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Bodd T.W. 10-20-2012 04:25 PM

New World-Record Speedruns of Abe's Oddysee
Samlaptop publicly uploaded his new world records today, so here they are:



Jordan 10-20-2012 04:35 PM

The guy who made that is awesome.

I can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable watching it though, I just want to wait around and enjoy how pretty the game is. I get like that with most speedruns though.

Littleleeroy 10-21-2012 12:05 AM

What's with the going through the floor at 0:29 and 1:45??

Phylum 10-21-2012 12:34 AM

It's a commonly known glitch that's really easy to perform.

For example, using that ledge you stand at the edge and press down to lower yourself. When Abe turns around you run to the right. The next time you face left Abe will lower himself through the ground wherever you are. It sounds confusing, but it makes sense once you've done it once or twice.

It works anywhere in both directions, too.

Littleleeroy 10-21-2012 02:51 AM


It's a commonly known glitch that's really easy to perform.

For example, using that ledge you stand at the edge and press down to lower yourself. When Abe turns around you run to the right. The next time you face left Abe will lower himself through the ground wherever you are. It sounds confusing, but it makes sense once you've done it once or twice.

It works anywhere in both directions, too.

Wow. You would be able to skip whole paths (theoretically) with that!

Phylum 10-21-2012 02:54 AM

Not that I know of, but there are lots of puzzles you can avoid. That guy probably covered most of them.

Scraby 10-21-2012 04:38 AM

You can skip paths in AE with that glitch,idk if it works with AO.

Crashpunk 10-21-2012 04:41 AM

Surely it would work on AO? The first game is always more glitchy?

Jordan 10-21-2012 04:44 AM


Surely it would work on AO? The first game is always more glitchy?

Not necessarily the case, glitches can arise wherever :p

Nepsotic 10-21-2012 04:53 AM

Although there were many more bugs in AO that I can think of. Most of them can be used to our advantage.

JennyGenesis 10-21-2012 03:25 PM

This is actually the fastest any% run, I did post it a while ago.

Bodd T.W. 10-21-2012 04:17 PM

That may be the quickest speedrun of the game as of right now, but the runs I posted are the non-TAS world records. They show the fastest times that someone's beaten the game without using tool-assistance, which some people, like me, care about.

jumper 10-21-2012 11:17 PM

Also, the TAS is slightly shorter than it should be because emulation causes screen transitions to be faster.

JennyGenesis 10-22-2012 12:13 AM

True, but the time was based on real time transitions, not the speed up ones.


That may be the quickest speedrun of the game as of right now, but the runs I posted are the non-TAS world records. They show the fastest times that someone's beaten the game without using tool-assistance, which some people, like me, care about.

Ok, but still, that 100% run was rather lame, he hardly did things in the quickest way possible, things that can be done without tool assists. I know he couldn't do the off screen glitch since it's not possible in the PC version.

OddChipango 10-22-2012 03:39 AM

Nice, but why load the game every now and then?

JennyGenesis 10-23-2012 08:05 AM

Think you could do the entire thing in one sitting?

Nepsotic 10-23-2012 09:08 AM

Well... yeah, kind of, especially at the speed he's going!

JennyGenesis 10-23-2012 09:57 AM

There's a lot to learn. I'm sure a lot of time is spent off camera running through areas multiple times trying to work out the quickest way to complete it, and even when you work out the fastest route, you then have to capture it on film.

Mr. Bungle 10-23-2012 10:37 AM

Would've been more impressive if he hadn't exploited the games glitches like that. Not that I could do any better, but still.

JennyGenesis 10-23-2012 12:19 PM

I think it's more interesting like that, it's all about beating the game as quickly as possible by any means.

Nepsotic 10-23-2012 12:47 PM

Yeah, but what's the point if you're basically cheating?

JennyGenesis 10-23-2012 01:29 PM

It's not really cheating is it, it's not like you sit there entering a cheat code, you are simply making use of the glitches that game testers missed.

Crashpunk 10-23-2012 01:50 PM

It's not cheating, it's exploiting. Using a glitch in the game to advance.

Nate 10-23-2012 04:40 PM

What was the advantage of having an invisible Elum? Is he invincible? How did he get through the walls whilst riding Elum (e.g. 16:57)?

Does anyone know the time of the fastest speedrun saving all the Mudokons?

Mr. Bungle 10-23-2012 04:58 PM


It's not cheating, it's exploiting. Using a glitch in the game to advance.

Exploiting is pretty much cheating. They're playing the game the way the developers didn't intend, using their fuck-ups to get a high score; pretty much cheating.

Crashpunk 10-24-2012 12:56 AM

Well I suppose. It's just when I hear cheating, I imagine a cheat code or a gameshark/action replay.

Samtastic 10-28-2012 06:16 AM

I made these speedruns back in August and they are all segmented speedrun. For the first segment I start from the very beginning and then each segment starts with loading the game to the save point I wanted to finish the segment off.

I did not walk through walls with Elum. You can only do that in the PS1 version. There is a new glitch which I do in this run and it was discovered by Sligfantry and it's a death delay glitch which you see when he returns back to RuptureFarms. I am currently recording Abe's Exoddus 100% speedrun which I will be using some glitch shortcuts from Sligfantry's World Record any% run. One of these glitches that he uses is a stop turn delay glitch and he can skip Mines Ender so that he doesn't have to do the puzzle whilst dodging the flying Slig. I do get help from Sligfantry and he has made a video tutorial on how to do the new stop turn glitch:

Chubfish 10-30-2012 02:28 AM

I need to learn how to do more glitches on the PC version of Abe's Oddysee for my RTA/SS runs since I am still learning (I stream alot on Twitch). The stop turn glitch looks quite useful for Exoddus though so I hope I can put it to use when I do more runs of that game.

JennyGenesis 10-30-2012 03:04 AM


Does anyone know the time of the fastest speedrun saving all the Mudokons?

I made a thread about it a while ago, but here it is again.

Takeshi 10-30-2012 03:13 AM

This player is superb! Cant imagine how many times he recorded this before it was perfect

JennyGenesis 10-30-2012 05:41 AM

If you are referring to the video I posted, it states the rerecord count at the start.