Fave or best OTD member
This was inspired from the Favorite Buddy thread.
Now we all know that only about 30 of us peeps are active in OWF. And OTD is the most lively forum on here. But who's your favorite active member? Dino Jacob Super Munch Me SeaRex AquaticAmbi GodlessWanderer Esus Mojoman22 Rich Dipstikk Majic Alcar Hobo Kimon Al the Vykker Abe Babe Dark_EliteH2 Abe16 ANN NEELY Discuss |
You can always expect an interesting discussion when Dino enters the mix. And you better believe you're in for a beating if he disagrees with you! :D
P.S. I wouldn't exactly call Abe Babe active, unless I'm terribly misinformed. |
I thought she was, but there are a lot of members. I was going to include AFOS, but he's on vaction, and I wanted this one to be about now.
Dino, Jacob, Searex, they all bring up good discussion.
But that Rich, he's a demon spawn of Satan. ;) |
Teh Dino, Teh Supa-Munch, and Teh Dipstikk, just cuz he was 0-so active in the masturbation thread. ;)
Oh yeah, plus Teh Richness. :) Teh used:smiley: is cool cuz he thought he saw me in a car in Buffalo. |
Aww, tanks a lot man, it's...so...sweeeeeeeet :crying:
Seriously thanks, I guess. |
Junkie Orgasm says:
So, didja see that new topic on THE ODDWORLD FORUMS? Abraham Lure says: Yeah, that one about the favorite OWF MEMBER Junkie Orgasm says: Yeah, I'd say that's quite a brain-bender. Abraham Lure says: That guy Dino... he's got 75% of the votes... Junkie Orgasm says: Dino? Who the **** is that? Junkie Orgasm says: Oh, yeah. That guy... he played that creep in Final Sacrifice, right? Abraham Lure says: Oh yeah... the one that followed Rowsdower around. Junkie Orgasm says: So he's a Canadian. Junkie Orgasm says: **** the Canadians. Who's next? Abraham Lure says: Jacob Junkie Orgasm says: He's through. He's bologna without the mayo, buddy. Forget it. Next. Abraham Lure says: Super Munch Junkie Orgasm says: Jesus Christ... who the hell are these people? Abraham Lure says: I don't know... sounds Canadian to me. Junkie Orgasm says: I've been looking at that forum since I was eight years old and I've never seen no Canuck **** named Super Munch. Abraham Lure says: Where do they find these schmucks? Junkie Orgasm says: The Charity Ward, most likely. Junkie Orgasm says: The next guy is "Me." I suppose he means me? Abraham Lure says: I don't know. I hope he doesn't mean HIM. Junkie Orgasm says: Bloated pomp. Next. Abraham Lure says: SeaRex Junkie Orgasm says: That guy's still alive? Abraham Lure says: Yeah... I thought he'd have killed himself by now. Junkie Orgasm says: If I were him, I'd have. Abraham Lure says: Whole bottle of vicadin Junkie Orgasm says: I'd skin myself. He's got a nasty complexion. Abraham Lure says: He's got a face only a mother could hide in a closet Junkie Orgasm says: Yeah, and his taste in music sucks. Next. Abraham Lure says: AquaticAmbi Junkie Orgasm says: Sounds feminine. I don't want nobody bleedin' all over the place. Next. Abraham Lure says: GodlessWanderer Junkie Orgasm says: Sounds like a wookie. Abraham Lure says: Sounds like a queer. Junkie Orgasm says: My vote will only go to a God-fearing Catholic, goddammit. Abraham Lure says: I refuse to vote for a heathen bum. Junkie Orgasm says: We didn't want Kerry runnin' the country, so why vote in this schmendrick? Junkie Orgasm says: Next. Abraham Lure says: Esus Junkie Orgasm says: ...Jesus? He's a pederast. Eight year olds, dude. Abraham Lure says: Not even close Junkie Orgasm says: The next one is Mojoman22. The name speaks for itself. Abraham Lure says: I'd say so Junkie Orgasm says: Rich? Abraham Lure says: Simple name for a simpleton. Junkie Orgasm says: I've never heard of him, myself. That's grounds for a BAN. Next. Abraham Lure says: Dipstikk Junkie Orgasm says: Fat. Next. Abraham Lure says: Majic Junkie Orgasm says: Fat. Next. Abraham Lure says: Alcar Junkie Orgasm says: That German girl? Abraham Lure says: I think that's Alector... This is that... kangaroo, or something. Junkie Orgasm says: Well, he gets my vote so far, just because I've got the hots for that German girl. Abraham Lure says: Good enough Junkie Orgasm says: Vergessen Sie den ****ing Känguruh. ZUNÄCHST! Abraham Lure says: Hobo? Junkie Orgasm says: Another bum. Abraham Lure says: It seems like the forum is full of nothing but ****-ups and worthless bums. Junkie Orgasm says: Retards and ****-ups all around. Junkie Orgasm says: Who comes next? Abraham Lure says: Kimon Junkie Orgasm says: ...sounds Republican. Abraham Lure says: Gay Republican. Junkie Orgasm says: I cannot stand gay Republicans... Abraham Lure says: If there's two things I hate, it's gays and Republicans Junkie Orgasm says: You got Kimon on two accounts. Abraham Lure says: Lynch 'im. Junkie Orgasm says: Al the Vykker? Abraham Lure says: Hobbit. Junkie Orgasm says: If there's two things I hate, it's vykkers and hobbits. Junkie Orgasm says: Next. Abraham Lure says: Abe Babe Junkie Orgasm says: No. Next. Abraham Lure says: Dark_EliteH2 Junkie Orgasm says: Who? Abraham Lure says: I don't know. Abraham Lure says: Abe16? Junkie Orgasm says: Jesus Christ. Another honkey? Abraham Lure says: Seems that way. Junkie Orgasm says: Why are there so many aryans on this forum? Junkie Orgasm says: Kill whitey! NEXT. Abraham Lure says: ANN NEELY. Junkie Orgasm says: Dude, she was TV's Miss Electra. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0573842/ Abraham Lure says: She gets my vote. Junkie Orgasm says: Mine too! |
I boo your thread. Booooo! Rexy isn't even on there, and everyone loves her! Fax, T-nex, and Raisin aren't there either. What a poopy poll. You heard me: Poopy!
*Activates lover loyalty* Besides, he was the one chosen for GM, so my vote isn't completely bias. :p Edit(Ugh, I'm editting so much these days, annoying.): Joe, I'd just like to take this time to say, did you ever know that you're my heeero? But hey, Ann's a girl too! She'd also "bleed all over the place!" :spin: |
If only they extended the limit... |
Uh-huh... So what's the point of such a thread if not all active, respectable OTD members can be choices in the poll?
Call me baby cakes again, and I'll have to hurt you a bit. |
Then go create a a poll WITH the missing members. I wanted to include them all, but I couldn't fit them all. I randomly picked the last few on my list. If you want to complain, go complain to the mods. They're the ones who can change the rules, not me.
And Joe, you've earned some more followers with that post. Yae! used:smiley:, you should un make this a poll, as to just discuss instead of select one of twenty. |
But then it would just be basically another fave buddy thread.
It basically is another buddy-ish type thread. Only with a poll, and people can only choose one person.
My opinion is that polls that ask "who's the best?" can easily make some members feel unliked, especially when they're left out. When it's impossible to include everyone who should be, then it's best not to make a poll at all. So yeah, I agree with Super Munchy. But hey, a people are voting, so I'll stop my complaints here. |
Jesus, fine! I'll make a new version of it WITH multiple voting ability. Now please cork up. Unless any of you object. You have five seconds. Tick tock.
Anyway, back on topic (although ^^^ wasn't even off topic). As SM said, it's better to discuss something like this. And as Ambi said, these polls can easily make someone feel disliked. They also make it hard to choose if you can only choose one. That's one of the reasons I havn't voted or posted yet, I'm having trouble narrowing it down to one person. It's probably not best to to a multi choice poll either. I say remove the poll (not sure if you can, I've never made a poll around here) and just discuss. |
Waaaaah! No one voted for me :crying:. Okay, how bout's this...we create a thread where we vote on who we hate. Then we'll have discussion.
Meh, Dino wins. Who cares if you didn't get a vote? It just means everyone hates you. :)
Yes, even me. We hate you all. :) ESPECIALLY that 'Me' guy. :) *close?* |
Bleah, screw this.
I take my leave :bow: |
As Super Munch struggles and tries to activate her Super hidden Mod powers, I'll go vote.Well, I'd go with Dino.As of mojo said, you can get such a beating when he enters some nOOb conversation. :p
Now where's my bronzer? |
Me. Because I > You.
And unless i'm blind, you missed Fax... |
... What a shitty thread.
Yes, you missed me, but not just because of that, because you missed tonnes of other people as well. And this thread is just like that other one, except in a non-working poll form. Just don't. |
Har-diddley-har-har. |
noughty, nuaghty, i'm not on that. i guess it was becuase i left for so long, ok, i'll vote.
I dislike this thread, not only because you forgot me [Ambi, I love you:p] and several other great veterans on that poll. There may be only 20 places but you put on Oddworldsuckscock, for gods sake. That was a wasted space.
[I know what I'm saying has already been said, but I really dislike this topic.] Take your average member. They find, to their delight that they have been put on this poll, but a few days later has recieved no votes. Said member then spirals into depression and loses all hope, never mind not posting here anymore. Okay, so that's an over statement, but I know that if I recieved no votes I'd be very hurt and upset. It's not fair, because you only have one choice, and what happenes if you love more than one member equally? I think this thread is unfair, and I won't vote. I like everyone here, so I couldn't imagine putting one person above the rest. - Rexy |
Jesus man, I gave you the reason. Let's leave it at that. |