Picture Wars
well, It's a forum game. Lets see how long this one lasts.
Well, the rules are quite simple. I post a picture, and put a description at the bottem. And then somebody else posts with a picture. And give a description on why it killed the previous picture For example. http://comicsmedia.ign.com/comics/im...743797-000.jpg General Grevious...I dunno, challenges you all to a picture wars...! And then somebody else, say...Someone01 posts :
And then someone else may show darth vader, or anything else for that matter. and give whatever description they want. on to how the item in their picture killed the Obi Wan. So on and so forth let's just continue from Obi Wan, shall we? |
Jezus sends General Grevious to HELL where he shall BURN FOR EVER!! |
Satan shall me smited by the complicated workings of a toaster! |
Screwdriver, I choose you!
http://www.screwdriver-china.com/tool/softhand.gif Screwdriver uses Dismantle! It's super-effective! |
Creepy, dancey marshmallow man summons his army of marshmellow peeps to destroy you all. Or at least make you incredibly sticky. |
Yeah, suck on that, microwave. |
Paper covers rock! (Although I think a few more sheets may be required for that rock.) |
A whole bunch of burning paper :p |
Oh yeah? I tap 5 mountains and cast...
http://www.magiclibrary.net/rarities...-elemental.jpg |
Teh Owned. Because Unicron actually fights stuff his size, unlike pansy-man Galactus. |
Pchaw. Captain Planet beats whoever the hell that is. He has the power of the earth AND the planeteers on his side! Remember, kids, recycle! |
Freeze, sucka!
Fellas, fellas, please. You're whipping out the big guns on the first page!
http://cache.jalopnik.com/cars/image...us_prime_1.jpg Unicron, the "world eater", got killed by Hot Rod. What a bitch! |
http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Ukgrable2.jpg Nuclear Explosion Man kills the pink thing. |
In the end, the aliens were killed by what we were invulnerable to...GERMY GERMS!!! |
Oh yeah? Bruce Willis destroys it, even if he does kill himself.
http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/7...ageddonei5.jpg Small note. This was the only movie (besides Castaway) that made me cry. Keep in mind I was only like seven or so at the time. Why does Bruce have to die?! Why!? |
Brutal. I love this thread.
http://www.brsk.net/daemon/kincaid.jpg |
Demon boots- go! Kick his ass. |