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-   -   Well this is an interesting development.. (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=21488)

MeechCrunchies 01-30-2014 02:55 PM

Well this is an interesting development..

V_O_T 01-30-2014 06:16 PM

I have a feeling that boombats are replacing regular bats. It makes things more interesting I'll give it that. I submitted a few names too :) I like how they do these contests.

MeechCrunchies 01-30-2014 06:24 PM

I posted under the name KeyLimePie.

Any thoughts on mine? Just looking for a little constructive criticism :D

Job McYossie 01-30-2014 06:45 PM

I can't help myself. Sent in mine.

MC, you do know they want you to email your inputs, not post it in the comments, right? Personally, I think your suggestions are nice, but a little too not oddworld related.

MeechCrunchies 01-30-2014 06:48 PM

Yeah, I emailed them, but I still left it in the form of a comment too.

Nate 01-30-2014 06:50 PM


A free Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty code for the PlayStation platform of their choice*

Dear Oddworld,

Please send me prize codes that work on the PS1 and PSP.

Love, Nathan

You might want to tighten up those terms and conditions.

MeechMunchie 01-30-2014 09:52 PM


Kill a Boombat with a rock - King David
Kill a Boombat with a rock - Et tu, Bruce?

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig - Nap Time

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways - Tour de Morte
Have Abe die in 15 unique ways - Pushing Up Spooceshrubs

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways - Quarmic Retribution

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time - Industry-Grade Heroics
Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time - Saviour of t'Mudokons
Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time - Rupt'ureFarms
Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time - gg
I felt like I should actually do something Oddworldy today. Nate's guilt-tripping me.

Vyrien 01-30-2014 11:34 PM

I emailed some of these in last night, they are pretty dire so naturally I feel slightly mortified today.


Kill a Boombat with a rock - 1.) Stone the crows! 2.) Bat outta hell. 3.) Granitedier.

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig - 1.) In plain sight. 2.) Get me outta here!

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways - 1.) Auto-annihilation. 2.) Dead meat.
3.) Occupational hazard.

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways - 1.) Kill 'em! 2.) Tyrannicide. 3.) Slaughter school. 4.) Aggression succession.

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time - 1.) Greased lightning. 2.) Speed demon. 3.) Employee of the month

Nate 01-31-2014 12:43 AM


I felt like I should actually do something Oddworldy today. Nate's guilt-tripping me.

What did I do?!

Havoc 01-31-2014 01:03 AM


Kill a Boombat with a rock
Blast from the past
Stranger Danger
Bats 2.0
"Watch out for that bat..."
Sorry for party rocking!

Escape from Rupture Farms without Abe being spotted by any Slig
This is not the mud you're looking for...
Asleep on the job
Invisible Savior
They need new visors

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways
Suicidal Maniac
What does this button do?
Dead Meat
Meat, bones, tears...
Hostile Work Environment

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways
Practical Thinker
Kill or be killed
Look out!
Points for creativity

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time
Just Add Fail
Save yourselves!
Beat Wil
Employee of the Year
Your best is my worst
Yay for witty achievement titles :D

Scrabaniac 01-31-2014 01:19 AM

I wish you could use the Boombats as grenades if you knock them out of the air!

Michael 01-31-2014 04:35 AM

Well, I stayed up way too late thanks to this little competition! Entries all sent, we'll see how it goes :) Interesting about the Boombats, I agree it seems they'll be replacing regular bats.

OddYouko 01-31-2014 07:15 AM

Well damn. It says I've got to create a new account in order to use the dang messenger.
There any other way to e-mail Alf?

Anyway, I might as well show my entries:

Kill a Boombat with a rock:
Boom Goes The Bat
Holy Boombat Batman!

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig:
Tread Softly
Sneaking In Shadows

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways:
What A Schmuck

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways:
Get Sliggy With It
I Need Some Pants!
I Love This Job!

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time:
Pace Yourself
Just That Good

El Dango AGAIN 01-31-2014 07:21 AM


Kill a Boombat with a rock
Mr. Boombatstic/Batty McBoomBoom

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig
Un-employee of the Month/This was a sneaking mission?

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways
Mudokon-popped/Circle of Death

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways
Sligfall/Circle of Vengeance

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time
Lord of the Odd/Extraoddinary/A Blue Champion/Newer 'n' Tastier
I originally wanted to make all of them movie references, but nah...

MeechMunchie 01-31-2014 07:49 AM


Well, I stayed up way too late thanks to this little competition! Entries all sent, we'll see how it goes :) Interesting about the Boombats, I agree it seems they'll be replacing regular bats.

I expect they'll be standing in for flying bombs in some of the more exotic areas.

Scrabaniac 01-31-2014 07:51 AM

I came up with these that I emailed in:

Kill a Boombat with a rock: Ammo Hunter / Steef's Apprentice
Escape rupturefarms without being spotted: Silent but deadly
Kill abe in 15 Ways: Take a Chill Pill / Turning Blue
Kill sligs in 15 Was : Coming soon: Slig Slushies / Pissing off the boss
Finish the game faster than a developer: Mopped the Floor

Quite proud of the last one, I have to admit :P

Crashpunk 01-31-2014 08:49 AM

Woo! I love these. Here are my suggestions. Some of which I thought were pretty darn clever. *pats himself on the back for the first time ever*

Kill a Boombat with a rock
Rocky Batboa
Rock N Roll!
The Boomtown Bats

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig
Metal Gear Abe
RuPtURE Skill
Where'd he go?

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways
Mudokon Pops!
Now I'm dead meat.
Stop it!

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways
S'Mo BS!
Wicked Slig!
0 Days since an accident

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time
Needs more Water.
Just Add more Water.
Punched in the J.A.W.

I already emailed Alf FYI.

Varrok 01-31-2014 08:59 AM

Some of Crashpunk's suggestions are actually very good!


He probably stole it from somebody. Ban him!

MeechCrunchies 01-31-2014 09:42 AM

Here's mine :

Kill a Boombat with a rock – Baseball bats
Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig – I ain’t seen nothin!
Have Abe die in 15 unique ways – Snap, Crackle, Pop!
Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways – Who needs salt?
Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time – Watch this!

Bodd T.W. 01-31-2014 01:20 PM

Remember me? Probably not.

1. Kill a Boombat with a rock:
Hiroddshima Boom (Too soon?)
Clean 'em Up There, Stranger
2. Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig:
Odd Panther
Fifty Shades of Odd
3. Have Abe die in 15 unique ways:
Ya Sick Chump!
Oh, the Mudokanity!
4. Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways:
Oh, the Sliganity!
Quarma is a Bitch
5. Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time:
Speedrunning Godd/ Speedrun Godd
Gotta Odd Fast

Crashpunk 01-31-2014 01:23 PM


1. Kill a Boombat with a rock:
Hiroddshima Boom (Too soon?)
Yeaaaah something tells me that won't get in.

Varrok 01-31-2014 01:39 PM

Naaah it's pefectly fine.


Remember me? Probably not.
I actually remember you! You were doing these fast things

Job McYossie 01-31-2014 02:12 PM

Most of mine were mediocre. Though I do agree with Vyrin on "Get me outta here!" that seems like nothing too special, but just right.

The one entry I liked the most though, was for the beat dev time.



V_O_T 01-31-2014 07:35 PM

I wrote way to many to post, but I'll post some I remember.

Boombat achievement:

Battn' down the hatches
Batted up
Batter up
Big badda boom

Killing abe:
Bones, meat and security tapes
Oddworld OH&S
Employee benefits
Rupture farms blooper reel
Stick in the mud
New n tasty. Literally.
Spoiled product

Killing sligs:
Slap stick sligs
Slig sadism
What goes around, comes around.
Slig B gone
Top notch security
Slig storm?

Not being seen while escaping:
Sneaky fart
Slippery fart
Sneaky stitch lips
Sly fart
What security ?

Beat the jaw team:
I bet you can't do that again
Oddworld Olympian !
Speedy fart
The fastest mud alive

That's just a small hand. I feel like I wrote an essay :( lol

Job McYossie 01-31-2014 07:56 PM

Got 'nuff fart based achievements?

V_O_T 01-31-2014 11:06 PM


Got 'nuff fart based achievements?

Never enough. I got more if you want me to post them.

I'll pm you my list with all the fart based ones.

AvengingGibbons 02-01-2014 01:13 AM


Not being seen while escaping:
Sneaky fart
Slippery fart
Sneaky stitch lips
Sly fart
What security ?

'Like a fart in the wind'

El Dango AGAIN 02-01-2014 02:40 AM


Got 'nuff fart based achievements?


Kill a Boombat with a rock:

Explosive Diarrhea

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig:

Gone With the Wind

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways:

Anal Apocalypse

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways:

Methane Monstrosity

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time:

Just Ass Water

Job McYossie 02-01-2014 02:13 PM

That last one is actually pretty funny.

Bullet Magnet 02-02-2014 02:44 AM

Kill a Boombat with a rock

From three-point land!
Nothing but bat
A stranger target
Goddamned bats
Boombats Schmoombats

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig

Who needs green rings?
Invisibility is for chumps
Invisibility is for sequels
Splinters in my cell
Not dishonoured
I can't see a thing in this mask
Thank Odd for CCTV
Security schmecurity

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways

Suicidal maniac
Abe hereby requests a different player
Molluck Approved
This should be a montage or something
Curiosity killed the klutz
Saviour Schmaviour

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways

Flub da police
This has got to be worth a bad end
Rupture Farms™ brand Kalamari Kebabs
Haters gonna hate
Sligs Schmigs

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time

Brains before beauty
Eat it, Wil!
Just Add Skillz
Piece of scrab cake
JAW Schmaw

MeechMunchie 02-02-2014 02:20 PM




OddYouko 02-02-2014 06:07 PM

That one needs to be made, yes! :p

All of these are pretty damn clever! I'm not even gonna bother trying to e-mail mine anymore, as much as I wanna give it a go. Good luck everyone else! A lot of these must make it into the game.

SoulStorm64 02-02-2014 06:52 PM

I just got one for Abes 15 death achievement,


Job McYossie 02-02-2014 07:12 PM


I just got one for Abes 15 death achievement,


I like this one the most.

Crashpunk 02-03-2014 04:06 AM

I feel that would fit a speedrunning achievement more than the death one.

Cloudman 02-03-2014 01:49 PM

Kill a Boombat with a rock
  • Right Off the Bat
  • Boom, Batshot!
  • It's Simple - Kill the Bat, Man!

Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig

  • Mista Kantbee C.N.
  • Willing and Able
  • Oddworld: Abe's Hardtosee

Have Abe die in 15 unique ways
  • More Than 14 Ways To Skin A Mud
  • Cannon FODDer
  • Checkpoint Crusader

Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways
  • Caught Pants-Down
  • Makin' A Slog's Dinner of It
  • N'Mo BS

Finish the game with the Good Ending faster than our best developer time

  • A JAW-Dropping Result
  • Just Add Winner
  • Water Way To Go!

Some of these I'm proud of. Others, not in the slightest.

Havoc 02-03-2014 02:44 PM


Kill Sligs in 15 unique ways
  • N'Mo BS

Nice, I like that one.

STM 02-03-2014 02:49 PM

Not gonna lie but Cloudman's ones are better than everyone elses combined.

Job McYossie 02-03-2014 03:47 PM

I have to agree. He's going to get like, 4 copies of N'n'T

Crashpunk 02-04-2014 01:08 AM


Not gonna lie but Cloudman's ones are better than everyone elses combined.


okay... :(