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Nate 05-08-2012 05:57 AM

I Have Just Seen... V

Instead of having lots of short-lived threads about individual films or telly shows, I thought I'd start a blanket coverage, all-rounder of a thread. So, if there's a DVD you've just seen, cinema, TV, illegal download, whatever - just post here.

I Have Just Seen...
I've Just Seen... II
I Have Just Seen... III
I Have Just Seen... IV

AlexFili 05-08-2012 07:10 AM

Twelve Monkeys was a fantastic film. I'm particularly fond of time-travel movies which work in an interesting way. A clever time-skip can make an average movie a great one. Some of the theories surrounding the Time Travel ideas are interesting too, such as the parallel universes and "grandfather paradox".

Manco 05-08-2012 07:39 AM

If you like time travel in movies you owe it to yourself to watch Primer. It’s a weird movie, but the time travel is used in an interesting way and the movie is extremely well shot.

OANST 05-08-2012 07:42 AM

Even better, watch Time Crimes. Great Spanish film.

scrabface 05-08-2012 08:37 AM

Time Crimes is a bad movie imo. it is predictable and has so many plot holes.

OANST 05-08-2012 08:40 AM

I thought it was fun. And what movie that deals with time travel doesn't have plotholes? I mean, the entire premise is basically a paradox.

Wings of Fire 05-08-2012 11:06 AM

For some reason I thought you guys were talking about In Time, and I thought I was going to have to get into another argument with OANST.

OANST 05-08-2012 11:19 AM

That's not a Spanish movie.

AlexFili 05-08-2012 11:48 AM

Speaking of plot holes, we have the whole time turner business in Harry Potter. One case of time travel being trivially used by a third year student to go back in time for hours at a time to take multiple classes. Who ever thought this was a good idea?

There was a Simpsons episode (one of the Treehouse of Horror ones) where Homer went back in time and kept trying to change things until eventually he ended up in a parallel universe where the characters had long forked tongues (and another where it rained donuts).

Not 'seen' exactly, but in The Dark Tower there is an element of Time Travel, first it's shown as a way forward but in Volume 5 the main cast are required to go back in order to purchase a plot of land to fulfil their quest. Then we have the case in Back To The Future where Biff gets the Sports Almanac and earns a fortune by predicting the correct match scores and makes trillions.

Wings of Fire 05-08-2012 11:51 AM

Why are the second two paragraphs just trivia?

I mean

There are HUGE plot holes in BTTF and you didn't even touch on them

OANST 05-08-2012 12:03 PM

Also, just mentioning The Dark Tower is bad form, man.

Fucking Dark Tower.

STM 05-08-2012 12:25 PM

I find discrepancy with your quotation, Nate; to a degree it promotes pirating media, something this forum doesn't condone. Safest if you remove it.

Wow could you imagine if I was really like that?

Latest episode of Game of Thrones, tres tres bien. illegally, might I add...

OANST 05-08-2012 12:29 PM

It was an okay episode as Game of Thrones goes.

Sekto Springs 05-08-2012 09:02 PM

Watched The Avengers.

It was okay. I had a headache afterwards. When I've had time to actually think about it, maybe I'll say more about it. Or maybe not.

Mr. Bungle 05-08-2012 09:41 PM

Did you watch it in 3-D? That would explain the headache. Personally, I thought it was fantastic. But I admit I'm a Marvel fanboy, so.

Mac Sirloin 05-08-2012 10:16 PM

I also saw The Avengers.
(Vague spoilers, I'll be as non-specific as possible)
First, the last scene:
Extremely well put together. Hulk was nothing but fun to watch and Loki, having spent most of the movie ingratiating himself to me by being a terrific little shit, pleased me further by trying to be evil on his magical death chariot but still getting blown the fuck out of the sky, and promptly possibly crippled. Those weird sky snake things were a brilliant way to show various ways Marvel can think up ways to kill weird sky snake things.

The rest of the movie:
SNORETOWN USA. I could not give a shit. Scarlett Jojumpsuit was neat, The part where Thor and Iron Man got into a hissy fit was cool, and as mentioned, Loki was great. A real piece of shit.

But I couldn't understand what most of them were saying, Nick Fury is stupid, it took too long for the Hulk to do anything useful (Mark Ruffalo was very, very good though) Nick Fury is stupid, I thought the guy from the Butthurt Locker did a pretty good job as Terrorist Robin Hood and also, Nick Fury is stupid.

I plan on seeing it again while under the influence. Sounds like that might be the right way to go.


If you like time travel in movies you owe it to yourself to watch Primer. It’s a weird movie, but the time travel is used in an interesting way and the movie is extremely well shot.

And it's unbelievably Technical. It's a movie that will make your brain hurt, but in the best way.

Nate 05-09-2012 12:44 AM


I find discrepancy with your quotation, Nate; to a degree it promotes pirating media, something this forum doesn't condone. Safest if you remove it.

I don't condone anything Mutual Friend ever said or did. And with very good reason.

For those of y'all interested in time travel, I'd suggest reading 'The Man Who Folded Himself' by David Gerrold. It's one of the best treatments of time travel I've ever seen/read and is wonderfully fucked up.

Wings of Fire 05-09-2012 05:51 AM

Also if you're interested in time travel you should read the two best time travel stories ever; namely The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and the short story The Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young which most people will know by the reference joke from Portal 2. The latter is probably my favourite sci-fi story ever and the former is definitely in the top five

AlexFili 05-09-2012 11:05 AM

Thanks for reminding me about Portal 2. Must check out the DLC.
As for Avengers Assemble, I thought it was a well put together film with lots of funny lines and great plot-threads. I hear at the end of the movie you can watch them eat Shwarmas. Not a bad reason to watch all the credits.

Edit: Just saw it a second time. Loved it again :)

Sekto Springs 05-09-2012 11:09 AM


Did you watch it in 3-D? That would explain the headache. Personally, I thought it was fantastic. But I admit I'm a Marvel fanboy, so.
No, I didn't see it in 3D.

I think the reason it gave me a headache was the fact that it was just really fucking long, loud, and colorful. Unlike the rest of Gen Y, I simply cannot watch movies/play video games for hours on end, especially if they're as high octane as The Avengers. It just gives me a migraine. After a full night's sleep, I still have a headache from that film.

Another reason may have been that the screen in the theater seemed unusually dark. I don't know if the movie was like that or if they just didn't bother to adjust the contrast on the projector. The scene where Thor was giving Loki the business on the cliff side had such low luminosity that I was really straining my eyes to see what the hell was going on.

Wings of Fire 05-09-2012 11:52 AM

I also thought the Avengers movie was a bit long, I didn't have any problem with the third act, but towards the end of the second and the transition to the third I started to fatigue and my care cup started to tip over.

Sekto Springs 05-09-2012 12:39 PM

I will say that this movie had my favorite version of the Hulk out of all of them. I also think this was the most successful pass at incorporating the actor's facial features into the Hulk design.

And the hairy chest was a nice touch. I've never seen a Hulk with a hairy chest before, and it worked.

Mac Sirloin 05-09-2012 09:50 PM

I liked that he was modelled more after an ape than just a big angry man or a crocodile. Watching him thumping around on his fists and grunting was really perfect. Too bad the 'Puny God' line was drowned out by everyone exploding in laughter at Hulk smashing Loki around. Pisses me off that the only movie I've seen in a completely empty theatre was goddamn Chipwrecked.

Dynamithix 05-09-2012 10:38 PM

I watched one and a half episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Jesus fucking christ, how can people like this show, it's garbage.

Mr. Bungle 05-10-2012 01:01 AM

I love How I Met Your Mother. I've watched every episode from the first 5 seasons. I think it's a very well-written and clever show.

Here come the haters.

Also, out of curiosity, which episode did you watch? They're not all good.

Dynamithix 05-10-2012 01:10 AM

I couldn't care less which episode or season it was, I thought it was really bad. Also, I loathe the guy who plays that one guy who said "true story" and now it's a stupid meme. Neil Patrick something.

Mr. Bungle 05-10-2012 02:11 AM

It's better than Walking Dead.

And I didn't ask what season or specific episode number it was, I just wanted to know what happend. Like I said, they're not all good, so you might have just watched a bad one.

Dixanadu 05-10-2012 02:48 AM

I maybe watched around ten episodes or so of it usually when there's nothing else on.

I'd find myself grinning at the most. Most American sitcoms are just meh.

I liked Frasier. Used to watch the shit out of that before I went to school.

Dynamithix 05-10-2012 03:02 AM

Frasier is great even though the later seasons were going a bit downhill. And yeah, most sitcoms in general are pretty meh.

@Bungle, I wouldn't really compare a (bad) comedy show with a series about zombies.

Crashpunk 05-10-2012 04:01 AM

Whats wrong with The Walking Dead?? I think it's fantastic.

Also I hate them sitcoms especially Two and a Half Men, That show is utter trash and always has been.

OANST 05-10-2012 07:29 AM


I'd find myself grinning at the most. Most American sitcoms are just meh

Right. It's American sitcoms that are meh. It's not that the concept of the sitcom is done to death, and stagnant. It's because of America.

Wings of Fire 05-10-2012 07:34 AM

That's exactly it.

Dixanadu 05-10-2012 07:39 AM

Without a doubt.

OANST 05-10-2012 07:40 AM

It's good that we have all these great Irish sitcoms to make the genre worthwhile still.

Dixanadu 05-10-2012 07:47 AM

We know how it's done.

OANST 05-10-2012 07:55 AM


Wings of Fire 05-10-2012 08:00 AM

British sitcoms do tend to be of higher quality than American ones, though.

OANST 05-10-2012 08:05 AM

Riiiiiight. That's not true.

Edit: There are many good British sitcoms, but there are also a lot of really shitty British sitcoms. I'll put them up against Arrested Development, Always Sunny, Louie, Girls, Curb Your Enthusiasm, any day. I think at best we are going to come out with the best British sitcoms being on par with them.

Wings of Fire 05-10-2012 08:06 AM

Name me ten beloved American sitcoms in the last twenty years.

OANST 05-10-2012 08:23 AM

Arrested Development, Always Sunny, Louie, Girls, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sanford and Son, The Cosby Show, Seinfeld, I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, The Jeffersons, Malcolm in the Middle, Everybody Hates Chris, The Big Bang Theory (don't care for that one)....Shall I go on?

Edit: Didn't notice the twenty year thing, but the majority of those apply.

And dear lord, I'm leaving out so many. Will and Grace, Fresh Prince, Fraser, Cheers, Everybody Loves Raymond, That 70's Show, Scrubs, Roseanne (One of the most important sitcoms of all time), 30 Rock, Community......so on, and so forth.