Oddworld Fan Movie
Years ago I've made a script to make an Oddworld Movie, but it got screwed up, so never think about it again. But months ago, I've had an idea to make a CG movie about Oddworld. The script is in progress, since I work and I'm in school. The story is about a Glukkon, that doesn't accept very well the lifestyle of common Glukkons. The movie relates he's social life with other of his society and a relationship with a character we all know.
Further details, coming soon. (NOTE: if someone wants to join to this project, is very welcome :) ) |
Sounds pretty cool. Can't help you out though.
I can help with writing and stuff.
I'd love to help! Although I'm not sure what kind of help you'd need. D:
Thanks for the feedback. Well, the story is a prequel of Oddworld Abe's Oddysee. Why? Because the future is a question for us and I like the idea why some characters are the way they are now. The name is still underwork, but for now is "Oddworld: A Glukkon's Tale". Munch's Master and Lacy Hemsmire, I'm making the script from zero, but you can help me with it. Of course, I don't want to be here, or it will spoil the story to everybody. If you want to help me out, just leave a message here. Thanks again. :D
Moving on, sketches from the main character are on the move, so in this week they'll be presented to you. Remember, you saw it here first. ;) |
Something like this would be awesome!
This and a really good fangame.. |
Im all for this. I suggest using the Oddworld Dream on Furcadia as a conference site.
Also, I could whip up some sketches too if you like. I need to learn how to use my scanner anyway, I've only had it 4 years and never used it.... |
wow this sounds very interresting :D I'm looking forward to see it, I also would help, but I'm busy with school right now, so good luck this is awesome ;)
Sounds great, can't wait! O: <3 It's going to be super spiffy!
Well, this was I had time to make, the 1st logo, wich you all know that won't be the final, but the concept is there. Hope you like it. ;)
Oooh awesome. It looks really good. <3
well have you guys heard of machinima ! like red versus blue (a halo machinima) its a way of using voice overs and a game to make short scripts or a movie...
you guys should give it a try for oddworld but good luck on the CG vid ! |
i would love to help so much, but i have a hell of a lot on at the moment, still if you've got a space...i have been known to jot down a script or two for some fellow drama enthusiasts :)
I'd love to help! I now have 10 weeks of holidays of today! And i am just going to make sigs and stuff! So sure, what do we do??
I would help but I have no time at the moment.
So, what are you going to be making this with? Are you going to be using 3D models and animation? |
sorry for the double post, but the topic needs an upsate.
1st sketch of the main character |
Try making a simple, minute long (or less) film. Don't aim too high, it will never get finished, even if you think it will do now.
After making a good quality, one minute long film that you're happy with, depending on how you feel, you can make a longer one, but right now I feel the project seems a little too ambitious. |
hey the glukkon head is cool, I like that he has green-bluish skin,
maybe i can still help by drawing something *shrugs* (probably some screenshots ore something for the storyboard if there's still something to do) yeah because this movie will be awesome 8D but after christmas ^^; I have so much to draw untill x-mas x3 (but it doesn't matter if there is no space for me anymore, I'm looking really forward to the movie :D) |
what do you need?
(script requests only please, just tell me the story to a scene and i'll get started soon enough) |
Have you ever made a movie before? If so have you ever made an animated movie before? A movie of the scale that you want is going to take several years to be complete. Take my advice and go for the one minute-er. People will appreciate it more. It would be short, sweet and of good quality. |
Well, I think you can be ambitious too..
A simple format to see all the 40 mins of video is to give them by episodes of 5 minutes or so. That can give you more time to work and get better :) I'll love to work on this.... but I can't now :( By the way, I have seen in Deviantart an Oddworld fan that is gonna make a CGI film too. He has much props about Oddworld, and I think you can work with him.. |
Sounds cool.
Sorry that i can't help....... |
The cold hard truth is... this project will go down the craphole. People will lose interest in it and unless it goes for like 2 minuets, I doubt you'll be able to complete a CG movie by your self.
Sorry for being so pessimistic. |
I thin kyou go on for as long as possible also, are you interested in having a proffesional cconcept artist under your gorup, I am created Fanwerkzx and that is one of the thing i'm doing over there. I have A's in A leve lart so it'll be no trouble
I hate to say I told you so, but look at the date of these posts...
I'd be happy to do some voices.
i cant really help because of college work and what not :/ but i am VERY excited about this :D:D keep posting :)
Okay this thread has been dead for over a year. I don't think this going to happen.
dead for a year? aww, I thouhgt it was new how come I could still post
How's this going?
I never did recover from the aneurysm I had on the 3rd November 2009 at 6:20PM (GMT).
i wasn't good enough to do A leve lart at skool.
Man I don't even know why I said that, I didn't even do GCSE art.
Also I was 13. |