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joshkrz 06-05-2009 03:16 AM

Oddworld Gamespeak | Cut and ready to use
Most people do not know how to cut MP3s into smaller clips, this is expecialy the case with the gamespeak mp3s on this forum, Ive uploaded them in seperate MP3s for each phrase, ready to use in your project.

Game From: Abes Exoddus
Format: MP3 Stereo
Bitrate: 192Kbps
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz

Credit to "Killy" for ripping these
  • Abe
    • Hello
    • Follow Me
    • Wait
    • Work
    • Stop It
    • Sorry
    • Chanting
    • Angry
    • All o'ya
    • Goodbye
  • Slig
    • Hi
    • Freeze
    • Git 'im
    • Here Boy
    • BS
    • Look Out
    • S'MO BS
    • Laugh
  • Glukkon
    • Hey
    • Do It!
    • Kill 'Em!
    • Help!
    • All o'yas
    • Stay Here
    • Come 'Ere
    • Laugh
  • Scrab
    • Shred Power
    • Howl
  • Paramite
    • Howdy
    • C'mon
    • Stay
    • Do It
    • Attack
    • All o'ya

AlexFili 06-05-2009 05:28 AM

That's brilliant. Good work so far.

Carnix 06-05-2009 06:16 AM

Some of them echo a bit but even with that those are amazing! Well done, you deserve a cookie. :fuzgrin:

Rampage48 06-05-2009 06:50 AM

Nice work.

joshkrz 06-05-2009 07:23 AM


Some of them echo a bit but even with that those are amazing! Well done, you deserve a cookie. :fuzgrin:

they are meant to echo, and thanks for the biscuit, i prefer double choclolate chip though :p

thanks rampage48

Slog Bait 06-05-2009 08:17 AM


Do you think it'd be possible to cut Abe's voices from AO as well? That'd be great. :fuzgrin:

joshkrz 06-05-2009 08:19 AM

Sorry, i didnt rip them from the game, Killy did, but he (or she) put all of them into one MP3, all im doing is cuting each phrase into seperate MP3s.

I know what you mean though, AOs voices were better than AE, if i get them ill upload.

UPDATE: Sligs and Glukkons are now available

Slog Bait 06-05-2009 08:21 AM

Haha, they were definately better that's for sure. Thank you. :)

bobtheguy 06-05-2009 08:50 AM

thanks for posting these, I might use them

mr.odd 06-05-2009 11:39 AM


joshkrz 06-05-2009 03:45 PM

no problem

if anyone wants paramite and scrab sounds, ill be happpy to post them, but i rekon no one will

Slog Bait 06-05-2009 05:22 PM

I do, they make some really cool noises! :tard:

mr.odd 06-05-2009 06:04 PM

i would like the paramite and scrab sounds for fan game purposes(obviously),
but not now, i dont have any flash programs...yet... well mabye never, i dont want to fork out $300 for somthing like Adobe flash.

AlexFili 06-06-2009 01:51 AM

Just have another pack called "others" which includes Slogs, Scrabs, Paramites and other wildlife. That would rock. Thanks for all of this. Why not do a free trial of Flash?

joshkrz 06-06-2009 02:16 AM

If you need help with installing any adobe program please PM me, that goes for anyone not just Mr Odd.

Alex, i will do that, alough i do not have slogs but i do have them ripped from the game. There in WAV but need the correct sample rate to sound like they should and its very hard to get it to sound right.

Carnix 06-06-2009 02:49 AM

I would like to see the scrabs and paramites up here, even if only for archiving purposes.
Good job with all this, if there wasn't a rep-cap I'd'av given you sooo much by now. :p

joshkrz 06-06-2009 02:58 AM


I would like to see the scrabs and paramites up here, even if only for archiving purposes.
Good job with all this, if there wasn't a rep-cap I'd'av given you sooo much by now. :p

thank you i appreciate it :D

UPDATE BY REQUEST: Paramites and Scrabs will be uploaded shortly

bobtheguy 06-10-2009 11:14 PM

I'm working on some scrab sprites, would you like to use some? If so PM me, because I will probably forget I posted here, because I am trying to remember a bunch of things right now.

STM 06-20-2009 12:36 AM

so fantastic!!!

Carnix 06-20-2009 04:26 AM



No, I checked for you, they're all correct.
And they're all awesome! :p

joshkrz 06-20-2009 06:31 AM

Oh thanks for that Carnix.

Demo One 06-20-2009 11:35 PM

This is great! Thanks for sharing.

Crashpunk 06-27-2009 11:53 AM

Sweet mp3s!

jacker300 10-10-2009 08:58 AM

Are the Paramite mp3s really renamed wrong?

sorry i don't remember exactly.

plz someone tell me


EDIT:Really nice mp3s by the way

Carnix 10-10-2009 10:48 AM


Are the Paramite mp3s really renamed wrong?


No, I checked for you, they're all correct.
And they're all awesome! :p

Read before you post.

Jacker300.NoobishCount = 1

Dryadri 10-18-2009 01:46 AM

Nice work :D I don't have a use for them as I don't make flash games and such, but I'm still downloading them for the sake of having them!

Grieva 11-06-2009 09:10 AM

these are great, and pretty comprehensive but is there any chance of getting "help!" for the sligs?

bobby414 11-26-2014 06:07 AM

Hi everyone. I would be really happy if someone could upload mudokin laughter into small mp3 files. I want all laughter from the first both games. Also the laughter from the funny gas in exoddus if possible.

Thank you very much.

Crashpunk 11-26-2014 03:15 PM

This thread is from 2009

You generally don't want to bump a thread that is 5 years old unless you have something new to contribute. And even then it's preferred if you make a new thread.

Job McYossie 11-26-2014 04:49 PM

Thaaat explains why I knew no one here.

Phylum 11-26-2014 08:53 PM

Holy shit I remember bobtheguy.

But yeah, Bobby please check the dates of threads you reply to. The rest of the forum won't let you reply to a topic after 3 months, but Fan Corner doesn't have that feature switched on. I think it's to let people add new content to their threads no matter how long has passed, but honestly it's something I never understood and just asks for people to accidentally bump ancient threads without knowing any better.