Oddworld Forums

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Nate 03-03-2022 11:18 PM

Going... going... not yet gone
Just a warning that this place will be closed for posting very soon. When? Try to guess! The astute among you will be able to figure it out.

Auriel 03-04-2022 06:04 AM

april 1st it is

Varrok 03-05-2022 04:10 AM

Before the forums close I'd like to say my forum posts are cringe and don't reflect on me as a person. All of them, especially the entertaining posts. I didn't mean it.

Alf Shall Rise 03-05-2022 01:55 PM

before the forums close i'd like to say varrok's forum posts were cringe and i will always use them to judge him on a personal level.

STM 03-06-2022 05:34 AM

Before the forums close I'd like to say, well, it's been a pleasure. To those of you left, here at the end of the world, you'll always be in my memories. <3

Nepsotic 03-07-2022 08:07 AM

join the local server, it's like this place but better, in that it's about oddworld but we never talk about it. And Paul runs it so it's better. And maybe there will be an HD mod for AO/AE coming out, that sounds good doesn't it


otherwise bye everyone else

Crashpunk 03-07-2022 09:41 AM

Well, before it truly ends. I'll make my final (for real this time) message here.

Thanks for everything. It's a shame that Oddworld thing didn't really work out, eh?

RoryF 03-07-2022 10:00 AM


Before the forums close I'd like to say my forum posts are cringe and don't reflect on me as a person. All of them, especially the entertaining posts. I didn't mean it.



join the local server, it's like this place but better, in that it's about oddworld but we never talk about it. And Paul runs it so it's better. And maybe there will be an HD mod for AO/AE coming out, that sounds good doesn't it


otherwise bye everyone else

local shill

Varrok 03-07-2022 10:22 AM


Before the forums close I'd like to say, well, it's been a pleasure. To those of you left, here at the end of the world, you'll always be in my memories. <3

Nice try, the Caretaker!!!


before the forums close i'd like to say varrok's forum posts were cringe and i will always use them to judge him on a personal level.

I'm so sorry!

Nate 03-07-2022 10:28 PM

It's not April 1st.

Nepsotic 03-08-2022 02:06 AM


before the forums close i'd like to say varrok's forum posts were cringe and i will always use them to judge him on a personal level.

if you thought his forum posts were cringe you clearly haven't seen his discord messages

Varrok 03-08-2022 03:33 AM

He's seen them, he's on the server

Bixer 03-08-2022 05:42 AM

Not posted on here that much over the years and so I assume no one even remotely recognises me, but just wanted to say it's been a pleasure checking these forums sporadically over the years!

Maybe I'm just getting old, but Discord just confuses me and in my limited time trying it I just felt like I was shouting into a void with how quickly messages flood in.

Given Oddworld Inhabitants' recent direction, probably an apt time for me to bow out anyway...

Varrok 03-09-2022 11:14 AM

I remember you! You're Bixer, and you have a concept art scrab for avatar!


Maybe I'm just getting old, but Discord just confuses me and in my limited time trying it I just felt like I was shouting into a void with how quickly messages flood in.
If it's a server that has a thousand users then it's a common feeling. It's different on smaller ones

Nepsotic 03-10-2022 10:32 AM


I remember you! You're Bixer, and you have a concept art scrab for avatar!

I get it, you're saying you remember them but only the things that are visually present on their post, almost as if you don't remember them at all!! that's so cheeky!!

SlashClaw 03-11-2022 04:11 AM

really, ah that is a bit sad

Varrok 03-11-2022 10:44 AM


I get it, you're saying you remember them but only the things that are visually present on their post, almost as if you don't remember them at all!! that's so cheeky!!

I remember most people on the forums on the basis of their nickname and avatar. It's a coincidence those two are still in the same condition as when he joined

MA 03-12-2022 02:58 PM

hahahaha i also get it.

Wil 03-13-2022 04:22 PM

Only a decade too late.

STM 03-16-2022 02:02 PM

MA, I will finish my necrum theme if you do a commemorative edition of SLIGS WEIRD.

Manco 03-17-2022 09:38 AM

I'm glad I decided to check in when I still had the chance to say goodbye.

Farewell OWF, it's been a real one. I've had some wonderful times and made some damn good friends as a result of this place.

Job McYossie 03-17-2022 06:42 PM

Man this was probably the wrong place to spend my formative years but somehow I'm glad I did. I was never coming back, but I'll miss y'all, and wont ever forget logging in on the school computers to check threads with this accursed group.

STM 03-18-2022 01:45 AM

Ello Job!

Manco 03-18-2022 01:53 AM

We're not all gentlemen, but still.

Slog Bait 03-18-2022 05:44 PM


MA 03-19-2022 01:23 AM


MA, I will finish my necrum theme if you do a commemorative edition of SLIGS WEIRD.

hah. only if OANST does a continuation of his stranger/master chief erotic fanfiction or whatever. so never then.

now lets all phase out of existence together. AS ONE.

Manco 03-19-2022 01:45 PM


now lets all phase out of existence together. AS ONE.

SlashClaw 03-20-2022 04:09 AM


Sites starting to have trouble accepting requests

SlashClaw 03-20-2022 04:11 AM


Sites starting to have trouble accepting requests

SlashClaw 03-20-2022 04:14 AM

unexpected double post

Alf Shall Rise 03-20-2022 08:24 AM

double post?? ban this guy.

STM 03-20-2022 11:33 AM

Nate doesn't even care about the rules any more. This place has gone to shit.

Alf Shall Rise 03-21-2022 11:20 AM

we should start our own forum.

Varrok 03-21-2022 12:11 PM

ok do it

SlashClaw 03-22-2022 12:33 AM


we should start our own forum.

New, nd Oddwordly

Oddey 03-22-2022 12:35 AM

I had a dream that I hopped on owforums.net and everything worked. Then I checked the URL and it was oddworldforums.net, having been redirected. There was a post from Nate explaining that in a stunning turn of events, Alcar had handed over the keys to the forum after all and now Nate, for old time's sake, was reviving it back to a usable state.

Then I woke up and forgot about it. I remembered later and was like "Oh yeah, Nate's got the keys now, lemme take a look". Then I realized I was all a dream.

And then I realized that it didn't really matter either way.

RoryF 03-22-2022 06:27 AM

dreaming about OWF? must've been a great kip you had then

Alf Shall Rise 03-23-2022 04:35 AM

just found out invisionfree no longer exists. no new forum guys, i'm sorry.

Varrok 03-23-2022 08:12 AM


I had a dream that I hopped on owforums.net and everything worked. Then I checked the URL and it was oddworldforums.net, having been redirected. There was a post from Nate explaining that in a stunning turn of events, Alcar had handed over the keys to the forum after all and now Nate, for old time's sake, was reviving it back to a usable state.

Then I woke up and forgot about it. I remembered later and was like "Oh yeah, Nate's got the keys now, lemme take a look". Then I realized I was all a dream.

And then I realized that it didn't really matter either way.

Way to crap on the idea of making dreams into reality


just found out invisionfree no longer exists. no new forum guys, i'm sorry.


I literally never heard of any of those. I must be getting old

EVP_Glukkon 03-23-2022 05:05 PM

Who the hell dreams of OWF.
What a looosseerrrrrrrr get a lyf foo.