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Scrabaniac 10-11-2012 07:17 AM

'Mystery Oddworld App'
So checking Facebook, Oddworld seem to have an iphone app for 'Hardcore Oddworld Fans'. The app remains a mystery as the guys wont say what the app is. What do you think it could be? Personally i think it will be a Gamespeak type App...

Varrok 10-11-2012 07:18 AM

There were screenshots of an gamespeak app a looong long time ago, so if it's it, it's an old news

Connell 10-11-2012 07:27 AM

'he Oddworld Portal app will be out Friday 12 October worldwide and gives access to everything Odddworld.com, in handy app form! Catch up on Oddworld news, downloads, Twitter feed, developer diaries, Dear Alf and more.'

Mystery solved. As you were, gentlemen.

Littleleeroy 10-11-2012 07:41 AM

there's also a photo:

Nepsotic 10-11-2012 07:42 AM

Why do they hate Android?

JayDee 10-11-2012 07:52 AM


Why do they hate Android?

Because it's not iOS.

Nepsotic 10-11-2012 07:56 AM

But it's better in some cases.

JayDee 10-11-2012 08:53 AM


But it's better in some cases.

Good point. Android is better on some cases. :tard:


Crashpunk 10-11-2012 08:59 AM


Why do they hate Android?

They don't. Someone actually asked at the Q&A about a Android version and they are releasing it, Just give them a chance :)

Nepsotic 10-11-2012 09:04 AM

Ah, that's good to know.

Xavier 10-12-2012 02:29 AM


'he Oddworld Portal app will be out Friday 12 October worldwide and gives access to everything Odddworld.com, in handy app form! Catch up on Oddworld news, downloads, Twitter feed, developer diaries, Dear Alf and more.'

Is it only this? If so, what's the point? Can't the IPhone access oddworld.com via a browser?

So, is it out yet? Did someone try it out? Is there anything more?

Could this post contain more short questions?

Varrok 10-12-2012 03:22 AM

Yes. No point. Yes. No. No. No. Yes.

Crashpunk 10-12-2012 03:27 AM

It's a better, simple to use layout. I hate browsing the web on my iPod Touch cause I find it awkward.

AvengingGibbons 10-12-2012 03:51 AM

what about a windows phone version????? :fuzsad:

Havoc 10-12-2012 05:13 AM


'he Oddworld Portal app will be out Friday 12 October worldwide and gives access to everything Odddworld.com, in handy app form! Catch up on Oddworld news, downloads, Twitter feed, developer diaries, Dear Alf and more.'

Mystery solved. As you were, gentlemen.

Well that's disappointing. I thought it would be a game or something. There's not that much interesting on Oddworld.com, so why would anyone want to download an app for it?

Clannfear 10-12-2012 07:00 AM

Because OWI and JAW cares about us. It's obvious.

Nepsotic 10-12-2012 07:33 AM


what about a windows phone version????? :fuzsad:


Jordan 10-12-2012 08:30 AM

Blackberry app, anyone?

No? No!?

i'm not that stupid

Nepsotic 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

Careful running something like that, it might overheat your Blackberry.

enchilado 10-12-2012 09:24 AM

Couldn't their website just have a mobile version?

Manco 10-12-2012 09:24 AM


what about a windows phone version????? :fuzsad:

Seconding this. Why must you leave us out in the coooold

Nepsotic 10-12-2012 09:44 AM

Because you choose a bad operating system.

Havoc 10-12-2012 10:56 AM


Couldn't their website just have a mobile version?

Yeah, grandly releasing an app for something useless is something EA would do. You don't want to be like EA, do you Lorne?

Varrok 10-12-2012 11:11 AM

Think like your enemy

Wil 10-12-2012 11:21 AM


Couldn't their website just have a mobile version?

Number of people who know how to make an iOS app pull data from a website > number of people who know how to make a mobile-suitable website.

Havoc 10-12-2012 01:59 PM


Think like your enemy

First day DLC it is. You can also pre-order New 'n' Tasty to get exclusive Abe moves that give you a significant advantage in the game. And for 5 bucks a piece you can unlock the cutscenes so you don't have to play the game at all! :D

OANST 10-12-2012 02:04 PM

For an additional ten dollars we will disable anything related to the game on your web browser so that you never even have to know it exists.

Manco 10-12-2012 02:06 PM


Because you choose a bad operating system.

As if you know what makes a good operating system.


Number of people who know how to make an iOS app pull data from a website > number of people who know how to make a mobile-suitable website.

Man, all it takes is a good understanding of CSS and time. Check out Foundation, it does the heavy lifting for you.

Nepsotic 10-12-2012 02:10 PM

OK, well, it isn't bad, but it just doesn't allow as much customisation as Android or even iOS. That doesn't define an OS, I know, but that's not all.

I guess I just prefer Android because I'm used to it.

Manco 10-12-2012 02:11 PM

I’d say it is roughly on par with iOS customization. Yeah Android has more you can alter but that doesn’t always result in the best experience.

Nepsotic 10-12-2012 02:14 PM

You're right, plus I haven't had a enough experience with Windows phone OS to properly judge it.

Nate 10-12-2012 05:04 PM

This isn't a thread for mobile OS discussion.

Mr. Bungle 10-12-2012 10:08 PM

So all it is is a browser that only browses the OWI/JAW site?

Man, what a gyp. Better be free.

Nate 10-12-2012 10:33 PM

Does it give a notification when new content appears? Because that might just make it worth it.

Nath 10-13-2012 07:04 AM


Does it give a notification when new content appears? Because that might just make it worth it.

I think I read somewhere saying it'll send a push notification when new content appears. But can't remember where I read that.
(There's been no new content since to test this)


Abe says hello when the app opens!!

Crashpunk 10-13-2012 09:13 AM

Yes it's free.

Scrabaniac 10-14-2012 10:50 AM

I have opened that app so many times just to hear abe haha :')

Haruka 11-02-2012 04:55 AM


Why do they hate Android?

It doesn't mean it won't ever be released on Android.

Nepsotic 11-02-2012 06:07 AM

That makes sense, after all, Android is a better OS.

Steamer_KING 11-02-2012 10:43 AM

Here we go again...

ANYWAY, the app is not something spectacular, yet. I'll wait for AppSpeak and see what's new.