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-   -   Upgraded to vBulletin 3.5.4 (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=13694)

Alcar 04-05-2006 05:14 AM

Upgraded to vBulletin 3.5.4
The Oddworld Forums are now sporting the latest vBulletin version. Things might look out of place at the moment, as we have basically had to revert all templates in order to gain all the new functionality. This is obviously an extremely difficult task, so you'll have to bear with us.

Should anything out of the ordinary appear, please post the issues in here and one of us will attend to them.

For those who want to know exactly what has been added, here is the list:[LIST][*]Product/Plugin system with over 550 'hook' locations strategically placed in the code. Allows modification and extension of vBulletin without physical alteration of the vBulletin PHP scripts.[*]Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels[*]Completely rewritten message editor with ability to instantly switch between standard and WYSIWYG modes[*]Thread title editing on forumdisplay via AJAX[*]Thread opening and closing on forumdisplay via AJAX[*]Super-Quick Reply on showthread via AJAX[*]Inline post edit on showthread via AJAX[*]Username suggestion for PM recipients and search by user via AJAX[*]Data manipulation APIs (Data Manager) for centralized data saving[*]Template History & Comparison for easy tracking of changes[*]Database-based thread and forum read marking[*]MySQL Full Text Search[*]Additional Datastore Storage Methods[*]SMTP Mail Wrapper[*]MySQLi Wrapper[*]PHPDoc'd Source Code[*]Moderator log language abstraction[*]Webkit support for style manager color picker[*]ImageMagick 6 Support (alternative to GD)[*]Calendar events support start/end times[*]Custom avatar and profile picture resizing[*]Profile pictures can be saved to filesystem[*]Statistics ordering[*]Each attachment image type can be individually set to generate thumbnails or not[*]Each attachment image type can be individually set to open in a new window or not[*]Moderated posts and threads do not contribute to post count until approved[*]Language chooser in footer[*]New bbcode parser now corrects invalid tag nesting to ensure valid HTML[*]New [attach] bbcode tag for placing attachments inline with messages[*]New [noparse] bbcode tag for disabling bbcode parsing within[*]Word wrap excludes contents of PHP/CODE/HTML blocks[*]Search engine spider configuration via XML file[*]New 'Can View Thread Content' permission[*]New 'Can Upload Animated GIF' permission[*]Attachment upload via URL in addition to local upload[*]New (hopefully foolproof) method for setting cookiepath/cookiedomain[*]Forum description field no longer limited to 250 characters[*]Completely rewritten Paid Subscriptions system - now known as Payment APIs. New support for 2checkout, Worldpay and Authorize.net[*]Always Moderate Group Posts' permission replaced with more logical 'Follow Forum Moderation Rules' permission[*]Threads containing posts awaiting moderation have indicator icon on forumdisplay for moderators[*]Right-to-left language support improved[*]Additional 'Execute SQL' auto-queries added[*]Image verification for sendmessage to avoid spam issues[*]Improved registration image verification to out-fox those pesky bots[*]Control panel navigation controlled by XML for easier addition of links[*]Upgrade system now imports styles/languages/options only after upgrade complete rather than after each script[*]Ability to preview signature edits[*]Calendar event email reminders[*]And of course, numerous bugs and annoyances resolved.[/LIST]

Adder 04-05-2006 05:16 AM

I'm no longer having load problems, but I think there's a bigger issue.
Something's happened to the layout and my User CP can't change it back.

-Postbit is at the top, even though it's set to Left

-Quick Reply box is gone.

Alcar 04-05-2006 05:48 AM

I know what the problem is with the Postbits changing places, but that'll take a little more time than what I currently can spare (have to be off in 12 minutes...).

As for Quick Reply, it is now fully functioning.


Havoc 04-05-2006 06:12 AM

Yay! I was hoping you would upgrade to 3.5 sometime. Yay for the new text editor! :D.

Good luck modifying the themes and stuff.

Cyber-Slig 04-05-2006 06:53 AM

Great, but I'm having some problems. The ''Reply With Quote'' button doesn't show an image, just a red X. And the gender symbol has a wierd arrow pointing to it on the left side.

Munch's Master 04-05-2006 09:15 AM

Well a few things:
It doesn't show the most recent posts that I haven't read, it just says everything is unread (or in some topics goes to a page I have read)
Reply with quote is a red x with 'reply with quote' written in it.
Postbits are at the top.
Gender has gone.
Gender and the quote picture going aren't so bad, it's the others that annoy me. And whatever skin I use, whatever I set it to in my profile, I can't change it Please fix Alcar!

Abe 01 04-05-2006 10:44 AM

ahh whats happening every picture has a x on it

Cloverfield 04-05-2006 10:45 AM

I'm going through trying to fix things in the templates at the moment. Most of the things should be fixed on the Munch and Honeybee themes already [as they are the easiest to fix]. The Industrial and Native will take a little longer.

Abe Babe...

Havoc 04-05-2006 11:13 AM

Just a question, but shouldn't you be able to just re-implement to old templates trough the Admin CP? I think the 3.0 templates should be just as easily compatible to 3.5...

Cloverfield 04-05-2006 11:24 AM

For the most part they are, but there is additional functionality [mainly for mods/admins by the looks of it] that won't work unless you use the new template. And as I have modified several aspects of the templates for the native and industrial styles, I need to figure out which of my code I need to put into where.

Not really a difficult task, just one that takes a bit of time that's all.

Abe Babe...

Slaveless 04-05-2006 11:51 AM

Hm, I can see the gender symbol perfectly fine, but it askes my name every time I open this window up. Wonder why.

SeaRex 04-05-2006 01:01 PM


  • Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels


BTW, my "Quote" button isn't showing up, although I can still use it when I click on the empty space where is used to be.

used:) 04-05-2006 06:30 PM

I think this is a very good upgrade for the most part, the idea of a "report bad post" thing urks me a bit. People possibly abusing th privalage what not.

All in all, very good job with the upgrade Alcar. ^_^

AquaticAmbi 04-05-2006 07:26 PM

There's always been a report bad post feature button. Unless I'm imagining using it once on some totally insane member once. And Luke complaining about how he had so many emails regarding bad posts reported.

Um... I certainly hope I can move the user info stuff back to the side as right now it's automatically at the top of every post, which is just wrong. Wrong, I say!

Furthermore, I have no earthly idea what half of all that means, but yay? Sounds good?

EDIT: Perhaps I'm a helpless, retarded fish, but am I overlooking the link on profiles to private message members?

Adder 04-05-2006 11:18 PM

I can still see "Report", but not "Quote"... and the avatars are hidden even though my options say I can view them.

duveaux 04-06-2006 12:51 AM

I now have seen so much forums, and respect to you, admins to always have this forum look original. Great job people!

Ow, by the way, the what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editor, does that come standard with vBulletin?

Havoc 04-06-2006 01:40 AM

Yea, they put that in since 3.5.

Alcar 04-06-2006 01:42 AM

Actually, it's been there since 3.0, but I'm not sure if we enabled it. Either way, it's more efficient now than what it was before 3.5, so it's enabled.


Nate 04-06-2006 07:21 AM

I don't know if this is on your list yet, but I noticed that you can no longer just highlight a URL and then click the webpage/image button to have the flags put in; the button pops up a dialog box to paste the URL in.

Munch's Master 04-06-2006 08:35 AM

Most htings seem to be fixed now, although in this post, Adder's avatar is a red X with 'Adder's avatar' written in it. so some pics still need fixing it seems. Still, good job AbeBabe on fixing so much already!

Adder 04-06-2006 10:35 AM

Actualy, my avatar seems to have dissapeared from this morning.


Remote file uploads have been disabled.
^ THe message I got when trying to enter the URL it's at.

Munch's Master 04-06-2006 11:03 AM

I have a problem-I can't log out. Why?

Havoc 04-06-2006 12:54 PM

Alrighty... half the stuff here isn't working. I can't use the editor, I can't click any of the buttons in the editor, I can't click smileys. Anyone mind telling me whats going on?

Cloverfield 04-06-2006 01:11 PM

The problems with logging out and things not being able to be clicked are most likely cache issues. I had a similar problem with the admin cp on both of my computers through Firefox after the upgrade. Try clearing your cache and see if that works any.

@Adder ... are you uploading an avatar from your computer or linking to a URL? I seem to remember something from a long time ago about our host not allowing linking from other URLs, but I might be wrong.

@Nate ... I've always had a pop-up box for URLs and images, so I figured it's always been that way. However, if you type in an address, it should automatically format it as a link, providing you don't untick the box "automatically parse links in text". Maybe Alcar might know more on this one than me.

Anyways, I'm mostly done with the fixing of stuff. I just have the horizontal postbit left now.

Abe Babe...

Facsimile 04-06-2006 08:33 PM

None of the buttons when writing posts are working for me. And by buttons I mean the things like bold, italics, quote. None of them are. I'm using Industrial. They don't work even in the quick reply thing. I don't know if I'm using "WYSIWYG" or not, I'm using the thing that it has always been.

Adder 04-07-2006 04:23 AM

Abe Babe, I was linking... just like I always used to have my av. Anyway, uploaded one so it works now. (Still don't know why it stopped working, although possibly because it was off-site?)

Wil 04-07-2006 07:26 AM

I'm having the same problem I had the last time the vBness was updated - I can't see any attached images in the little attachments box at the bottom of posts. 'Tis no biggy, but it's annoying in such arenas as the Picture Of Self party.

Munch's Master 04-07-2006 10:05 AM

This may sound really really really dumb, but what do you mean by 'your cache'? I'm not very good with computer terms/words.

Adder 04-07-2006 12:38 PM

"Cache" (i think) is being used to mean "those temporary storage areas your browser uses to speed up page loading.".

Havoc 04-07-2006 01:09 PM

Usualy to be found under Extra's > Options > Emtpy Cache

Slaveless 04-07-2006 04:04 PM

I also have another problem. Every 25 minutes of inactivity, I automaticly log out. I have never incountered this. Is this normal?

Munch's Master 04-08-2006 01:45 AM

Is this menu found on my browser, because I can't seem to find it. I'm using BT Yahoo.

Alcar 04-09-2006 03:09 AM

Generally, if buttons are not working, you will either need to try a Hard Refresh / Forced Refresh (Ctrl + F5 for Windows) or manually empty your entire cache. This isn't a problem with the server or vBulletin, as it works as intended on most people's computers here.


I'm having the same problem I had the last time the vBness was updated - I can't see any attached images in the little attachments box at the bottom of posts. 'Tis no biggy, but it's annoying in such arenas as the Picture Of Self party.

I'm not certain, but some browsers will automatically disable dynamic images. Because attachments are called via a PHP script, you'll get things in the URL such as ?something=1&yada=hello - which are classed as dynamic images, and have the potential to cause malicious attacks. Thus the reason for them being disallowed by default.


Is this menu found on my browser, because I can't seem to find it. I'm using BT Yahoo.

I'm not sure what BT Yahoo is like, but I'm sure if you open the Help section of it, and search for 'cache', I'm sure you'll find some topics on how to empty the cache.

Or, if the browser is anything like most modern browsers, you can press Ctrl + F5 when you're on Oddworld Forums pages and it should do a force reload - meaning everything will be requested anew from the server.


Munch's Master 04-09-2006 08:24 AM

Are you sure its CTRL+ F5? Because that hasn't been working. And there's nothing on Internet Explorer or BT Yahoo about emptying my cache. If nothing works, I guess I'll have to stay permanently logged in. also earlier this morning (Around 10-11am GMT) the site couldn't display on my PC or my dad's PC. Was this to do with the site or the computers?
EDIT: In relation to the logout problems, would clearing history/deleting cookies work?
EDIT2: Nevermind, its fixed now, I can logout (I just tried to and it worked)

Splat 04-10-2006 01:42 AM

THree problems to have arrisen in the last few hours.
1) I can't copy or paste messages that I've typed out but haven't posted yet. That was something I valued doing and did a lot at school where the computers are about as reliable as an American president.

2) Much more recently I started writing a port in the quick reply box and then went on to go advanced when i decided I'd be needing some more features. I typed out the post and so on, and it was a long one, and then posted it, but when I did the bulk of the post didn't come out, only what I'd originally written in the quick reply box initially. Obviously I lost the post becuase I can't copy and paste the things.

3) I then tried to edit the post to say that most of it had been deleted and I got a message saying that 'this is a duplicate of another post you've made in the last five minutes, you are now being sent to the thread where this post was made'.

So I've lost half an hours typing, I'm unable to guard against similar events in the future and I'll look like an idiot to anyone who reads that thread. Sorry if I sound angry, but frankly I am.

Alcar 04-10-2006 04:35 AM

I can't understand why that would be happening, as everything works fine for me. What browser and OS are you using? And furthermore, have you got the WYSIWYG Editor turned on, or one of the other ones?


Adder 04-10-2006 11:26 AM

...I think the "copy/paste" problem was those computers, Splat.

If you weren't able to edit your post... okay, I can't explain that at all.

outlaw king 04-10-2006 11:35 AM

Grrrr , this is drivin me up the wall! can someone help?

Whenever I reply , it doesnt show up under " New posts " it just stays in the thread likes its not new or anything , the same goes for PM's ive been sending! It says I have sent one , yet it doesnt show up under " sent messages "

Alcar 04-10-2006 04:21 PM


Grrrr , this is drivin me up the wall! can someone help?

Whenever I reply , it doesnt show up under " New posts " it just stays in the thread likes its not new or anything , the same goes for PM's ive been sending! It says I have sent one , yet it doesnt show up under " sent messages "

Because we are now using an improved version of the Read / Unread Post system, everything is done in real-time. Meaning, everything you read is automatically updated to show that, unlike before where every post, after 15 minutes of inactivity was considered read. Because it is one of your own replies, I'd say it is being automatically marked read, as you are already reading after you reply :p

As for saving private messages, is the option "Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder" ticked on in the Private Message (New) Reply page?


outlaw king 04-10-2006 07:13 PM

Yes , that box is ticked . And thanks for clearing up that new posts thingermabober.