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paramiteabe 07-20-2005 08:02 PM

The moon landing did it happen or no?
Ok I know that the landing on the moon really did happen because if it dident happen then it would be the most convinceing fake of all mankind.

What gets me is why a lot of people don't believe it actually happen? How many of you actually believe in this crazy theory. I bet if you did I could prove you wrong with scientific facts and evidence.

A while back on National Geographic I think there was a show about this and it amazes me how many people are convinced that the moon landing never occured and was a huge coverup to keep the Russians from winning the Cold War or space race.

How can people disprove this when we have moon rocks and everything? There are pictures that are real to me. Spite of the fact there are no stars in the pictures it still is real because the stars are hidden by the bright light of the sun. That easily explains no stars. What do you think of this whole Moon landing Hoax theory?

MojoMan220 07-20-2005 08:17 PM

I was skeptical when I was young and stupid, but I now realise it's silly to think the landing was a fake. Our Government is often sneaky, but come on! These conspiracy theories simply stem from a general mistrust of the Government.

Abeguy 07-20-2005 08:18 PM

my dad saw it on TV live with his own two eyes, and why are we making topics such as these? "the holocaust never happen" and now this moon thing. Good God whoever thinks it didn't happend is a moron

Dark Oddworld 07-20-2005 08:30 PM


my dad saw it on TV live with his own two eyes, and why are we making topics such as these? "the holocaust never happen" and now this moon thing. Good God whoever thinks it didn't happend is a moron

I have my doubts about it but then again where did the moon rocks come from?

Godlesswanderer 07-20-2005 08:42 PM

I suppose but how do you know that they are actually moon rocks?

I don't really have an opinion on this, I think there's sufficient evidence supporting both sides. So until someone gives genuine, no way to get around, proof, I'm sitting on the fence here.

MojoMan220 07-20-2005 08:48 PM

If not even Karl Rove is safe, what makes you think the U.S. Government could keep such a massive secret? They suck at keeping secrets.

Majic 07-20-2005 08:55 PM

I'd say we've most definitely been to the moon. Whether or not the original trip was real is up for grabs.

CheeseOfGlory 07-20-2005 09:02 PM

I can't think of a single shred of evidence that shows that we never landed on the moon. Everything these conspiracy nuts put forth (on this subject) has been repeatedly and completely debunked, for example why the flag waved in the absence of an atmosphere.

The flag seemed to wave because it had a horizontal rod on top to keep it from just furling up and due to the twisting motion that they used to get the pole in the soil.

The very idea is in the same class as creationism and holocaust "revisionists"

Dark Oddworld 07-20-2005 09:58 PM


If not even Karl Rove is safe, what makes you think the U.S. Government could keep such a massive secret? They suck at keeping secrets.

Bad at keeping secrets! What about Area 51?

Havoc 07-20-2005 10:56 PM

Area 51 is not a secret. It's a restricted area where you will be shot as soon as you enter within a few miles of it. Thats not what I call a secret...

Jacob 07-21-2005 04:08 AM

I have my suspicions about this. There was a picturegraph of the Sun behind one of the Astronauts and yet in the picturegraphs you could see the Astro immensely clearly, even though he should've been a sillouette.

I think unless some of the doubts are eradicated there's always going to be a level of suspicion around the landing.

paramiteabe 07-21-2005 04:30 AM

I think the shadows are at a different angle than that of earth. What I want to know is why haven't we gone back to the moon? I mean is there something we don't know that actually exists on the moon that the Government won't tell us? I think there is perhaps something on the dark side of the moon that probabally spooked the astronaunts where now we won't return.

For me at least it seems like that. I am writeing a sci-fi story or graphic novel about such a mystery. You might see it pop up in Non Oddworld Art/literature.

used:) 07-21-2005 06:32 AM

I wish I had friend who isgoing to the the moon so he could bring me back a bucket of Moon Rocks. They're worth millions.

Esus 07-21-2005 06:51 AM

"I think the shadows are at a different angle than that of earth. What I want to know is why haven't we gone back to the moon? I mean is there something we don't know that actually exists on the moon that the Government won't tell us? I think there is perhaps something on the dark side of the moon that probabally spooked the astronaunts where now we won't return."
Because your government, like the most of the rest of the world, has finally worked out that it's pointless and a massive waste of money for a minor increase in morale and patriotism.

used:) 07-21-2005 06:54 AM

Yeah, in America, it's easy to please the public. Hust bullshit about christianity and family values.

Dino 07-21-2005 09:02 AM

Men landed on the moon when they said they did. There's no denying it. If you ever go see a Saturn V rocket you'll know what I mean. They didn't build those things just for a laugh, those were for going to the moon.


This just disproves all else.

Oddish 07-21-2005 11:44 AM

I'n very sure how they could of landed on the moon as it appears. One of thing which makes uncertein is that theres strong radition fron the sun between the Earth and moon, technology back then of the space shuttle couldn't defend the astronorts and they would get killed by the radiation. Also when Apollo space craft landed on the luna surface, it should of made a crater on the lunar surfacem, instead not even dust lifts off.

But I know that by 2006, Japan will launch a space shuttle near the moon to the take close enougth pictures of the surface to see if there us that old space craft.

Oh, and I found this yeserday.


I think the shadows are at a different angle than that of earth. What I want to know is why haven't we gone back to the moon? I mean is there something we don't know that actually exists on the moon that the Government won't tell us? I think there is perhaps something on the dark side of the moon that probabally spooked the astronaunts where now we won't return.

The shadows on the moon are probably bent becuase of the hilly surface.

MojoMan220 07-21-2005 01:38 PM

You must realise that there were so many people involved in this mission. I think it's safe to say that somebody would have exposed such a hoax if it existed.

Dino 07-21-2005 05:40 PM


I'n very sure how they could of landed on the moon as it appears. One of thing which makes uncertein is that theres strong radition fron the sun between the Earth and moon, technology back then of the space shuttle couldn't defend the astronorts and they would get killed by the radiation.

The Moon is ten times higher than the van Allen radiation belts. The spacecraft moved through the belts in just 30 minutes, and the astronauts were protected from the ionizing radiation by the metal hulls of the spacecraft. In addition, the orbital transfer trajectory from the Earth to the Moon through the belts was selected to minimize radiation exposure. Dr. James Van Allen, the discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts, has even rebuked the claims that radiation levels were too dangerous for the Apollo missions. Dosimeters carried by the crews showed they received about the same cumulative dosage as a chest X-ray or about 1 milligray.


Also when Apollo space craft landed on the luna surface, it should of made a crater on the lunar surfacem, instead not even dust lifts off.

Why should one expect a crater to form in the first place? They're commonly depicted in science fiction, but they're not supported by the physics.
The Descent Propulsion System was throttled way down during the final stages of landing. The Lunar Module was no longer rapidly decelerating, so the descent engine only had to support the LM's own weight, which by then was greatly diminished by the near exhaustion of the descent propellants, and this was under 1/6 of earths gravity anyway. Rocket exhaust gases expand much more rapidly after leaving the engine nozzle in a vacuum than in an atmosphere. The effect of an atmosphere on rocket plumes can be easily seen in launches from Earth; as the rocket rises through the thinning atmosphere, the exhaust plumes broaden very noticeably. Rocket engines designed for vacuum operation have longer bells than those designed for use at the earth's surface, but they still cannot prevent this spreading. The lunar module's exhaust gases therefore expanded rapidly well beyond the landing site. Even if they hadn't, a simple calculation will show that the pressure at the end of the descent engine bell was much too low to carve out a crater. However, the descent engines did scatter a considerable amount of very fine surface dust as seen in 16mm movies of each landing, and as Neil Armstrong said as the landing neared ("...kicking up some dust..."). This significantly impaired visibility in the final stages of landing, and many mission commanders commented on it. Photographs do show slightly disturbed dust beneath the descent engine. And finally, the landers were generally moving horizontally as well as vertically until right before landing, so the exhaust would not be focused on any one surface spot for very long, and the compactness of the lunar soil below a thin surface layer of dust also make it virtually impossible for the descent engine to blast out a "crater".

This means you lose.

used:) 07-21-2005 05:49 PM

I...think I understood that.