That time of year again
So what are you going to be for halloween?
I'm gonna be a good ol' classic zombie, plain an simple. I've got the walk down, working on the groan. All I need is some ragged torn clothing, and some fake blood. I'm not doing the retarded Frankenstien walk, but the walk from RE: 1, the second zombie you see (I think) with the dislocated foot. Yay for hiding in bushes, waiting to scare the crap out of kids and steal their candy. |
I generally cycle through 2 costumes on halloween one for the little kids that isn't so scary which I will likely go as a pyrate (or pirate) and the darker half of halloween I got me dark costume which I have assembled over the years which is kinda like a Abarat meets The Ring costume
I've never done the halloween thing before - it's not really a big deal in Australia but, being in the US, this year may be my chance. Don't know if I can be bothered though.
Halloween isn't celebrated really where I am. The most Halloweeny thing I'll be doing is on WoW and NWN.
Boo, I was going to make a Halloweeny thread asking about its degree of celebration where everyone lives. Oh wells.
Halloween used to be so special and fun. I can remember when I was so much younger and kids were all over the neighborhood, going door to door or riding in little trailer things filled with hay. Now getting trick-or-treaters is so rare. Not seeing a bunch of children running around, all dressed up and excited about getting free candy is so sad--Imagining kids these days not having the chance to have the same wholesome fun that I had at that age. [/nostalgic rambling] Lukey and I are going as zombie pirates. Yes, that's right. A college student and a high school senior still trick-or-treating. Shut it. |
I'm going to be myself for Halloween... but with a moustache. Seriously.
I hate halloween. Stupid americanised crapola. Seriously, celebrating this above the age of 6? Whats wrong with people...
I agree. It has no point and is incredibly annoying. Everyone here hates it, I love those little no trick-or-treating signs that the police make for us.
My school has a costume day right before Halloween. My favorite was this one girl who dressed up as Al Sharpton... though it turned out it was just a girl who really looked like Al Sharpton. Yeah.
It is kind of a childish holiday, but it is still a fun thing. In my nieghborhood, all of the people celabrate it. I've seen some 18/19 year olds in costumes. I honestly think it is a childish holiday, but it is okay in my book.
I love Halloween! It's the only time you can dress up as a stupid chav or something and not get ripped to death!
But then again, Halloween feels kinda awful as a girl. I've found that some halloween partys I've been to have just made me feel self-concious. As all the other girls are dressed up as basically nothing, and I mean if you've got the body to pull it off then go for it, but for me it just makes me feel like a 5 year old. But Halloween is just a little laugh, for you to get together with your friends and have fun. But what about Mischief night? WHat do you lot think of that? - Rexy |
Halloween died in my neighborhood once I moved away.
No really. I swear, I was the only one who really went all-out on decorating. Had a coffin, fake body, smoke machine, multiple strobe lights, the works. Last year (the last year I decorated), some kids from out of town that happened to be Trick-or-Treating in my neighborhood said it was one of the few houses they'd seen which truly captured the essence of Halloween. It was a really nice compliment, but it shouldn't have been. It's just that nobody decorates for Halloween anymore. Those that do are just content with an uncarved pumpkin and the occasional stack of hay. It's an asinine, commercialized holiday, yes, but then again, what the hell modern holiday isn't? For what it's worth, I love Halloween, no matter how immature it is. Years down the road, once I have my own house, you can bet your ass I'm still going to decorate. No matter how "dead" Halloween becomes (and it is dying rather quickly), I'll still be giving my place the old Halloween makeover. Needless to say, Halloween has always been special to me. |
I think Halloween is stupid, it's been completely fused to the corpoate syndicate. And yes, I don't mean to sound all shit, buit come on, most people who trick or treat over eleven (mainly guys) are just plain stupid. I didn't include girls because you can't arugue with them. Especially the ones on their period (no offense to any girls out there with bleeding cooches).
I'm dressing up as Samara from The Ring. Pretty damn simple costume, really.
I was going to go as our friend Pyramid Head, but I'm too busy (karate class 4 times a week!) to put so much work into a costume right now. |
But seriously, even if it is commercionalized(sp?) and completey retarded, its still good for fun. Just like Invader Zim, Nightmare before Christmas, etc. etc. |
I totally agree, Mojo. Seriously, why do you guys hate it so much? The way I see it:
Walking around at night = cool Getting free candy = cool (and makes my tummy happy) So walking around at night + getting free candy = super cool tummy-happiness. Also, Rexy, I completely know how you feel. No one else has ever expressed how self-concious some girls in their barely there costumes can make others feel. It's really hard for me to walk through the female adult costume section as it makes me feel so... inadequate. We're both so silly though, you know that? :rolleyes: |
Halloween rocks my world.
Unfortunately, Tricker-treatin' ends at 8 in my neighboorhood. 8 o' ****ing clock. It drives me nuts. So last year, we walked around outside at 9 o'clock, and there was absolutely NOBODY on the streets. Not a single one of a person. What the hell happened to Halloween? I arg pissed. I wish I could visit a magical neighborhood that never dun stopped havin' Halloween. Oh wells. *Sad-faced* |
See? See?! I told you, Ambi! :p |
I'm...going as, Indiana Jones. Yeah, I got a pouch that I can store candy in. Secret eating!
I was a complete ass when I was in high school and I did something one halloween just to piss everyone off. I came to school in a dress with the star of David drawn on the right side of my face and said that I was Jesus after the corruption. I actually won second prize for the school costume contest but the other students created a petition to get me expelled. Which I signed myself. In retrospect it wasn't a very nice thing to do but at the time I thought it was pretty funny.
Pretty funny, OANST. Well, who deleted used:)'s and my posts? I wish to thank the mod who did. |
Back to Halloween... My school is going to Six Flags on the 30th for Fright Fest. It should be pretty fun, despite the fact that I'm sick of the place. As long as most my friends go, it will be entertaining enough. |
I was a Dark Jedi a couple years back black cloak lightsaber and all, I think I'll go the opposite path and be a Jedi this year.