Preliminary Rules Concerning Name Changes and Custom Titles.
It has come to my attention that a lot of people, especially new members who have not graced our fair forum for very long, want name changes. Rather than let these people take advantage of my niceness, I have decided to start baking up a set of rules to finally put to rest the questions surrounding name changes and custom titles. Keep in mind, these are not official and I'm open to suggestions.
Name Changes.
Custom Titles.
Anyway, I want to hear some community input on this. Remember, none of this is set in stone. Feel free to suggest things. And Mods, especially Rich, Hobo, and Xavier, I hope to hear your opinions on the matter. |
Those guidelines seem very reasonable to me. I'm glad you sorted this out early, because I had a feeling the flood gates were about to open.
I agree on mostly everything.
The only part of that list that irks me is the "user must have over a year of experience on these forums" bit (concerning cutom titles). There are a lot of interesting, cool, smart and funny members that have been here for under a year. And they deserve funny titles, goll-dernit!! :p |
So you'll be retracting Ambi's title then?:p
*Prays she's been here for less than a year to make this post valid* |
Exactally. Custom titles are fun, but they don't really change. You see it, laugh at it, forget it. They should only be given out as treaties for special members.
I like these rules, there have been alot of name-chaning threads recently [at least compared to a year or so ago] and it's good to set out some guidelines. Where will these rules be posted? Will they be included with the other rules? Thumbs-Up SeaRex. These rules will be a great success. - Rexy |
Anyway, I think these rules are pretty great and reasonable. It's about time some were set. |
Which is why I'll never get one. :D But yeah, the rest of that looks good. |
Hahaha, I just saw Ambi's custom title.
Too funny :D Oh, and yeah... Back on topic. Rules look good. Thumbs up from the Gods. Alcar... |
I'm sorry i changed my name without permission. i forgot my password then the password recovery didn't work and i had to start a new acount!
ps: if you're an idiot i was Mudokon God! |
Banz0r! No multis!
I think that custom titles shouldn't have a ruleset, they should be handed out only at a GMOD/Admin's decision of liking the person and stuff. Otherwise they become unspecial. And i like being special |
. |
Kimon and Dino have a point, so I think I'll edit out the whole "over a year" thing and replace it with a less definite limit. Even though getting a custom title before being active for a year is rare, it would be more fair if I changed the wording (plus I wouldn't take any flak for giving Ambi a custom title). But really folks, she earned it. XD |
I re-added to my buddy list But did you have deleted the nick MudokonGodWorshipMe! ??? |
oooopsy you want my oppinion?
well I think the rules in your first post are good |
Lets have a little demonstration of what happens when you ask for a custom title but don't deserve one.
SeaRex you hunky slab of man, may I have a Custom Title? |
I love my name. Because when I joined, I wanted my name to mean something that wouldn't be so obvious.
I always thought it meaned that the particular username that you own was used by you, and you are evily smiling at people trying to sign up with that name.
Yeah, well, my name, just, well, RULES! :| |
I think most of the user names sound like bands. Too bad The Used is already a band :crying:.
SeaRex has actually offered me a custom title... that wasn't supposed to happen. 0_0 I was expecting him to be like... "NO! You are like bacteria in a stagnant highway ditch, get on your knees and lick my size 12 bitchio". But instead he's like "what'll it be?". This presents me with a dilemma... when I asked for a CT I had no idea what I wanted... I just asked for the hell of it. Now I've got to think of something. :| Any ideas people? |
Thats why I don't want a custom title...because I can't think of anything to put on it :lol:.
Oh, wait! I got one! 'Dino the Dinosaur'. Can I get payed now? :o |
Howbout, "Dinomatrix." Hahaha
How 'bout, "Eater of All That Are Delicious!"
or Don't Irritate Nobody Or Somebody Usurps the Coolness of Kimon's Sweetnosity! ;) Argh. My badness, Searex. |
Let's not turn this into some "Hey! What kind of CT should we give Dino?!" thread. If there is nothing further to say about the rule set, then no posty. |
... Why the shit does Dino get one? He hasn't done anything!
He doesn't, it started off as a joke, and everyone else is stupid.
On topic from here on or i delete your posts and give you a warning. |
Speaking of warnings, will they be taken into consideration of name changing and CT giving?
It wouldn't be fair for someone who's received warnings to get a custom title when there's plenty of well behaved members who've been here for years that still don't have one. |
To respond to your suggestion, CTs are not handed out to any old person, they're handed out to worthy members. It's not impossible to be a worthy member and have a few warnings. In fact I actually find the goody two shoes a little bit boring and dishonest. As for the well behaved members who've been here for years, aside from the fact that there's more to being a worthy member than just behaving yourself and sticking around for ages, the reason they don't have one is probably because they've never asked for one. They would probably get them if they asked. |
...In case you didn't notice, this is a thread to make suggestions and ask questions about the rules. I had a question about the rules, so I asked and gave my own opinion/suggestion regarding it. You can't tell me I shouldn't do that here.
It is not a sign of little faith in the S Mods. Nice try though. As for the well-behaved, been here forever types that I mentioned, I meant that there's plenty who are deserving of CTs for being great and interesting posters, and they've have never been in any trouble... All the more reason that they deserve one. I didn't mean they deserved one for simply being well behaved. |
Any regular member here needn't be shy, either. If you're an OWF Reg (you know who you are), all you have to do is ask! Seriously, if you've been a good noodle, then a custom title shall be yours. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that I'll tell you to stay around longer and post more before asking again. Dino got one because he has a high legitimate post count and because he asked for one. |
Now I feel sad :crying:
What about one year people, like AFOS and such? They have pretty high post counts and are regualar members. |
In my opinion, AFOS should not even be considered. Due to him being evil and [correct me if I'm wrong] creating multiple accounts.
However, it was also my understanding that members couldn't ask for one. I'm sure Alcar said somewhere [ages ago though...] that the admin staff would approach you, and if you asked for one you'd be dismissed as a silly little boy, and your botty would be smacked. I think that little custom thingys, should be given to good members. But perhaps not with a perfect track record, personally, anyone who's stuck around and changed after a banning is worth having. Most people who're banned either never come back or come back with hate, ready to crash the server or some evil thing like that. I think, though, if a custom thingy is given to a banned member, soon after their banning or after their "crime", then all the staff should agree on it. I think it's unfair if Forumer X, who has been a good member for a while and is dedicated and respectable, is in the shadow of Forumer Y, who was banned a few months ago, but still gets all of the rewards. Yes, I contradict myself. Still... - Rexy |
You all make good points. Perhaps, in rare circumstances, if a banned member proved his or her worth by being a good member for a LONG time, then they may receive a title. However, it's far more likely that a member with a few warnings will make a turnabout than a banned member. I suppose it could happen, though.
Ah, thank you for reminding me of something, Rex. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ALCAR FOR CUSTOM TITLES. Do not bother him, bother me. Unlike Alcar, I am far more lenient with title-giving, but I will NEVER approach you and ask you if you want a title. You, the member, will have to take initiative if you want a title from me. Also, if I've recently turned you down for a title, it had better be a hella-long time before you ask again. Getting nagged is a major turnoff for me, dig? EDIT: CT rules updated. |
The turnabout thing, as we discussed today, can be applied to bannings too. A person can make a change for the better after bannings like they can after warnings. I think the rule about banning should have a little side note about warnings taken into account too. I think a side note would be a good way to settle this. I mean, who knows, there could be someone out there that could be wondering, "Well... I've never been banned, but I've received a warning or two. I'll go look at that one post that lists the rules. Huh, there's nothing mentioned about them..." (Heh, at least people can tell by this that we can have differing opinions although we're a couple. :)) EDIT: AHH! You posted before me! |
EDIT: Scratch that. You're right. He is an evil, spamming, whining, douche bag who deserves to be have a stake stuck through him, burned, and have his corpse pissed on. |
I feel like changing my position to Oddworld God. Simply because, you know, I so am. Alcar... |