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big bro slig #1 05-01-2006 03:02 PM

Plush headcrabs!
For all you Half Life 2 lovers: The wait is over!
I ordered one, it should be here to tommorow.


Havoc 05-01-2006 03:10 PM

OMG I want one! XD. Those are awsome :P

oddveteran93 05-01-2006 03:48 PM

Must get it!! But when it gets cheaper... I've already got the HL 2 official crowbar.

big bro slig #1 05-01-2006 04:45 PM

Official crowbar?! where'd you get that?!

SeaRex 05-01-2006 05:13 PM

No. Way.

I desire. Very much.


oddveteran93 05-01-2006 07:05 PM


Official crowbar?! where'd you get that?!

Well actually I just bought a crowbar that looks like the one in HL and I painted it the same colours (red and white I think).
EDIT: It's as official as it gets.

Leto 05-01-2006 07:57 PM

I usually hate Half Life, but that plush is just irresistable.

Havoc 05-01-2006 11:57 PM


Well actually I just bought a crowbar that looks like the one in HL and I painted it the same colours (red and white I think).
EDIT: It's as official as it gets.

ROFL, I figured something like that. You don't use it to bash peoples heads do you?

T-nex 05-02-2006 03:17 AM

Oy... I surely don't hope you guys are gonna wear it outside XD... O wait, maybe you could make it the new trend :p

SeaRex 05-02-2006 03:26 AM

I wish they made them human-sized. You could still put that one on your cat or something... but I want to wear one!

Headcrab beanie!

T-nex 05-02-2006 03:31 AM

oh i see XD... Hey if anyone ever does that with their cats, plz take a piccy XD...

Havoc 05-03-2006 12:30 AM

Would be a cool idea for haloween to have a life size headcrab :P. You could go as a Half Life zombie! :D.

oddveteran93 05-03-2006 01:05 AM


ROFL, I figured something like that. You don't use it to bash peoples heads do you?

Well...not...anymore. I got caught in the shopping centre, by the cops. Ah well, time to get started on building a gravity gun.

Bullet Magnet 06-01-2006 05:16 AM

I really want a full sized one, so I can begin my plush collection of fantasy parasites. I also desire:

Face Huggers
Flood Spores

Fez 06-01-2006 11:38 AM


Face Huggers


Got some of them on there somewhere, and a Chestburster.