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Dipstikk 07-17-2004 08:34 PM

Sea World
I'm gonna be on a temporary hiatus until Tuesday, cuz I AM GOING TO SEA WORLD in Orlando. I'll bring back pictures.
I wanna see if there's any mammal alive that weighs more than me. ;)

See you on Tuesday...
...you Peaquads.

Alcar 07-17-2004 08:43 PM

Have fun! :D I remember Sea World in Australia as being quite a good time.


Fez 07-17-2004 10:34 PM

Look for a tree that has FEZ written on it and have a good time!

Killa_47 07-17-2004 11:59 PM

Hey fez you copy!!!
I also carved my name on a tree, so look for Dan woz ere Y2K2.

Lucipher 07-18-2004 10:07 AM

Have a good time and I hope you fall in the shark tank and get eaten!

I kid.

Cyber-Slig 07-18-2004 10:09 AM

Have a good time m8.heres some advice.While sitting in shamu's stage do NOT pick youre nose or anything embarrisng cos eres a cam there and dont sit in the front seats!!

Oddish 07-18-2004 10:13 AM

Hav a fabilus-illy-dilly-didly-widdly-do time. And feed the sharks!

Dipstikk 08-04-2004 06:15 PM

Yeah, so I'm back...
And I have pictures.

Yes, there is a sea mammal that weighs more than I do...

Poor creatures were forced to perform tricks in a tank for fish.
FOR FISH! :dead:

Pseudorca Crassidens.
The False Killer Whale.


This scarlet macaw amazed us all with his ability to command this bald, middle-aged man.

More pictures soon.
Or when I feel like scanning them. Which I don't right now.

Cyber-Slig 08-05-2004 06:49 AM

Ive been there twice.Me gots loads of pics but me dont wanna show em :D

Fuzzles! 08-05-2004 07:52 AM

Beautiful pics. Especially the Macaw. I used to have a Greenwing Macaw (he was a rescue).

Majic 08-05-2004 11:22 AM

I like Sea World. When I went to the one in San Antonio, I remember seeing a trained animal show. So I start thinking, "Why can't my cat walk across wires, balance beams, and obey commands?" Then I remembered she was fat and stupid.

Also, it was amazing. There's apparently a standard inverted roller coaster design that was used for "Batman" At Six Flags Over Texas and "The Great White" at Sea World. Typically, the wait is around an hour on your typical summer day at Six Flags. But there was literally no line at Sea World. My brother/I rode it like 5 times. Yet another reason I love the San Antonio/New Braunfels region so much. 3 great amusment parks, tons of recreation, and a small local population crowding up everything.

Damn the bigness of the Dallas metroplex.

Lucipher 08-17-2004 11:59 PM

Did you see my saltwater manitee? He's in there because of scrot rot or something. I miss my manitee, if you don't know what a manitee looks like, imagine a giant scrotum with fins and a tail.