Anniversary of Lennon's Murder
Today (or what's left of it--Dec. 8) was the anniversary of John lennon’s murder. I'm not completely sure of what I want to say, but I think a man of his greatness is well-deserving of a thread in his honor. His music has touched millions, inspiring and provoking thought, love, and tolerance.
So share thoughts, favorite Lennon/Beatles songs, etc. Probably his best known song, Imagine, was the first song I’d ever heard by Lennon. So beautiful and moving. Go download it now. Also, I don’t really know how seriously to take this, but I think this is a neat idea. |
Yeah, my mom was talking about that today. Just goes to show that being famous has it's negatives.
Ah, British Channel 4 had a documentary about the guy who killed him. Was pretty good, the guy wanted attention, but also saw Lennon as a hypocrite and had this vague passion to kill him.
When he was litle he'd dreamed up a bunch of people, out of which he was the important leader, and now, wanting to bring back that feeling, dreamed up some more people who turned into this thing that, in want for attention ,forced him to fulfill his want and shoot Lennon. There's a bit more to it than that, but that's the basics. It was an interesting program. But ok, respect to Lennon, great musician, great music. Good bloke. |
What creeps me out the most, for some reason, is how the murderer pulled out the book Catcher in the Rye and casually began reading it moments after killing Lennon.
I heard about the anniversary in the news this morning. I don't know Lennon's music pretty much, but still, my respect to his memory. |
Not to say John Lennon wasn't one of the top tier songwriters of recent history, but I hate the general trend of "publicly known musician dies- let's glorify them to excess." Half the tributes to people like Johnny Cash and Dimebag are worthless. Oh, an influence! Let's decide to dub an unused solo into one of our songs where it has no business being! Way to go, Nickelback. Then, of course, there are the fellows like Kurt Cobain who get shot down in the peak of the popularity, and are thus idolized the rest of their lives as some sort of messiah for eternity. Even this recently revived example of Lennon proves the point that people will gloss over your spotty career and wife choice come death. Blegh.
Ah John Lennon a true icon in the music world. He was the true Beatle who started it all and I truely agree to how he felt towards his partner Paul. I honestly think Paul took the spotlight which was rightfully John's.
Lennon is my favorite X/ dead Beatle. |
4 people died at that Pantera gig and there was hardly any mention. The death also raises the thought of clubs becoming very protective and harsh to avoid lawsuits.
Sincerely, Statikk "Why didn't he just wing Yoko?" HDM |
Posted by Majic Dave:
Now what exactly have you done to deserve to talk like that, you acne-infested twinkie-cramming jizzlobber? |
Hey now, Majic is intitled to his opinion. In fact, I agree with it in most ways. However, because of Lennon's subjects and such in his lyrics, I have a feeling that he'd be just as adored, respected, etc. today if he hadn't been murdered. Or at least pretty close to it.
There are quite a few famous people that are well... more undeservingly famous today because they were killed. It is pretty annoying. Or something. I'm way too sleepy to be foruming. |