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-   -   The Results of the 11th Annual Forum Poster Awards! (sorry they're late edition) (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=21501)

STM 02-15-2014 12:14 PM

The Results of the 11th Annual Forum Poster Awards! (sorry they're late edition)
Gooooood evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back once again for another results night! Whilst it is true that this year has gone by a little quietly, and indeed the audience is wearing a little thin in places, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good old laugh as we pay tribute to all the fantastic people that make this place stand out as one of the greatest, oldest and most closeted communities on the internet. So raise your glasses, make merry, but not too merry, and listen up for your name because here come the results!


Best Thread Creator
8 Meech Munchie
2 Varrok
2 Scrabtrapman
1 MA
1 Nate

Congratulations, Meech Munchie on winning the first award of the evening!

Total votes: 14
Previous Winners:
2003–6: Wolfpac
2007–9: Havoc
2010: used(:
2011: Xavier
2012: Nate, Meech Munchie

Best Blogger
5 Phylum
3 MA
2 Varrok
2 Bullet Magnet
1 Mac Sirloin
1 Nate

Well done to Phylum for being a top notch blogger, people await your testament with baited breath.

Total votes: 14
Previous Winners:
2009: OANST
2010: Mac Sirloin
2011: OANST
2012: Mac Sirloin

Greatest Debater
7 Bullet Magnet
2 Varrok
1 Slogbait
1 MA
1 Phylum

Even without any sparring this year, BM manages to clinch another year as our greatest debater, well done to him.

Total votes: 13
Previous Winners:
2009–12: Bullet Magnet

Fan Corner Suite

Best Oddworld Artist
5 Slogbait
3 Varrok
2 Vyrien
2 Scipionyx
1 MA

Congratulations, Slogbait on being the finest fan artist the forum has to offer!

Total votes: 13
Previous Winners:
2003: Alector
2004: paramiteabe
2005–6: Dipstikk
2007–8: Matriar
2009: GlacierDragon & Lacy Hemsmire
2010: Sekto Springs
2011: Michael & Scipionyx
2012: Lauric_GK

Best Non-Oddworld Artist
7 Slogbait
3 Vyrien
2 Varrok
1 Meech Munchie
1 MA

Well done Slogbait on clinching your second award of the evening, you truly are the fan-corner king!

Total votes: 14
Previous Winners:
2009: Matriar
2010: dripik & Dryadri
2011: Matriar
2012: Meech Munchie

Best Writer
8 MA
2 Varrok
1 Oddey
1 Nepsotic

Congratulations to our beloved bovine prober on being the master of all things eloquent!

Total votes: 13
Previous Winners:
2003: Jacob
2004: sligslinger
2005–6: Splat
2007: mitsur
2008: Splat
2009: Munch's Master (Oddworld) & Kastere (Non-Oddworld)
2010: Splat
2011: Oddey
2012: Mac Sirloin

Most Insular Member
4 Splat
3 Alexfili
2 Oddey
1 Varrok
1 MA
1 Meech Munchie
1 Nepsotic
1 Ridg3
1 Dynamithix

I’d offer to congratulate Splat on winning this award but I just can’t seem to find him! Give him a pat on the back for me if he turns up.

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2012: Scipionyx, Splat, Oddey, MurderofInk & Darkhoodness

Funniest Poster
3 Varrok
3 MA
1 OddjobAbe
1 Vyrien

Congratulations to our resident Belligerent Cunt for being the funniest thing in this cesspit. You must be doing something right as this is the fifth year in a row you’ve made me wet myself with laughter.

Total votes: 18
Previous Winners:
2003: Jacob
2004–5: Hobo
2006: Havoc
2007: OANST
2008: Hobo
2009–12: OANST

Most Unintentionally Funny Poster
4 Alexfili
3 Varrok
3 Pupbuddy
2 Nepsotic
1 Jdate
1 MA
1 Havoc

Well done to Alexfili on being an accidental comedy genius!

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2009–10: abe is now!
2011: Scrabtrapman
2012: Nepsotic

Most Meaningful Poster
3 Darkhoodness
2 Varrok
2 Gishygleb
1 Kapteenohmykapteen
1 MA
1 Meech Munchie
1 Mr. Bungle
1 Wil
1 Bullet Magnet

Previous Winners:
2003–4: Al the Vykker
2004–6: Max the Mug
2007: Nate
2008–10: Bullet Magnet
2011: Xavier
2012: Phylum & Nate

Most Underrated Poster
4 OddjobAbe
2 Varrok
2 MA
2 Vyrien
1 Nate
1 Phlyum
1 Alexfili
1 Wings of Fiyah
1 Wil

Congrats to our resident oldster for being our most underrated poster. Let his wisdom fall upon you!

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2003: Jacob & Oddsville
2004: Oddsville
2005: Rich
2006: Dark Elite_H2
2007: OANST
2008: Strike Witch
2009: mitsur
2010: enchilado & Molluck's Assistant
2011: Scrabtrapman
2012: Phylum

Best Advice Giver
7 MA
2 Varrok
1 Wil
1 OddjobAbe
1 Manco

Farmer Giles picks up his second award of the evening for his excellent advice giving skills, well done to him!

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2003: Xavier
2004: Max the Mug
2005: Alcar
2006: Max the Mug
2007: Nate
2008: Bullet Magnet
2009–10: Nate
2011–12: OANST

Member with the Greatest Oddworld Knowledge
14 Wil
2 Varrok
1 Xavier
1 MA

Congrats are in order to Wil who once again, wins the GOK award!

Total votes: 19
Previous Winners:
2003–11: Max the Mug
2012: Wil

Best Newcomer
9 JobMcYossie
1 CrowbarSka

Competition was thin this year with the whole, the internet forgetting we exist thing, but there was still one new member for Mr. McYossie to stand against, and trounce.

Total votes: 10
Previous Winners:
2003: The Red Muse
2004: RavenMM & Death
2005: AquaticAmbi
2006: Cullen Heath
2007: OddjobAbe
2008: Wings of Fire
2009: Anonyman!
2010: Josh
2011: ODDWORLDisTHEbest!
2012: Vyrien

Most Welcopme Return
4 Hobo
2 abe is now!

He may only have returned for five minutes but it still counts, well done Hobo1

Total votes: 8
Previous Winners:
2010: Disgruntled Intern, Pilot & Rex Tirano
2011: Josh
2012: Disgruntled Intern

Best Veteran
5 MA
3 Wings of Fire
2 Nate
1 Manco

MA picks up his third award of the evening for being our most beloved veteran member!

Total votes: 13
Previous Winners:
2003: Xavier
2004: Max the Mug
2005: Alcar
2006: OANST
2007: Nate
2008–9: OANST
2010: Disgruntled Intern
2011: OANST
2012: Wil

Dearly Missed Member
11 Nexy
1 Gishy
1 Disgruntled Intern
1 Leto

I think we can all safely say we miss T-Nex dearly and wish she’d come back! Well done to her for winning this award.

Total votes: 14
Previous Winners:
2004: OANST, TheKhanzumer & Sydney
2005: Ferril
2006: Kimon & Cloverfield
2007: AquaticAmbi
2008: Cloverfield
2009: Leto
2010: MeechShrykull1029
2011: DI
2012: Pilot

Most Liked
4 Crashpunk
2 Vyrien
2 MA
2 Varrok
1 Oddey
1 Scrabtrapman
1 OddjobAbe

Well this one was fairly obvious I think, well done to our loveable native punk for being so gosh darn likeable!

Total votes: 14
Previous Winners:
2003: Xavier & atusiya@
2004: autisya@
2005: oddguy
2006: Rex Tirano
2007: Nate
2008: Alcar & Bullet Magnet
2009: Max the Mug, OANST & Rex Tirano
2010: Wings of Fire
2011: Alcar & Oddjobabe
2012: Wings of Fire

Most Eccentric
4 Bullet Magnet
3 MA
3 Crashpunk
2 Nepsotic
2 Varrok
1 Oddey
1 Scrabtrapman
1 OddjobAbe

Well done to our resident weirdo, Bullet Magnet, for being so incredibly insane. Rock on, you mad scientist you.

Total votes: 18
2003: Jacob (Most Eccentric & Most Insane)
2004: Jacob (Most Eccentric) & Joshy (Most Insane)
2005: Hobo (Most Eccentric) & Mawk (Most Insane)
2006: Havoc (Most Eccentric) & Cullen Heath (Most Insane)
2007: Hobo (Most Eccentric & Most Insane)
2008: Hobo (Most Eccentric) & Mac Sirloin(Most Insane)
2009: Pilot
2010: Mac Sirloin & Strike Witch
2011: Pilot
2012: Bullet Magnet

Most Annoying
4 Nepsotic
4 Varrok
2 Steamer_KING
1 Kapteenicus
1 MA
1 J_Date
1 Havoc

For two years running now, Nepsotic has clinched this award, this year though, he's joined by Varrok; does this still count as a sign of greatness? Well done nevertheless, chaps!

Total votes: 14
2003: lindsey
2004: Death
2005: Alpha
2006: Icarus
2007: Hobo
2008: abe is now! & AlienMagi
2009: AlienMagi
2010: MarsMudoken & ~Oprilthevykker~
2011: ODDWORLDisTHEbest!
2012: Nepsotic

Most Accomplished Troll
2 Varrok
1 Scrabtrapman
1 Oddhunter ManCo
1 MA

Congraturbations, OANST, on being the leading cause of scaring away new guys. It’s all your fault, everything is all your fault. This is like, your second or third award of the evening too!

Previous Winners:
2010: Disgruntled Intern & OANST
2011–2012: OANST

Best Couple
2 Nate & Poopy Guy
2 Scrabtrapman & His Bird
2 Slogbait & Nepsotic
2 Varrok & Varrok
2 MA & MA (MA & MA’s penis?)
1 Nate & Grindr
1 Meech Munchie & Vyrien
1 Steamer_KING and MA’s Cunt
1 Pupbuddy & MS Paint
1 Jordan & His Dad

*takes breath* Congratulations to Nate & Poopy Guy, Me and my bird, SlogbaitandVarrokandMAandMAforallbeingsuchadorablecouples *collapses*

Total votes: 16
Previous Winners:
2003: Disgruntled Intern & lindsey
2004: ferill & Hobo
2005: SeaRex & AquaticAmbi
2006: Rich & Rex Tirano
2007: SeaRex & AquaticAmbi
2008: Alector & Dark Hood; and AlienMagi & Hobo
2009: Alcar & Hobo
2010: T-nex & Sekto Springs
2011: Molluck's Assisstant and Meech Munchie
2012: Meech Munchie and Wil

Most Dedicated Winner
5 Nate
3 Crashpunk
2 Varrok
1 Wil
1 MA
1 MS1029
1 Kapteeeeni
1 MM

Well done to Nate for being our most dedicated member to this forum, you are much loved for your steadfast dictatorial fist of rule!

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2003–4: Alcar
2005–6: Xavier
2007: Alcar & Max the Mug
2008: Xavier
2009: Nate & Xavier
2010: Nate
2011: Max the Mug
2012: Wil

Member in Dire Need of a Life
4 Nepsotic
2 Varrok
2 Gissshy
1 OddjobAbe
1 MA & His Penis
1 Pupbuddy
1 Kapteeeni
1 StrikeCunt

Congratulations and commiserations to Nepsotic for winning this award! Maybe it’s high time you walked under the gaze of the sun, or siphoned the life-force of another human, whichever you prefer!

Total votes: 13
Previous Winners:
2010: MarsMudoken & MeechShrykull1029
2011: Abe619
2012: Nepsotic

Best Staff Member
9 Nate
4 Wings of Fire
1 Wil
1 Splat
1 Alcar

Nate wins again! You may love your big red infraction button but we still think you’re ace!

Total votes: 16
Previous Winners:
2003: Alcar
2004: Cloverfield
2005: Alcar
2006: SeaRex
2007: Nate
2008: Hobo
2009–10: Nate
2011: Max the Mug
2012: Nate

Member who’d make a Good Moderator
6 Meech Munchie
2 Varrcok
1 Alcar! (ha!)
1 Crashpunk
1 Vyrien
1 Alexfili
1 Scrabtrapman
1 Phylum
1 Manco

Touted as our next magnificent moderator, Meech Munchie must be most pleased to win this award! He’s also won it two years running, ooooooh.

Total votes: 15
Previous Winners:
2003: Jacob, paramiteabe, & SeaRex
2004: oddguy
2005: Nate, T-nex, Oddude, AquaticAmbi, & Oddish
2006: AquaticAmbi
2007: Matriar & snuzi
2008: Bullet Magnet
2009: Wings of Fire
2010: Disgruntled Intern
2011: MA, Manco, Paul and WoF
2012: Meech Munchie

The Oddworld Forums Unofficial Mascot
5 Abbey
3 Teddy!
2 Crashpunk
2 Bill Murray
1 Phylum’s Flute
1 Varrok
1 MA
1 Slogbait’s Avatar
1 Alcar
1 The WoF Testicle
1 Vyrien’s Scary Teddy Picture

Abbey wins again! I always worry about spelling OANST’s protégé’s name wrong, I hope I got it right this year.

Total votes: 19
Previous Winners:
2003: atusiya@
2004–7: Alcar
2008: Hobo
2009: Max the Mug
2010 –1: Abbey
2012: Abbey & Bill Murray

Most Changed Member
8 Nepsotic
2 Varrok
1 Phylum
1 Crashpunk
1 MA
1 Scrabtrapman
1 Varrok

Congratulations, Neppy on winning the ‘Most Changed Member Award’. Fear not, the general consensus seems to be that it’s a change for the better!

Total votes: 16
Previous Winners:
2012: Nepsotic

Most Valuable Poster
3 Wings of Fire
3 Varrok
2 Crashpunk
2 Nate
1 Sekto Springs
1 Manco
1 MA
1 J_Dude320
1 Bullet Magnet
1 Wil
1 Phylum

Wings of Fire wins what is perhaps our most prestigious award, though perhaps such a victory is besmirched somewhat by the fact that Varrok also wins this year. Well done to both of you!

Total votes: 17
Previous Winners:
2003: Alf
2004: oddguy
2005–6: Xavier
2007: Nate, Max the Mug, & Havoc
2008–9: Bullet Magnet
2010: Max the Mug & Nate
2011: Nate
2012: Wil & MacSirloin

Well that’s it for another year! Congratulations to everyone who won an award and commiserations to those who didn’t. I didn’t win anything, again, and that’s fine. Seriously I don’t mind. Cunts. Thanks to everyone who voted and made this year’s awards possible: [i]Oddey, Varrok, MM, OddjobAbe, OANST, Mr. Bungle, Slogbait, Me, Vyrien, JobMcYossie, Crashpunk, Manco, Nepsotic, Steamer_KING, MA, Hedjeroooo, Wings of Fire and Jbot. That’s 18 people, folks! Nowhere near as many as last year. This was a failure. I’m making a note here, huge…sorry.

You know, I actually made a poster this year to raise awareness for the awards. I’m afraid I destroyed it though; it was far too orange and failed to capture the atmosphere of the ceremony. Never mind, eh?

Varrok 02-15-2014 01:20 PM


The Oddworld Forums Unofficial Mascot
5 Abbey
3 Teddy!
2 Crashpunk
2 Bill Murray
1 Phylum’s Flute
1 Varrok
1 MA
1 Slogbait’s Avatar
1 Alcar
1 The WoF Testicle
1 Vyrien’s Scary Teddy Picture
Great. You didn't realize that "Vyrien’s Scary Teddy Picture" is a teddy (apparently inclusion of the "teddy" word didn't help). And that "Varrok" is, in fact, a teddy too.


Most Changed Member
8 Nepsotic
2 Varrok
1 Phylum
1 Crashpunk
1 MA
1 Scrabtrapman
1 Varrok

...I mean, what a scandal! Not only you forced us to wait additional 8 days to count the votes, but didn't even do that one job right! Jesus, man, how could you be so irresponsible! I'm honestly upset with you, not only because of that but because you basically blocked Nepsotic the opportunity to do it, and I really think he would put much more attention to the details, do it on time and better. I want my money back.

At least you spelt "Newcomer" right this time.

...also, Nep would put "Best Varrok" as a category : ( Seeing how many people voted on that and the fact that is was a forum-wide meme. I hate this year awards.

Phylum 02-15-2014 01:30 PM

Why did I win best blogger? My blogs are horrible.

I actually would have preferred not to win anything :/

MeechMunchie 02-15-2014 01:35 PM


Slog Bait 02-15-2014 02:23 PM



...I mean, what a scandal! Not only you forced us to wait additional 8 days to count the votes, but didn't even do that one job right! Jesus, man, how could you be so irresponsible! I'm honestly upset with you, not only because of that but because you basically blocked Nepsotic the opportunity to do it, and I really think he would put much more attention to the details, do it on time and better. I want my money back.

At least you spelt "Newcomer" right this time.

...also, Nep would put "Best Varrok" as a category : ( Seeing how many people voted on that and the fact that is was a forum-wide meme. I hate this year awards.

There seems to be more than a couple mistakes/miscounts. I am flipping through the voting thread and discovering these things.


Phylum 02-15-2014 02:24 PM

There are usually a few miscounts, I just never say anything when I notice because they're never significant.

Manco 02-15-2014 03:09 PM

I hope this is just good-natured ribbing and not sincere bitching. C’mon.

Slog Bait 02-15-2014 03:20 PM

Well it's the former from me. I can't really speak for Varrok tho

Varrok 02-15-2014 03:25 PM

I don't really want to insult or hurt STM, but I feel really sad and kind of disappointed by his work. I don't know which one is it.

Slog Bait 02-15-2014 03:31 PM

I just compared the votes with the results side by side and something isn't adding up.

STM, how did you go about tallying the votes?

STM 02-15-2014 03:33 PM


There seems to be more than a couple mistakes/miscounts. I am flipping through the voting thread and discovering these things.


You can just call me Mugabe.

Ignoring the fact that you're not supposed to count shit up yourself, there are some votes I purposely refused to count for a number of reasons I don't care to remember, but yeah, my maths isn't excellent so I don't doubt that maybe there are a few that might be wrong. What's important though, is that everyone who won something, did win and I got all of those. And that I finally pulled my finger out to get this year's awards done in 2014.

Also fuck off Varrok.

Varrok 02-15-2014 03:34 PM

I just recounted the votes for "Most Liked":


Varrok x4,
Vyrien x2,
MA x2,
STD (was it STM?),
Cp x4,
Mr. Bungle
I personally feel like shit for nitpicking, because it's in my favor. Damn


there are some votes I purposely refused to count for a number of reasons I don't care to remember
Haha. Okay, it's fine now.

STM 02-15-2014 03:40 PM

I'm rescinding all your awards. Except most annoying.


Slog Bait 02-15-2014 03:53 PM

The only reason I went back and counted the votes myself is because there were a few things that stood out to me that didn't seem right.

You seemed to have mixed up abe is now! with abe619, and missed a vote for me and Nep as best couple, which could help to reduce the clutter under that category if it even matters.

Everything else seems fine, though, even with the maths errors. The winners are all the same regardless, except for a few instances where combining the Varrok-only votes would cause him to tie in a couple categories.

STM 02-15-2014 04:18 PM


Everything else seems fine, though, even with the maths errors. The winners are all the same regardless, except for a few instances where combining the Varrok-only votes would cause him to tie in a couple categories.

But do we reaaaaally want that?

Seriously though I did purposefully omit a few of those where I didn't think they were relevant, whether we're talking about the same votes though, is another story. Any way, I just suggest people enjoy it now it's done, pat each others backs and what not.

Nate 02-15-2014 04:23 PM


Most Dedicated Winner
5 Nate
I really am dedicated to being a winner! :D

Slog Bait 02-15-2014 04:23 PM


But do we reaaaaally want that?

Seriously though I did purposefully omit a few of those where I didn't think they were relevant, whether we're talking about the same votes though, is another story. Any way, I just suggest people enjoy it now it's done, pat each others backs and what not.

Yeah, I gotcha. I don't want to focus on it too much because that would ruin the fun.


It's been my life goal ever since I joined the forum. I weep with joy. I am so, so proud.

STM 02-15-2014 04:26 PM

You know what, I'm leaving that in. You are a winner, Nate. (Y)

Nate 02-15-2014 04:30 PM


You know what, I'm leaving that in. You are a winner, Nate. (Y)

Only two awards this year though. :(

Phylum 02-15-2014 06:18 PM

I recieved more votes in the Best Blogger category than I did in all of the others combined.

I would just like to make sure everyone saw this though.


I don't really want to insult or hurt STM, but I feel really sad and kind of disappointed by his work. I don't know which one is it.

Seriously, what the fuck Varrok?

Nate 02-15-2014 07:26 PM


Why did I win best blogger? My blogs are horrible.

I actually would have preferred not to win anything :/

Don't feel too bad. I co-won Best Couple for something I posted on January 1st in my timezone, such that it just barely qualified for eligibility in other parts of the world. Now poop guy has been preserved for the ages, when everyone would have forgotten him if they'd been forced to wait until next year to nominate us.

Phylum 02-15-2014 07:41 PM

I just feel like there are people who post genuinely interesting blogs rather than just teenage rants. I can't tell if it's meant to be a joke or something? Or a pity thing?

STM 02-15-2014 07:44 PM

It could be quality of your writing too! Also the stuff about your music and when you got into uni, those stories were great to read. :)

Bullet Magnet 02-15-2014 09:53 PM

I'm so weird that I win debates no one is even having.

Nepsotic 02-16-2014 02:02 AM


Job McYossie 02-16-2014 02:03 AM

oh boy, won by default!

Nate 02-16-2014 03:40 AM


Crashpunk 02-16-2014 03:53 AM

Thanks for so many nominations! :D

Also for people who were around when I first joined, Did you ever think I'll get the 'most liked' award? :tard:

Slog Bait 02-16-2014 05:06 AM

You truly are an anomaly, Crashpunk.

Oddey 02-16-2014 06:00 AM

Ah yes, how time flies and people change.

Disappointed that Varrok didn't win more awards.

Bullet Magnet 02-16-2014 07:13 AM

The Cult of Varrok ends now.

MeechMunchie 02-16-2014 11:29 AM

Does that mean I can ditch this stupid avatar?

Vyrien 02-16-2014 11:51 AM


Job McYossie 02-16-2014 11:57 AM

I don't know if I can... I've known this teddy bear for so long...

STM 02-16-2014 01:06 PM


Does that mean I can ditch this stupid avatar?

Ooh, that hit right in the courage sack.

OANST 02-18-2014 07:01 AM

Yeah, it's had its time.

Crashpunk 02-18-2014 02:10 PM

We need to think of a new meme. FAST.

STM 02-18-2014 02:11 PM

Isn't that the opposite of what a meme is? :P

MeechMunchie 02-18-2014 02:40 PM

All glory to the Smug Moustache Frog.

Slog Bait 02-18-2014 03:18 PM
