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Goresplatter 05-31-2006 01:57 PM

Death of Oddworld?
Hello all who remember me! :P

Sorry I've been gone a while, and semi-abandoned this forum, due to lack of oddworld activity. Does anyone else thing oddworld games are going to cease? There's various stuff going round, and a complete lack of news, Alf retiring and all that - is it possible it has stopped?

PS: This was supposed to be a poll with 'yes' and 'no' - but you can easily express that in a post. :P

PSS: Sorry for kind of, skipping out in the RPGs, but in W@RF, I went back after a while, and I couldn't tell where I'd left off - if anyone still remembers my characters exist, they're up for grabs for controlling. I'll still be watching threads, but I have minimal time to do so.

Slaveless 05-31-2006 02:01 PM

YES, it's you! *Hops onto Goresplatter's shoulders and hugs him*

Uh, I mean, welcome back man. *Gets down from Goresplatter's shoulders and gives him a manly handshake.*

But nothing new has happened around OW. But like I said earlier, OW has defintly not abandoned their fans. It's just that OWI probably doesn't want to promise all this stuff and have none of it in the game. SO I would wait 1 and half more years. We just are really impaticent.

Fuzzle Guy 05-31-2006 02:42 PM

As Dipstikk put it bluntly "Lorne you F***ing B*stard, own up and tell us what's really going on". I disagree with the name calling, but he is being awkward by not telling us. too much of a secret is too much stress and anxiety for me to cope with. I'm going to hang myself! I can't cope without knowing what the next game is! YOU GOTTA TEL US LORNE!

Spirrow 05-31-2006 04:29 PM

Welcome back to the forums, Goresplatter.
Actually there has been some small traffic
going around but otherwise it's been peaceful.

Mudoko_Jedi 05-31-2006 11:41 PM

me want to see squeeks oddesy as a little rat dude (hence the name squeek) to go around idustrial warehouse and shut them down of course and search old temples.

Xavier 06-01-2006 12:15 AM

squeek a rat? where do you saw that?

anyway Lorne is working on a film right now
it might not be an oddworld film, but a film is definatly coming

The Marching Mudokon 06-01-2006 01:46 AM

I hope it is an Oddworld movie but I would see anything Lorne Lanning made. He's a good story teller. If the movie isn't Oddworld do you think it would be the...ahhh, I can't remember the name. The initials were CS. You know what I mean ;)

Xavier 06-01-2006 02:37 AM

Citizen Siege...

well I'm not sure starting with a controversial movie would be such a good idea
plus in 3 years it might be allready outdated :p

Wil 06-02-2006 10:16 AM

Ideas about the suppression of civil liberties and commercialisation are at least decades old. Big business and crooked government aren't exclusively contemporary. Add a unique style, and Citizen Seige could easily stand the test of time as a piece of art, if not necessarily a suspected future.

I'm sure 2001: A Space Odyssey is still a good story.

Still, I couldn't describe Oddworld as dead, even if I was incredibly pessimistic. I think it's high time Lorne said something if only because of the number of ungrateful, impatient people getting all riled up at the silence. I think people need to consider this silence as a chance to loosen up their fandom and concentrate on other things.

On the other hand, if Oddworld is dead or will be by the time we hear anything, I don't regret a thing. Lorne doesn't owe me shit.

Xavier 06-02-2006 12:14 PM

I'm sure Lorne ould have the desence to tell us if he wants to stop Oddworld.
I'm still sure he's still working on stuff for us.

Cullen Heath 06-02-2006 05:14 PM


anyway Lorne is working on a film right now
it might not be an oddworld film, but a film is definatly coming

Yes sir, it is an Oddworld film. That has been clarified.

Sapphire 06-02-2006 06:42 PM

I actually had a dream that Lorne had died, and that's why we never heard anything from them.

Somehow, I imagine that's a pretty good indicator that fans are either worried, or moving on. I know I've moved on and don't keep track of this stuff anymore. Yeah, Lorne doesn't owe me, but if you wait too long, people forget about you.

However, I'm making a big move this year having to do with school, and it is in part due to his inspiration and his games. Even if Oddworld is dead in the new media sense, it was good while it lasted. I'll be disappointed though if we never find out the rest of the story in some form or other.

Sassenach 06-02-2006 07:33 PM


anyway Lorne is working on a film right now
it might not be an oddworld film, but a film is definatly coming
I'm pretty sure the last we heard was the completion (or still in progress, can't remember) of an Abe screenplay.
The film is not definitely coming, however. It has more than possibly not been picked up by any studios (hence still no announcement).

Wil 06-04-2006 07:51 AM

It has not been clarified it's an Oddworld film. Lorne had said there was an Abe film screenplay long, long before he changed OWI into a ‘creative core,’ and also before we found anything about Citizen Seige. We haven't actually had any clue as to the nature of OWI's film. Merely speculation.

Zerox 06-04-2006 09:06 AM


It has not been clarified it's an Oddworld film. Lorne had said there was an Abe film screenplay long, long before he changed OWI into a ‘creative core,’ and also before we found anything about Citizen Seige. We haven't actually had any clue as to the nature of OWI's film. Merely speculation.

What!? it may not be an oddworld film!? AAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! The horror, THE HORROR!
Ahem, back to the point, I swear the official Oddworld site hasen't done much for at least a year or so. I thouht it looked a bit shabby too, personally, depending on how old it is. They should at least make an updated version if they touch it again.

Xavier 06-04-2006 10:02 AM

I have the feeling OW.com will have a lifting when something is announced
all we have to do is wait

Sassenach 06-04-2006 08:06 PM


It has not been clarified it's an Oddworld film. Lorne had said there was an Abe film screenplay long, long before he changed OWI into a ‘creative core,’ and also before we found anything about Citizen Seige. We haven't actually had any clue as to the nature of OWI's film. Merely speculation.
God might come down one day and say 2+2 actually equals 5.
I'll stick to 2+2=4 for now, until then.

magic9mushroom 06-04-2006 08:14 PM


God might come down one day and say 2+2 actually equals 5.
I'll stick to 2+2=4 for now, until then.

2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2, although it's not likely that it will be non-Oddworld

Xavier 06-04-2006 10:57 PM

what do you mean with you 2+2?

Wil 06-05-2006 12:53 AM

Esus means it stands to reason that Oddworld Inhabitants are making an Oddworld film, and he'll go with that until Lorne (God, in his terminology) says otherwise. :p

Xavier 06-05-2006 01:26 AM

I guess I didn't understand it because it wasn't obvious to me Lorne was planning an oddworld movie at first

sora4242 04-12-2007 02:09 PM

Oddworld the movie
There will be an oddworld movie with all the origonal characters.
Unfortunatly it will come out in 2008

Abeguy 04-12-2007 02:16 PM

well, too bad Citizen Siege isn't an OW related film.

It's set on earth...bloody earth...nothing fun about that

looney-bin 04-12-2007 02:20 PM

Thanks for bumping a year old topic.

moxco 04-12-2007 02:21 PM

I sent him a PM telling him not to do it again!

Wil 04-12-2007 02:24 PM

That’s bumping a year‐old topic with bullshit.

Abeguy 04-13-2007 03:57 AM


That’s bumping a year‐old topic with bullshit.

Quoted for Truth