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Abeguy 06-28-2005 01:32 PM

Paint is ok
hello, long time no see

Well, I haven't lost my love for OW, oh no, it's just that our comp is freaking out with the net and all. While my absence, I've been making an OW Rts game, called Hand Of Odd since we all await the real ones arrival. For the title, I use a sign that is unmistankently a mudokon hand,

I thought to myself on how to do a hand in the right place so I said to myself, how bout my hand, bingo, so I scanned a pic of my hand in the "live long and prosper" sign (\/_) so it had 3 main figures sticking out, let the editing commence. Now, I don't have photoshop or any special editing software, all I have is paint. Yes, good old Microsoft Paint. In the past I have done works on Paint very worthy for some attention, but this has to be one of my best yet.


The nails I got from Abe's thumb nail in his "Abe's marching mudokons" pic had to make it bigger, which made it horribly pixelated, so I fixed that, the OW sign is from a knuckle of mine that got squashed against the glass on the scanner. After a bit of editing, it looked like the OW sign, I made it blue with the Game Maker picture editor.

Just thought I'd show it off:D

Kimon 06-28-2005 06:03 PM

For paint, that's really quite good. Congradulations.

Al the Vykker 06-28-2005 07:12 PM


For paint, that's really quite good. Congradulations.

I'd have to concur on that as well. It doesnt even look like it was made in paint, it almost looks like a zoomed in 3d image on Photoshop or imageready. A job well done! :fuzsmile:

sliguy101 06-28-2005 07:53 PM

Now that's some cool sh*t! KUDOS!

Oddish 06-29-2005 09:58 AM

You did that in Paint? Wow. It dose look like 3D.

Munch's Master 06-29-2005 01:11 PM

That is Paint? Woah, very very very good. 11 out of 10 at least. I wish I had digital art talent like that. :bow:

Oddish 06-29-2005 01:25 PM


That is Paint?

Microsoft Paint is a very simple program for painting which everyone already has with thier PC Microsoft Windows. Press START , then All Programs and so on...

Abeguy 06-29-2005 05:21 PM

Thanx, yes my hand, my sisters say it rocks.:D

big bro boogie 06-30-2005 07:46 AM


Microsoft Paint is a very simple program for painting which everyone already has with thier PC Microsoft Windows. Press START , then All Programs and so on...

I guess he already knew that, he's only shocked.(that way his brain might malfunction(i had that before:D))

Anyway... WHOA DUDE! That's near the rank of impossible to make with paint.
Keep it Up!

Munch's Master 06-30-2005 08:06 AM

Oddish, I know perfectly well what Paint is, I use it frequently, so don't speak to me like I can't work a computer. I was just amazed that that drawing was so good, as I have never seen high quality pics like that done in Paint.

Abeguy 07-13-2005 05:51 AM

yeah, I might attempt to do a whole body make over on paint to make me look like a mudokon

Munch's Master 07-13-2005 10:28 AM

Lol! Good luck on that, we'll be here with the bathtub once you want it off after getting bored with the mudokon look. :D Still, sounds a daunting but erm...fun, task.

Oddish 07-13-2005 01:42 PM


Oddish, I know perfectly well what Paint is, I use it frequently, so don't speak to me like I can't work a computer. I was just amazed that that drawing was so good, as I have never seen high quality pics like that done in Paint.

Oh shit, I thought I saw "what" instead of "that" Sorry.

Lol, how silly of me. I don't what they've put in my drink.

Dark Elite_H2 07-14-2005 04:18 PM

That's really good! Paint is good as well, but it's hard to control. 'Specially when you use the pencil.
This is what I did in paint.

Abeguy 07-16-2005 08:22 AM

I used the selection tool. alot

MudokonGodWorshipMe! 07-24-2005 06:48 AM

i can't upload anything! anyone who wants to see my slig just pm me and i'll email it to ya!

monkeybait 07-24-2005 12:34 PM

:) thats awesome! You did that by putting your fingers in the scanner and editing the shape in paint??? Thats really cool ,abeguy!^^