites.

Though I am not allowed to tell you how to get a ROM/emu of PS1, I tried before, the ROMs are hard to find for PS1 particularly, oddly enough, though emus for most consoles are easy enough. You shouldn't need to ask for help with it. Just use google or something...

Strike Witch 09-14-2007 06:04 PM

I have a PS1 emulator. It works well on most PCs, and I use it to play some games you can't get anymore.

mudling 09-15-2007 12:51 AM

my AO disk is scratched, and as far as I'm aware, they don't seel AO anymore, but i'm over it, I'm just hoping to finnally find AE
oh, and lol @ Max's post.

Carnix 09-15-2007 12:56 AM


I'm just hoping to finally find AE

If you mean to buy it you can get AE off play.com. In fact you can get it from right here: http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/2554...searchsource=0

Paul 09-15-2007 04:34 AM

you can use the ps1 verison on your pc if you have the AE Ps1 disc, so either way just buy the game :p

IAmHeavy 09-15-2007 04:17 PM

some ppl has the ps1 emulator. y can't i get one? :fuzmad:


(and i already have an AE ps1 version. I want a ps1 version for AO, but i dont want to BUY. :fuzsad:. and dont be like this guy >>> :tard: LOL)

Jordan 09-16-2007 12:15 AM

AbeX300, your grammar is atrocious.
I emulated a PS1 game on my PC using the actual disc and it worked perfectly. I just don't suggest emulating AO or AE because the controls are a little different to the PC, you'd have to hold buttons down and it's not easy with a keyboard.
Just buy the PC version if you're that bothered. They're cheap and there's quite a bit on eBay.

Zerox 09-16-2007 05:04 AM


...and as far as I'm aware, they don't sell AO anymore...

EBAY. THERE'S MILLIONS OF 'EM THERE. Honestly, haven't you ever looked before?

IAmHeavy 09-16-2007 11:22 AM

Doesn't even work!

you can use the ps1 verison on your pc if you have the AE Ps1 disc, so either way just buy the game :p

it doesnt work. :fuzmad:

I inserted disc 1 of AE and NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING HAPPENS. :fuzmad:

Chubfish 09-16-2007 12:48 PM

If you're using pSX 1.11-3 you have to go to "Insert CD Drive" from File and click on your CD drive and then it should work.

IAmHeavy 09-16-2007 01:07 PM

oooooh so that guy meant to insert the disc WITH the emulator ps1.
ye, i dont have the emulator. o_o

can someone plz tell me the website name to get the ps1 emulator and tell me the steps on how to achieve the ps1 emulator? and a free one cuz its not fair that my bro downloads more stuff that are free than me, that are similar to his downloads, but that he doesnt need to pay money many times than me.


Nemo 09-16-2007 01:18 PM

Most likely if someone did post a link, they'd get their post edited/deleted, and maybe banned.

IAmHeavy 09-16-2007 01:29 PM

i said website name, not website link. i just said it in my previous post >_>