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skillyaslig 08-11-2007 03:26 AM

Abe is...
Hiya fellow oddworld inhabitants. I did this;
Its for this 'character is' Nilla is doing. What you do is pick a oddworld inhabitant EG; I used Abe, and do those panels. read the rule and stuff board on Nillas page. Its real fun. ^^

Alf Shall Rise 08-11-2007 07:51 PM

Kihahahahaha! Thanks for the good laugh. :P

Matriar 08-11-2007 10:40 PM

Heh, I like the Tarzan one. :D

Zerox 08-12-2007 02:22 PM


Panel five doesn't work though. Technically there's no way he can still be alive by that point :P

Paul 08-12-2007 07:07 PM

kewl drawings, I like them :p

skillyaslig 08-13-2007 01:10 AM


Heh, I like the Tarzan one. :D

Yep, go Mudokons in trees!! :fuzgrin:


Kihahahahaha! Thanks for the good laugh. :P

No worries. It was fun. You guys should do one.



Panel five doesn't work though. Technically there's no way he can still be alive by that point :P

Yeah, get his ass blown tha bits.


kewl drawings, I like them :p

Thank ye kindly.

Venks 08-13-2007 11:42 AM

lol AbeXMolluck pairing.

ziggy 08-13-2007 11:03 PM

Wow this is actually really fuckin funny. Good job!

Creepy Doc 08-15-2007 03:27 PM

Really funny, nice work!

Oddys 08-18-2007 08:12 AM

Hilarious! :D

Nice drawing!

NuttyIsa 08-18-2007 11:44 AM

ahaha oh my God, MolluckxAbe is great :laugh:

skillyaslig 08-19-2007 10:22 PM


ahaha oh my God, MolluckxAbe is great :laugh:

Yeah, after all, he isnt 'dead' is he?


Hilarious! :D

Nice drawing!

Thank you alot :D


Really funny, nice work!

Thank ya. ^^

Wow this is actually really fuckin funny. Good job!

Ohh, yay, more nice comments! thanks!


lol AbeXMolluck pairing.

Yes, indeedie dee. :p

Oddball1000 08-24-2007 10:34 PM

he he he, Abe as a "hoodie" *cracks up laughing*