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-   -   Capitalisation? Pshaw! (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=12271)

Nate 06-06-2005 05:30 AM

Capitalisation? Pshaw!
I just noticed that whenever my name is listed on the forums (eg next to my posts) it is listed as Nate_dog_woof rather than nate_dog_woof. I'm sure it wasn't always like this.

I know it's a silly thing to get huffy over, but is there any way to de-capitalise it?

Oddish 06-06-2005 05:39 AM

Hmmm... you might be right. Mabey Alcar is doing something, I dunno.

big bro boogie 06-06-2005 06:42 AM

isnt working for me(too bad...)

AquaticAmbi 06-06-2005 07:18 AM

I'm pretty sure it's always been with a capital N...

Hobo 06-06-2005 08:07 AM

I thought it was lower case too...

Fuzzleman54321 06-06-2005 08:07 AM

Yeah, I really sur it had been a n instead of a N. PM alcar and see what's Up.

Rich 06-06-2005 10:14 AM

Alcar has been capitalising people's names. Ask him if you want it changed back.

duveaux 06-06-2005 11:51 AM


He didn't capitalize me.... Though I asked for it ^_^ :P

Nate 06-07-2005 01:44 AM

That's rather... presumptuous of him.

But I will PM him.

Nate 06-09-2005 06:38 PM

Alcar claims I was capitalised all along, which doesn't sound like something I would do. This smells pretty fishy to me. I think the man is doing what we in Australia like to call "A John Howard": ****ing up, denying any guilt and then blaming someone/everyone else.

Just kidding.

Dipstikk 06-09-2005 07:13 PM

Oh, come on. I can tell you why he's capitolizing your names without even asking him. Because names should be capitolized. And does it really matter? I mean, he's not changing them, he's capitolizing them.


This smells pretty fishy to me.

You guys are turning this into a detective story. I will now referr to Nate as Watson. :p

Hold on there, smokestack. I'm kidding!

"With nothing to discuss, no new news on Oddworld, the forums begame exceedingly boring. New threads in the Off-Topic boards popped up, but that provided only minimal excitement as the weeks and months passed. Slowly, one by one, the forumers began to turn on each other..."

-A fake snippet from a made-up record I've never taken of some very real events

drakan90 06-10-2005 10:15 AM

Damn right.
Curse you, Dino! Curse you to hell!
I'll be baaack...

Dipstikk 06-10-2005 01:54 PM

What? Dino hasn't responded to this thread.

Alcar 06-10-2005 06:28 PM

I don't know where people are getting the idea that I am changing people's names without their consent, but it is completely false.

I've only capitalised or uncaptialised those who have asked me to do so. If I had wanted people's names to be capitalised, I would have changed Hobo's a LONG time ago. Because his uncapitalisation really pissed me off :p


drakan90 06-11-2005 02:36 AM

"What? Dino hasn't responded to this thread."
No I mean just in general

Hobo 06-11-2005 03:24 AM


I don't know where people are getting the idea that I am changing people's names without their consent, but it is completely false.

I've only capitalised or uncaptialised those who have asked me to do so. If I had wanted people's names to be capitalised, I would have changed Hobo's a LONG time ago. Because his uncapitalisation really pissed me off :p


Hey i asked you to change it boyo, you were just being awkward!:p

Dipstikk 06-11-2005 03:42 AM


No I mean just in general

No, you addressed Dino, who has not posted here. There is no "in general" when referring to a single member.


Damn right.
Curse you, Dino! Curse you to hell!
I'll be baaack...

You'll be back from what? Or to do what?

You know what? That post was spam. Knock it off.

Rich 06-11-2005 06:58 AM

Your reference to forumers turning on each other. He related it to Dino's behaviour. In general.

drakan90 06-11-2005 11:33 AM

^^^ See. That guy gets it.
I thought the meaning was pretty obvious...

"There is no "in general" when referring to a single member."
Sure there is.
Y'know, 'Bill is annoying in general'.
Like - usually.
I dunno if its proper grammer or anything, but loads of people use the term like that.

Dino 06-15-2005 01:38 AM

I see drakan is still trying to incite arguments. What's the matter drak, is your real life too boring for you? Not enough drama around here for your liking? Tough. Stop stirring shit - everyone can see what you're doing.

Nate 06-15-2005 03:57 AM


Pot, meet Kettle. I think you'll get along great!

Oddish 06-15-2005 01:35 PM

I see you got your "n" back. Problem fixed.