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-   -   Anybody have Warcraft III? (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=13200)

mitsur 01-03-2006 05:41 PM

Anybody have Warcraft III?
Does anyone have this, because I do. Please post your gamename so I can contact you on Battlenet!

My favourite race has to be the Undead, because their guys are good and the alcoytes don't have to return to base for gold.

used:) 01-03-2006 06:13 PM

No, I dont have it, it does sound interesting though.

And this is on the wrong forum by the way.

Cyber-Slig 01-03-2006 06:27 PM

Yeah, wrong forum.

I play it, name is ScottishShade on U.S.East server, only reason I don't play on Europe because I'm tired of hearing


Salamander 01-03-2006 08:36 PM


Does anyone have this, because I do. Please post your gamename so I can contact you on Battlenet!

My favourite race has to be the Undead, because their guys are good and the alcoytes don't have to return to base for gold.

I have WC3, and i have a battle.net account, which is royal_assassin on the U.S east server

oh and, this belongs in the non-oddworld gaming section ;)

CarboN 01-04-2006 07:35 AM

I'm planning whether I should buy it.
Tee hee, you can see an undead posing in a very few clothing items in the non oddworld fanart section :D

The game swallows people o.O

mitsur 01-04-2006 06:20 PM


I'm planning whether I should buy it.
Tee hee, you can see an undead posing in a very few clothing items in the non oddworld fanart section :D

The game swallows people o.O

*looks shiftily left and right before talking nervously*


And thanks for moving it Used! :)

Cyber-Slig 01-04-2006 06:29 PM


I'm planning whether I should buy it.
Tee hee, you can see an undead posing in a very few clothing items in the non oddworld fanart section :D

The game swallows people o.O

That's World of Warcraft, not Warcraft 3. And no, it doesn't ''swallow'' people.

CarboN 01-04-2006 10:47 PM

Oh, sorry, my mistake. :eek:
I somehow thought it was the same... ._.

Cyber-Slig 01-05-2006 04:54 AM


Oh, sorry, my mistake. :eek:
I somehow thought it was the same... ._.

No problem. It just annoys me when people start saying that -.-

Salamander 01-05-2006 02:59 PM

hey Mitsur, whats your username? and what server do you operate on?
i saw cyber-slig on b.net yesterday i think.......

mitsur 01-05-2006 03:02 PM

Its ShotgunGoBOOM and on the west coast server.

I think it's Londaron. I can't spell it very godd, but at leest me gramer and sppeling is godd evrywere els! :)

Icarus 01-05-2006 06:01 PM

i might get it one day, u know, when it drops to like 15- 20 bucks.

i gotta save the $$$

heard the game is good......... is it?

Salamander 01-06-2006 01:29 PM


Its ShotgunGoBOOM and on the west coast server.

I think it's Londaron. I can't spell it very godd, but at leest me gramer and sppeling is godd evrywere els! :)

yeh nic sppellingg muchh betttr thann uss

thats too bad i guess, im U.S east (azeroth)
and Icarus, the game owns