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-   -   HALO WARS (vetrin halo fans ONLEY!!!!!!) no noobeys of halo (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=14628)

the Exoddus 11-07-2006 05:06 PM

HALO WARS (vetrin halo fans ONLEY!!!!!!) no noobeys of halo
http://www.halowars.com/trailer.html awsom i almost shat myself wen i say this past link this help spred this!!!!! tell evrey one you now!!1!!!!

OANST 11-07-2006 06:04 PM

Shutup. :)

Abeguy 11-07-2006 06:21 PM

I was just about to make fun of your horrible spelling and grammar. Until I realized it was you.

Dyslexic people are no fun. You can't make fun of them, they just sit there. and you have to let there spelling and grammar mistakes roll by...*sigh*

Nemo 11-07-2006 06:22 PM

Yeah, saw the trailer, thinks it awesome, End Statement.

(Edited to remove mean sentence that was made before I saw Abeguy's post. Sorry, I didn't remember you were dyslexic, Exoddus.)

P.S. Please don't kill me, moderators D :

Strike Witch 11-08-2006 12:34 AM

This was already the subject of a thread before.

And I assume you've seen the new Halo 3 Multiplayer screens too?:fuzwink:

Mojo 11-08-2006 12:59 AM

Closage please.

scrab queen 11-14-2006 02:29 PM

Yeah, and somehow, gamers keep forgetting the difference between newbies and noobs. somebody close this please.

Leto 11-14-2006 10:04 PM

If anyone questioned the Exoddus's lack of authenticity previously, I think this can easily sway you.

Hobo 11-15-2006 05:38 AM


Shutup. :)

Quoted for truth

Kamille 11-15-2006 12:56 PM


http://www.halowars.com/trailer.html awsom i almost shat myself wen i say this past link this help spred this!!!!! tell evrey one you now!!1!!!!

Yeah this looks cool.

used:) 11-24-2006 11:54 AM

**** Halo. **** it up the ass.

oddveteran93 11-24-2006 04:54 PM

Indeed. Anally. Half-life 2 is much better. :)

looney-bin 11-25-2006 01:22 AM


Shutup. :)

Qouted for truth.

Al the Vykker 12-05-2006 07:26 AM

I'm not sure bout this game yet. As a Halo fan the premise is sweet and if plays similar to something like Star Craft and is done properly it could be very sweet indeed. Otherwise a flop would just be very sad.

Oddys 01-02-2007 05:13 AM

Earlier Halo should be an strategic game. Only now it's an Ego-Shooter.

What should I say? I'm ready to smash some enemies heads.

Abeguy 01-02-2007 06:58 AM

Halo was actually originally planned as a Mac Exclusive RTS...Shows how far they've come

Reptile 01-04-2007 05:44 AM

It might follow the Final Fantasy route next. How funny would that be?

Daxter King 01-04-2007 01:56 PM

Halo RPG, not likey. Like Abe Guy said, it was originaly an RTS.

All I want is to control the Covenant,The Human Marines, and The Flood. Maybe the heretics or something too. Oh and space and land batles.

Ninjaxe 01-05-2007 12:39 PM

You know that there might be a Halo the movie. Done by Peter Jackson. So far from what I hear it is been put on stall. Cause Peter Jackson is not in good terms with the his chosen producers e.g. sony pictures, universal studios etc