Munch's Oddysee on Steam ITA
I know I asked this before many times..
I can't wait to buy Munch's Oddysee from Steam, but I'm not going to do it until the italian version is released. Can you keep me well informed about this? |
You should get it now while the Oddboxx is on special for $5.
Yeah, buy it now while it's cheap. Once the Italian version is released you'll be able to download all the Italian-language files at no extra cost.
Does it really cost 5$ now??? But how can I pay it in euros with Paypal?
When I go on Steam, I get the prices in pounds sterling. Surely you get the prices in Euros if you set your location correctly.
I found The Oddbox: it costs 5,09 euros! I'm buying it in a few days!
Just make sure to buy it before July 11th, that's when the sale is supposed to end.
I'm going to buy it next week, don't worry! :)
Thank god. I was scared for a minute there.
Max do you mean it has a set price in pounds or it automatically converts it for you?
My point being that Steam offers prices in some currencies and not others.
Until you posted that link, I was implying ambiguity as to whether it showed Euros. |
Ah. Whereas I already knew that it provided prices in those three currencies.
Can you please stop posting in this thread and making me look stupider?
Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus are 67p.
Holy crap.. |
I got my friend to buy Abe's Oddysee because it's dirt cheap now. He likes it. :p
Abe's Exoddus and Abe's Oddysee cost less than 1 euro O.O
None of my friends like the Oddworld Games. That's why I don't have any anymore.
There is no game that I would not spend 67p to try.
When you're losing that little money, any amount of enjoyment you get in return is going to be your money's worth.
Actually... I can't understand you, sorry man :(
Quando non stai perdendo soldi, qualsiasi quantitÃ* di godimento si ottiene in cambio è valore dei vostri soldi.
Don't worry about it. |
I understand :)
My father went to California last Monday so I can'tt buy MO this week >.<
Is it sure that the discount is ending on the 11th of July? |
Yep! Maybe you can have someone gift it to you?
Unfortunately I can't, I will buy it but I won't buy the Oddbox!
I'm sorry but does it matter if your friends like them or not? Its your choice. BUY THEM BECAUSE YOU LIKE THEM!? |