What sports do YOU do?
I think some people saw this coming sooner or later. Anyway all you do is post what sports you play, your accomplishments on one of those sports, and the worst thing you have done in any sport! I shall start.
Sports I play:Swimming,paintball,tae kwan doe,soccer,and basketball. Hits:Scoring the winning goal for my team in a soccer game. (Oh man I hated the pressure. It was a tie and I was the last one to decide wether we win or lose. Miss: I suck at volley ball. Not to long ago at school I hit it when it was already out thus having the other team win. I will phail at that P.E. volley ball test :(. |
I have played basketball for two years, but I porbably wont join this year. I am also a dedicted member of the marching band.
Hits: I am the only Baritone in marching band. If that counts for anything. Miss: football sucks ass. |
Wow, yeah... This was just around the corner.
Sports I play... Well I used to be avid horse rider, last year I shared a horse with a friend at one of the local stables. Unfortunately in January I fell off and lost my confidence, but I was able to canter well and was going to learn how to gallop. The horse I shared was called Gypsy, she's beautiful. I also love netball, and I'm going to try out for the school team next week. I love playing wing-attack and I play regularly with my friends and in P.E. In the past I've played center for the school team. I also love football [or Soccer to you yanks]. Unfortunately there's no girl's football team in my school/local area, but last year my friends and I [we formed an informal team] never lost a game. But I suck at athletics, I'm a better sprint runner and when we have cross country I'm half dead even before we have to run up the hill. >_< But I also play random games every so often with my friends, like basket ball, laser tag, hockey, badminton, tennis and other random sports. I like sports, it's fun and a good way to know your friends better. - Rexy |
Paintball is teh r0xorz!
Anyways, I have done, erm, Judo (3rd on some local tournament), I did some fitness, erm, and gymnastics (the girly version. Don't ask). |
Squash and Football are what I play, though I love most sports, from paintballing to tennis to athletics, etc.
I was teh r0x0rz at sprinting. But I discovered music and friends and I didn't want to persue it. So my mom resents me because of it, as do the PE department at school, who constantly give me bad reports because of what I did in the past. Then the teacher commited suicide, and the last thing I'd said to him was something about not being on the team. So meh...
Jeez, sounds like the perfect scenario for a South Park episode!
Uh shrink what is squash?
The coolest damn sport ever! (I have no idea what it is either)
Anyway all I really do is jui-jitsu, I am too much of a fat hamburger to bother with anything within school. |
Swimming, it's becoming fairly annoying. But it's good for the agility so... *shrug* Gymnastics, also good for agility and bones and stuff, And its fun.^^ Archery (yeah!), I've got a club near my place. And oh, blame LotR.:D And lastly, athletics. I'm only good at sprinting and high-jumping. I throw like a fish. And I won't mention the long-distance running. Bad memories.*shiver* ... That's about it. |
I'm currently 1st in the local championship FFA (free for all) airsoft home games. I originally started out with paintball and air rifles (.22) and moved on to airsoft when the club started doing it.
I've been known to skateboard, among other extreme sports, but I don't do it so much now. I also like sailing. Doesn't matter what kind of boat it is really, I just love to be out on the water. Anything from a canoe to a big sailing ship. |
Marching Band, its true cuz it even gets me a one term gym waiver and has done so since freshman year.
I would have done track and cross country the past few years but all my musical groups and extra curriculars usually have made that impossible. I like to run and I mainly work out on my own time at home as well. |
Just one question; does being in a Marching Band count as participating in a sport?
Well you march :P.
It does in fact carry alot of similarites to other athletics. Try holding up a chunk of metal for eight minutes while blowing the correct amount of air, playing antagonizing scales, getting to your right spots in time, staying in step, keeping could horn posture, keeping good body posture, and I have only skimmed the surface of the marching band difficulties.
I regularly swim and do yoga. I don't actually do either, but according to my UCAS application personal statement I do.
I do do cross-country at school, and will probably be initiated into the cross-country team when the inter-school competitions start. I'm usually in the athletics team every summer, but wasn't last year for some reason, probably because I was so unfit from missing sports to do sign language and plays for deaf children. I do long distance running, but I'm probably better at sprinting, but the cutest boys do cross-country, and I run slower than them, so … :D Erm, wow, nothing else. I so fat. |
eXtreme breathing, double hyper eating and Ultra Mega Suicide Vortex walking.
Life is a sport, baby.
... I have no coordination whatsoever. :| |
I'm with hobo on the extreme breathing thing. But Vortex walking man, you're crazy! |
*Pats Luke*
I scuba dive although I don't get many chances since it's uber expensive and I live in a land-locked state with few diving sites. I've been certified for a little over 2 years. Mmph, I didn't go to the beach this summer because we moved... I have scuba divey cravings. :( |
I dig hockey and football.
I hate sports.
^ Man I don't know wether you were sarcastic or serious. :P
No, I don't know what I'm talking about, but it sounded good in my head. |
Now thats a quote-worthy statement. :D
No, I'm not being sarcastic and I don't have a ****ing partner! Now do the opening properly. Ok then, just Super Munch Face Man!On todays episode, someone throws raisins at him. Hmm, I don't see that happening. ... For the record, sports equal teh crap. Go Soulstice. |
I don't hate sports, I just prefer not to play them.
I train ju-jutsu once a week. It should be twice a week, but school got in the way. I'm not very good at it though.
I was thinking of taking up archery, but I never get off my fat ass and try to actually begin doing it. All sports that involve a ball sucks. |