I dunno if this should be in the Help section, but I couldnt see where else to put it.
Giltch: Make Abe and Elum vanish off the side and never come back Location: Paramonia, first screen. How I did it: On Elum, I rode to the left hand edge, into the shadows. Ebe and Elum went a bit further then it looked like they should, so I turned back. Even when holding down right, Elum would not move. I dismounted and did the same with Abe. He began pushing as if against a wall. I thought maybe if I went further in I could run jump out of the glitch. I went further in, and kept going, Abe and Elum disappeared behind the scenery, and I kept pressing left, and hearing the footsteps, which stopped when I stopped, but would not start again when I tried to go right. Eventually Abe and Elum fell. (I could tell from the waaaah sound). And the level restarted as it normally does when you die. Thats my glitch that happened yesterday morning, has anyone else encountered glitches in Oddworld games? |
Yes, in the Bonewerkz, in the entrance of the boilers i rolled out of the ledge in the 5. boiler door and i falled to a invisible well! That was funny!
*Pic: Abe fall to the "well"... |
I got one. In Munch's oddysee, in the level spooceshrub forest.I accidently stepped on a mine and I exploded. then i stepped quickly on another mine and didn't explode. I kept stepping on mines and i didn't explode. wierd
I got 2 glitches.In AE i tried to possess a slig.It possessed him but when I tried to move him he kept going the other way shouting HELP!and in MO I was annoying a glukkon with another mud.I possessed the glukkon and took him up to the door.strangley he went through the door and was fully explorable.unfortunatley he drowned and the game crashed
There was a little glitch in AO, in Scrabania. I forget exactly which screen and which area, though.
It's a screen with two sligs in the background, and there are two rock walls that you hide behind from shooting sligs in the foreground. Between them is a well guarded by a rotating floating mine. If you do it quickly enough, you can running-well-jump, and if the bomb touches you while you are jumping in, you won't take damage, and the path will be cleared of the bomb. |
Yes, but It's not a glich... this is the "Destroy floating mine with using a well" tactic, this is in the Ae, too...
Yeah thats supposed to happen on that bit. Ooh I found a new one today;
Scrabanian Temple, one of the flintlock rooms, theres a bit where you have to use lifts to make Scrabs fight each other, and one lift has a tiny drop under it with a well. If you jump from the right bit, you hang onto the ledge and your legs dangle in front of the floor, like its in the background, and if you let go you just fall off the screen and die. |
Yes, it happens with me too... when i try to jump to the well... and there screen we use the lift to make the scrab up to the upper screen, BUT when you pull the lever twice the scrab fall down from the lift to the other side of the lever and kills you...
...and in Ae when you save the game (quicksave) while you just posess something (the 'soul' reached the body) and load it, sometimes the posessed character will be very green or the fart will be blue... |
I know about that one. It happens all the time! After possesing, Abe always stands out a MILE! He's glowing, for Odd's sake.
I've found other glitches. Like, when in background, a slig can't fire all the way across a screen. Scrabs stop charging if you chant (but in AO that's not much good. THey chrage as soon as you stop.) If you press "Alt" will in a shadow (Abe soes the "I dunno" movement), any sligs looking at you will fire one single bullet. Nothing happens. The third time, you will die. |
How about some more Munch ones?
I just told you one.Check my post and look at the second glitch
Do you want glitches from the MO? I have one: only on XBOX!!!! Why!!!!????
Cyber Slig, I said 'how about some more Munch ones?' , not 'We dont have any Munch ones' :fuzconf:
Will, I hear you buddy. I have the same problem. |
Got stuck behind a wall in Scrabia, the same level as the well below the platform. It was the small path above the first few screens of that temple.
In the Brewery To Be level of MO, try walking over one of the wooden gates - you'll fall through the ground on the other side. It's not so much a glitch as a place where no ground was created. At Zap Henge, after throwing a Mud into a well, you can jump Abe in before the 'cut-scene' and he'll be 'stuck' in a closed well until he jumps. Tomahawker Muds are visible while they're in a well. |
It's happened my friend's very old computer: It has not enought memory and in Ao, in Scrabania there is a place, where a scrab in a platform (or sg) and you must reach the elevator before it jump down and eat you... Well, he has not enought memory, so there was no elevator...
ahh thats funny.... |
In AO, I wanted Abe to fart, but he screamed like he normally would when he falls down a well, and in MO, I managed to get Abe into the office of the Glockstar at Flubco as the door wouldn't shut!!!
Yah I have done it before.You die if you go in a gluk's office though.His glukkon orb thingie zaps you. And that reminds me of another 2 tricks on how to try and kill a glukkon.but they are invincible.1st trick. What is the level where you possess the big bro and if he dies you pull a lever get another and shoot all the sligs?anyways on that level kill all the sligs except for a slig with a gun.get munch to follow you.Throw him onto the platform with the door.The slig will shoot you but run out of the door make a possession orb.He should run into it and get possessed.Then while the door is open enter the gluk's office and shoot him.And second is the mini soulstorm brewery level. Do the trick where you can leave a mud in the glukkon's room.Then make the mud go to the door.Possess the gluk and make walk up to the door and face it.De-possess him and tell the mud to attack.He will slap the glukkon silly and the glukkon does'nt die no matter what.
In that snoozer level, where theres alot of vykkers and interns, and you have to use the snoozer to kill them or knock them. They sometimes get stuck into the wall, and then you can't zap them
once i was playin abes exodous i used invincebility cheat then i got hit by to of those smily things at the same time abe changed colour itried it again and it worked try it yourself!
Yeah, but when they zap you too much, Abe go invisible. We see his shadow.
cool once me and zidane thats his nick(real name christopher) were playin AO when he got on elum he started to run forwards suddenly abe was on elum backwards sliding back and forth across the screen then he slid in to a bomb.
On AE, on SoulStorm Brewery. I went to the Tear Machine (Mud tears are made). When i was there, Some bits of the level were invilsble.
whos ever done ifintite slig?
This is a semi-old thread, I realise, but it's entirely appropriate for this post. Which I wanted to make.
I've just been playing Abe's Exoddus, and in the Mines I somehow managed to climb down a ledge when there was no ledge there. I'd tell you the screen code, but after several minutes, it froze. Abe doesn't scream, he just disappears behind the foreground. I'm sure it's happened to me before. And what the hell is an infinite Slig? |
i tried to find the spot and searched trough the whole level but havnt found it
I didn't describe a spot! As it happens, it was the penultimate screen of, I think, Tunnel 3. Just after the screen which is just a tunnel lined with bombs, there a screen with more bombs and a bone drill, which you have to avoid, deactivate, then go down a screen to find even more bombs. It was on the bottom level of this screen.
Well this might not be right on topic with the last post but this is important. If you open you Abe's Oddysee file through My Computer and go into it you will see a file called AbeWin, this is the starter. Many people simply drag that file off screen and but it on their desktop. DON'T! If you do you wouldn't be able to put it back in place and sure you can click it and it will start the game but when you save your saves come up on the desktop and if you try to click on them to activate your saved game they don't work and when you go back on AO your saved game will not be under the load section. You will not be able to unistall it either cause the AbeWin file will stay their and you will not be able to delete it. And it will not let you reinstall it because it still thinks it is installed. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, your help would be greatly appricated
Now I'm no expert in these things, but maybe you can go into Windows\Desktop, right click on AbeWin and select ‘Cut’, then go back to the place it should be (I don't have either game on my PC, so I don't know offhand where that is) and paste it there.
N.B. Who the hell moved this clearly—game-related topic into GD? I demand answers. |
By cutting it might work, I wiould have to ask were to replace it directly, but I will try and give it a wing. It might become complicated reattaching it into some things. It would allow you to save likely but when you put in the CD you would still have to click the AbeWin file to get it to start instead of the autorun screen.