The Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion
i dont know about you people but i am so excited about this game. if you havent heard about it, google it and watch some video demo's
Does any body have Morrowind, if you need help with it i can help you. |
Lol! I agree with you! Holy crap! :D!
TESIV ZOMGOMGOMODhji! /me Wants da game, real bads. <3 Morrowind also. |
Oblivion looks like a pretty tight game. Although my compy is porbabl not powerful enough to obtain it's awesomeness, and I ain't planning to get a 360 anytime soon.
Icarus = asshat (IMO!).
I think you, Leto, Kimon and myself will get along just fine here. :p |
Have you guys seen the Daedric Armor? Detailed as Hell, man! Great stuff.
My character is going to be all custom Ninja in the hizzouze. Light Armor, Long Blade, Marksman, Sneak, Acrobatics, Alchemy, and Armorer... the works. He will also have a secret eighth skill. Rocking your ass. |
Seeing as I wont have 360 for a long time and am content with my Xbox right now, I'd best get chopping again with Morrowind, but I must admit Oblivion looks like a delectible visual meal right now...
Oblivion is gonna come out for PC too, or so they say.
Well, Al the Vykker made it sound like it wasn't comin gout for the PC. But yea, i knew it was... But still, alot of companies switch to consoles and forget about us PCers :-(
I dont think i will say much more, except this..... OBLIVION IS COMING OUT FOR THE 360 AND THE PC!!!!!!!!!!! |
We know... Now calm down...
Icarus, your new here, so I've been letting some of the things you say slide, but you really need to learn how to form a meaningful post.
First off, calm down. Secondly, only post if you have something substantial to say that you haven't already said. If you post this eccentrically in the future, I'm going to have to give you a warning. |
I have Morrowwind, and a bunch of kick-ass equipment from wandering around and getting into Daedric shrines, so sorry, but I can't tell you where I got 'em.
I'm a Level 24 Argonian Lancer (Class I made myself) with the Tower star sign. Heres my armor and equipment: WEAPONS: 1.Daedric Katana 3-44 damage 2.Demon Longbow 1-25 damage with silver arrows ARMOR: 1.Ebony Left and Right Pauldrons 140 rating each 2.Left and Right Fists of Randagoulf Ration 210 each, which constantly raise my strength and agility by 20 3.Dreugh Helm rating 96 4.Dragonbone Curiass rating 233 PLUS a 100% resistance to fire booyah! 5.Daedric Shield rating 186 6.Daedric greaves rating 186 7.Travel stained pants, which let me levitate 8.Belt of sangurine enhanced armor, constantly makes my heavy armor skill raise by 10 8.Moon and Star ring, constantly raises my personality and merchantile Beat that! |
I know I cant wait for TES Oblivion to come out Im addicted to morrowind...but its not coming out for a while (sometime next year right) I hope to get my xbox 360 by then :p
I have a level 74!! dark elf Daedric pauldrens enchanted to raise my strength by 12 each wraithguard and left fist of Randgolf Helm of oryn bearclaw ebony mail Daedric greeves fortify endurance 14 points constant effect ten pace boots and last but not least.... Eliedens Ward (spelled it wrong) weapons:Daedric Cresent, Keening, Sunder, skull crusher, Daedric longbow. my armor rating 350!!! beat that BITCH!!! |
Leto, PWN them with your Argonian.
But yes. I have my KARKTUR all planned out. A Khajiit Theif who's all about Speed and Agility. Light Armor, Blade, Marksmanship, Sneak, Acrobatics, Security, and Speechcraft. I'm such a nerd. :p |
Must I pwn them all, master? Yes, Leto must. :/\
SOmething like, erm, lvl 80 something, many-a gold (several million, I don't buy much), a hideously large overflow loot bag (it has it's own loading time), and several other noteworthy things. [/my_penis_is_bigger_than_yours_arguement] I don't have anything planned for my TESIV character, because I'm not subhuman geek scum.* *Alternatively: Because I AM NOT A ROBOT. |
Lol.. My arghonian is at level 20 or something... I beat Dagoth Ur at level 18 O_o a bit quick for my taste... He wasn't even difficult or anything, but it's only thanx to my enchanted stuff :p It would have been cool if you could have chosen to get the Heart's power for yourself... would have been sooooooo cool... If i even learn to use tes contructor set, i'll make some quests where you can choose to get the heart's powers ^_^ EDIT: Forgot to stay on-topic :p... Uh well what can i say... I love the graphics, and if the AI is as good as stated, Oblivion is gonna be the coolest game evah!! I just hope my comp can take it... :S I doubt... oh... X_X |
Silly infants. |
Nope... But Daedric Armor is cool :-) It looks nice, and i like the story about Daedra... Is anyone here reading the "books" in morrowind?? Theres alot of them, and some of them are quite interesting
i'm Fuc#ing pi$$ed that it is only the dark brotherhood in oblivion, NO MORAG TONG, :( |
Sorry to bring this back, but I am far too in love with this game.
The graphics are stunning, absolutely stunning. I haven't seen such graphics since Final Fantasy. Tghe NPC's are brilliant too. It may have taken them 4 years to make a such a work, but it is certainly worth it. I was reading on wikipedia that they originally tested the NPC's capabilities by giving them a task. One was supposed to rake some leaves and was handed some itemk, but not a rake. The other needed that item for their task, but was given a rake. The two killed eachother to get the items. |
I,m gonna get the game as soon as it comes out it looks WICKED!!!!!!!
And the good thing is this game will take ages to complete so it will last a long time so definitely worth the money. I CAN'T WAIT FOR ELDER SCROLLS 4.............YEYYYYYYYYYYYYY |
To take a step back, I'm finally starting to mod Morrowind; Both Pc and Smecksbox.
I must say, it is super fun. The editor is practically drag and drop. But it's how you drag and drop dem pieces. Andyone cna make an island with trees, but few can do it properly. Let's just say with modding you need to be patient. I lost major interest in OB when they announced the delay I did. |
woot morrowind!
morrowind was great, but the discovery of this site which had the loactions of all the best items in the game ruined it for me..... I can't wait for oblivion, and like super munch, i havn't planned anything yet. (us lazy New Zealanders :p) |