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KING_The_Godfather 12-06-2008 03:03 AM

Oddworld Fan Movie
Years ago I've made a script to make an Oddworld Movie, but it got screwed up, so never think about it again. But months ago, I've had an idea to make a CG movie about Oddworld. The script is in progress, since I work and I'm in school. The story is about a Glukkon, that doesn't accept very well the lifestyle of common Glukkons. The movie relates he's social life with other of his society and a relationship with a character we all know.

Further details, coming soon.

(NOTE: if someone wants to join to this project, is very welcome :) )

Oddey 12-06-2008 07:33 AM

Sounds pretty cool. Can't help you out though.

Munch's Master 12-06-2008 08:56 AM

I can help with writing and stuff.

Lacy Hemsmire 12-06-2008 09:19 AM

I'd love to help! Although I'm not sure what kind of help you'd need. D:

KING_The_Godfather 12-07-2008 06:25 AM

Thanks for the feedback. Well, the story is a prequel of Oddworld Abe's Oddysee. Why? Because the future is a question for us and I like the idea why some characters are the way they are now. The name is still underwork, but for now is "Oddworld: A Glukkon's Tale". Munch's Master and Lacy Hemsmire, I'm making the script from zero, but you can help me with it. Of course, I don't want to be here, or it will spoil the story to everybody. If you want to help me out, just leave a message here. Thanks again. :D
Moving on, sketches from the main character are on the move, so in this week they'll be presented to you. Remember, you saw it here first. ;)

Phylum 12-07-2008 11:34 PM

Something like this would be awesome!
This and a really good fangame..

KING_The_Godfather 12-08-2008 04:30 AM


Something like this would be awesome!
This and a really good fangame..

I don't mind you anyone make a fangame, but I'm more to films, so don't expect a fan game from me. :fuzwink:

Lacy Hemsmire 12-08-2008 07:33 AM


Munch's Master and Lacy Hemsmire, I'm making the script from zero, but you can help me with it.
OKay! :3 That'd be fun. So do we do a conference thing or what? o.o;

Munch's Master 12-08-2008 11:41 AM

Im all for this. I suggest using the Oddworld Dream on Furcadia as a conference site.

Also, I could whip up some sketches too if you like. I need to learn how to use my scanner anyway, I've only had it 4 years and never used it....

scipionyx 12-08-2008 12:55 PM

wow this sounds very interresting :D I'm looking forward to see it, I also would help, but I'm busy with school right now, so good luck this is awesome ;)

KING_The_Godfather 12-09-2008 05:37 AM


Im all for this. I suggest using the Oddworld Dream on Furcadia as a conference site.

Also, I could whip up some sketches too if you like. I need to learn how to use my scanner anyway, I've only had it 4 years and never used it....

Just gimme a link, and I'm on it. I can't go to any conference today or tomorrow, since I have exams, but after that, it's alright.


wow this sounds very interresting :D I'm looking forward to see it, I also would help, but I'm busy with school right now, so good luck this is awesome ;)

Thanks for the feedback, if I have time tomorrow, I'll post the first skecthes from the main character. ;)

Lacy Hemsmire 12-09-2008 09:24 AM

Sounds great, can't wait! O: <3 It's going to be super spiffy!

KING_The_Godfather 12-09-2008 01:20 PM

Well, this was I had time to make, the 1st logo, wich you all know that won't be the final, but the concept is there. Hope you like it. ;)

Lacy Hemsmire 12-09-2008 01:57 PM

Oooh awesome. It looks really good. <3

odd prodigy 12-09-2008 02:25 PM

well have you guys heard of machinima ! like red versus blue (a halo machinima) its a way of using voice overs and a game to make short scripts or a movie...

you guys should give it a try for oddworld but good luck on the CG vid !

shaman 12-10-2008 01:37 PM

i would love to help so much, but i have a hell of a lot on at the moment, still if you've got a space...i have been known to jot down a script or two for some fellow drama enthusiasts :)

Ollyabe 12-10-2008 08:27 PM

I'd love to help! I now have 10 weeks of holidays of today! And i am just going to make sigs and stuff! So sure, what do we do??

GlacierDragon 12-11-2008 09:03 AM

I would help but I have no time at the moment.

So, what are you going to be making this with? Are you going to be using 3D models and animation?

KING_The_Godfather 12-12-2008 04:21 PM


i would love to help so much, but i have a hell of a lot on at the moment, still if you've got a space...i have been known to jot down a script or two for some fellow drama enthusiasts :)

Space is a something that is always avaiable. Welcome aboard! ;)


I'd love to help! I now have 10 weeks of holidays of today! And i am just going to make sigs and stuff! So sure, what do we do??

What is your "speciality"? It depends of what you usually do. But welcome to the team.


I would help but I have no time at the moment.

So, what are you going to be making this with? Are you going to be using 3D models and animation?

This is gonna be made in 3D, with Blender, 3DS MAX and ZBrush. Or just one, but it will be with the better engine and software.

KING_The_Godfather 12-13-2008 05:50 AM

sorry for the double post, but the topic needs an upsate.

1st sketch of the main character

Fuzzle Guy 12-13-2008 07:36 AM

Try making a simple, minute long (or less) film. Don't aim too high, it will never get finished, even if you think it will do now.

After making a good quality, one minute long film that you're happy with, depending on how you feel, you can make a longer one, but right now I feel the project seems a little too ambitious.

KING_The_Godfather 12-13-2008 05:04 PM


Try making a simple, minute long (or less) film. Don't aim too high, it will never get finished, even if you think it will do now.

After making a good quality, one minute long film that you're happy with, depending on how you feel, you can make a longer one, but right now I feel the project seems a little too ambitious.

This is not intended to be a 120 mins. movie, but maybe a nice 30, 40 mins, or less. It depends. Ambition is not a problem, turning it from paper into a movie is the hard part. ;)

scipionyx 12-15-2008 08:52 AM

hey the glukkon head is cool, I like that he has green-bluish skin,

maybe i can still help by drawing something *shrugs*
(probably some screenshots ore something for the storyboard if there's still something to do) yeah because this movie will be awesome 8D

but after christmas ^^; I have so much to draw untill x-mas x3

(but it doesn't matter if there is no space for me anymore, I'm looking really forward to the movie :D)

shaman 12-15-2008 12:09 PM

what do you need?

(script requests only please, just tell me the story to a scene and i'll get started soon enough)

Fuzzle Guy 12-15-2008 12:15 PM


This is not intended to be a 120 mins. movie, but maybe a nice 30, 40 mins, or less. It depends. Ambition is not a problem, turning it from paper into a movie is the hard part. ;)

Look, if you still wish to do this, then go ahead, but in all hoensty, even 20 minutes is too ambitious. People on the forums are not going to sit through a 30 or 40 mintue fan movie, that will look and feel rushed together.

Have you ever made a movie before?

If so have you ever made an animated movie before?

A movie of the scale that you want is going to take several years to be complete. Take my advice and go for the one minute-er. People will appreciate it more. It would be short, sweet and of good quality.

Tidus 12-16-2008 07:25 AM

Well, I think you can be ambitious too..

A simple format to see all the 40 mins of video is to give them by episodes of 5 minutes or so. That can give you more time to work and get better :)

I'll love to work on this.... but I can't now :(

By the way, I have seen in Deviantart an Oddworld fan that is gonna make a CGI film too. He has much props about Oddworld, and I think you can work with him..

KING_The_Godfather 12-17-2008 04:58 PM


hey the glukkon head is cool, I like that he has green-bluish skin,

maybe i can still help by drawing something *shrugs*
(probably some screenshots ore something for the storyboard if there's still something to do) yeah because this movie will be awesome 8D

but after christmas ^^; I have so much to draw untill x-mas x3

(but it doesn't matter if there is no space for me anymore, I'm looking really forward to the movie :D)

There's always room for one more ;)


what do you need?

(script requests only please, just tell me the story to a scene and i'll get started soon enough)

I need the contacts of everyone who wants to join this project. Send me PM or e-mail. Then, we can all talk about it. Ok?


Look, if you still wish to do this, then go ahead, but in all hoensty, even 20 minutes is too ambitious. People on the forums are not going to sit through a 30 or 40 mintue fan movie, that will look and feel rushed together.

Have you ever made a movie before?

If so have you ever made an animated movie before?

A movie of the scale that you want is going to take several years to be complete. Take my advice and go for the one minute-er. People will appreciate it more. It would be short, sweet and of good quality.

Well, I never said that the movie was coming out in 2008 or 2009. It will take the time that is necessary to be 100% completed. Yes, I have made movies before, and animated ones, but I can't post them, because of Author and copyrights. The only problem here, is taking some knowledge of Adobe After Effetcs, and it will be very easy and fast, since it's not my first Video software. And the movie length will be decided when the scrit is done, so, no promises.


Well, I think you can be ambitious too..

A simple format to see all the 40 mins of video is to give them by episodes of 5 minutes or so. That can give you more time to work and get better :)

I'll love to work on this.... but I can't now :(

By the way, I have seen in Deviantart an Oddworld fan that is gonna make a CGI film too. He has much props about Oddworld, and I think you can work with him..

Well, that's a nice idea, but it needs some discussion. If you have some 3D models already done, maybe you can send us. Of course, credits on you and your time work. I think there's a space in the credits for you. ;)

Fil The Slig 01-16-2009 02:19 AM

Sounds cool.
Sorry that i can't help.......

moxco 01-17-2009 12:40 AM

The cold hard truth is... this project will go down the craphole. People will lose interest in it and unless it goes for like 2 minuets, I doubt you'll be able to complete a CG movie by your self.

Sorry for being so pessimistic.

STM 11-03-2009 09:20 AM

I thin kyou go on for as long as possible also, are you interested in having a proffesional cconcept artist under your gorup, I am created Fanwerkzx and that is one of the thing i'm doing over there. I have A's in A leve lart so it'll be no trouble

Fuzzle Guy 11-03-2009 09:36 AM

I hate to say I told you so, but look at the date of these posts...

AlexFili 11-03-2009 10:03 AM

I'd be happy to do some voices.

Slig-13 11-03-2009 11:18 AM

i cant really help because of college work and what not :/ but i am VERY excited about this :D:D keep posting :)

mr.odd 11-03-2009 01:42 PM

Okay this thread has been dead for over a year. I don't think this going to happen.

Fuzzle Guy 11-03-2009 01:48 PM


Okay this thread has been dead for over a year. I don't think this going to happen.
I'm taking a similar attitude towards Citizen Siege.

STM 11-04-2009 08:53 AM

dead for a year? aww, I thouhgt it was new how come I could still post

Fuzzle Guy 01-09-2022 02:45 AM

How's this going?

STM 01-11-2022 01:40 AM

I never did recover from the aneurysm I had on the 3rd November 2009 at 6:20PM (GMT).

MA 01-14-2022 06:58 AM

i wasn't good enough to do A leve lart at skool.

STM 01-15-2022 04:26 AM

Man I don't even know why I said that, I didn't even do GCSE art.

Also I was 13.