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Connell 06-28-2016 10:25 AM

SoulStorm ARG - 1029.io
If you look in 1029.io source code, every "E" and "D" is a capital.

And the number string that's hidden. Looks like there's more ARG to come:

33 74 73 83 51

Using the same method Nikit15 used, this gets BLFM3, which returns nothing from the chat box.

Gunnr 06-28-2016 10:27 AM


So,now what? Is the ARG done? Is this just phase one?

I don't know. Or do we start following spirit of 1020 now? OWI is.
Oh well *follows*

Connell 06-28-2016 10:33 AM


This video is on the url. Appears to be completely black. Anyone see anything?

The chat box is gone. :'( I'm gonna miss that thing.

Gunnr 06-28-2016 10:36 AM

I've got nothing just dark. ?

Connell 06-28-2016 10:37 AM

The letters "E" "T" "N" "O" are highlighted in the 1029 text.

seniormeatbox 06-28-2016 10:54 AM

We have some very low light static, so we might have to brighten the videohttp://i.imgur.com/JiGio7B.png

Connell 06-28-2016 10:57 AM

A few things to note on the 1029.io site:

. A string of numbers at the top of the source code:

33 74 72 83 51

. A video at this URL featuring our favourite number:


This appears to be black, but why bother uploading it?

. Within the source code, in the main body of text from the spirits of 1029, every instance of the letters "E" and "D" are capitalized. This is not visible on the standard page.

. Previously, the letters "E" "T" "N" and "O" were seemingly randomly highlighted with the blue background that some of the words feature in the body of text. This has since disappeared.
(It appears every time you reload the page, different words are highlighted in the text, as well as different sections of the "Spirit of 1029" logo.)

. The quote from the ending of Oddysee is at the bottom of this source code to. "Well, I rescued Mudokons, but who's gonna rescue me?!"

This could potentially mean there is more to do with the ARG. Or I may just be getting excited. We'll see what happens.

Gunnr 06-28-2016 11:04 AM

Looks like we can't try anyting with the aswerbox and more. I'll be waiting for messages between Ed and SO 1029

My soul is ready for the storm!

seniormeatbox 06-28-2016 11:04 AM


Someone brighten up the video, I don't have the software to do so

Connell 06-28-2016 11:10 AM


Someone brighten up the video, I don't have the software to do so

My editing software won't let me alter the brightness and contrast on .PNG, and I can't seem to convert it to .jpg

seniormeatbox 06-28-2016 11:11 AM


My editing software won't let me alter the brightness and contrast on .PNG, and I can't seem to convert it to .jpg

i mean the video in general. That picture is already brightened.

SgabbitGabbiar 06-28-2016 11:20 AM

I tried with Sony Vegas. It's not a big edit , if there's someone that can do it better than me, would be helpful XD

SgabbitGabbiar 06-28-2016 11:23 AM

i tried to put a big brightness too , but it's still incomprehensible.

Connell 06-28-2016 11:27 AM


I tried with Sony Vegas. It's not a big edit , if there's someone that can do it better than me, would be helpful XD

Wow, watching that brings back some VHS memories :p It looks like generic static to me, perhaps something is hidden in there, but it isn't immediately obvious.

Also worth noting, the numbers "8291" are hidden within the Spirit of 1029 logo. I believe these are absent in the Twitter account version of the image. I put a red dot to the right hand side of where each number appears:


I don't think these things hidden on the 1029.io site are necessarily indicative of more steps in the ARG themselves, but they are cool to note down and could potentially have some relevance in the future.

Xavier 06-28-2016 12:30 PM

I love the look and feel of that site :D

To be fair I looked and I don't think there's anything hidden in that video 8291.mp4 file

SgabbitGabbiar 06-28-2016 12:37 PM

More brightness. And it's still a mess.

acedude 06-28-2016 03:49 PM

Shoot. I thought the mailing list would have had special links and stuff but it appears to just be Oddworld's regular mailing list.

cleanshirtuk 06-28-2016 04:00 PM

Holy crap I missed a lot. Speaking of holy crap, go to 1029.io/8291

also 1029.io/ed comes up with a scrambled mess, looks like it needs to be converted again but I can't remember how that was done, something to do with UTF-8

Gunnr 06-28-2016 04:38 PM

Doesn't steganography work for videos too? (just throwing ideas around) mp3stego? :\

Connell 06-28-2016 04:58 PM


Holy crap I missed a lot. Speaking of holy crap, go to 1029.io/8291

also 1029.io/ed comes up with a scrambled mess, looks like it needs to be converted again but I can't remember how that was done, something to do with UTF-8

That is actually fucking hilarious. (the /8291 link) Well played, OWI. Mystery of 8291 solved, for now ;)

With regards to /ed, it 'aint UTF-8, but it's sure as hell something. Nice find! :D This gives me hope that there's still more to come from the ARG. Now to figure out how we decode it. Does anyone know? Or does anyone know of any groups on reddit or something that dabble with this sort of thing?

Can't believe I didn't try any other URL's! +Rep for CleanShirt.

http://1029.io/ed/spiritof1029.jpg links to a very basic version of the site homepage. Don't think it's significant and it seems to just be a mistake. (Putting anything after the /ed/ will create a basic version of the homepage. For example: http://1029.io/ed/spiritofmyterriblefarts

DreadfulDrummer 06-28-2016 05:06 PM

From 1029.io/ed:

Ī ϸөḷīėνḙ ȶһệȳ'ὕē ῤȕṭ Ւʜє ŀĩᾑẽṡ ὀɳ Ւɧě ṣïⅾε ʈǫ ṃ*ĸē ŝůɼė ὶȽ'ś ƒỏɽ₥ǎƫȶéɖ ⅽծȓřӗ¢եľẏ ƒõг ŧẇị†եėӷ. Ї άςṫṵᾀḽłý śȁẃ ʈħӗ Ễɗ ᾄςҫǒứբȽ ρừț ŝṭëῥ, ťō ʈẖȇ șṫɼіήǵ őƒ բυḿḃҽӷş. Ŝó ẃḣāț ժīⅾ ԝȅ һậὖӗ ťố ďờ ɩṇ ԑʈēр 7? Ìṭ ṁṷṧե ғổʛ ίդ ăἥ їṁἇģϵ ȇď¡†όŗ, şȭ ƒȃŕ ῂṏƫ ѕеệῒᾐʛ ṃևсɧ – ǟḷťȟǫմğḥ ŧħế їṃăɡҽ ΐԷṥéłḟ ȋṣ ďệƒȋṅìẗěłŷ ᾄṋ ȫƃśсṵӷȩď śɦṑ† őẛ Ăḅе’ṥ ćℏѐŝţ, ŵìṭĥ ţḩḝ ḏ*гǩ śթļőṱƈħ ɓӫɬȍẃ ʈիĕ ẁоӷđ “ҫāπ” ĺṑộĸîηģ ʂůŝþἱϛἳỡừṥļӳ ĺɬȍŵ Ւհѳ ṡǻṃϵ ɨďёᾷ. Άļɬ ẃễ řϵȧǀŀӯ ḋỉď ẅάʂ ŕếṁōὓệ Էհҽ ʛḽῐţčḥỷ ġṙąῤḣìҫṥ ẛřὀ₥ ầɼȫųᾑɖ ŧȟḗ ῥḥȑάŝё "ἰԑ ậήŷḃṍɖỳ łỉṧȶėղĭᾕʛ?" ḟřὃ₥ ẹժ'š էẅẻĕț ẩᾗḏ ṧԛûặṧȟ ὶʈ іņʈȫ ṑᾒĕ ẉσɼɗ †ὁ ɓӫ ṯℏể ῤаṥšẁọŗḏ. Ἱ ṥüþрỏԑë ťḥᾶť ṧẗěρ āḹṣо ¡ղὐȍɫὔȅḍ ẛῑҳΐἣǵ ṫɦöѕḗ ɫὶǹҽԑ ʈŏǵϱȶẖēř ʈớ ḟօɽṃ ǩ ǒẛ ƞȱẅ ṍғ ẖöẅ ţօ ¢òɱƄɩɴȅ եẖẻṃ, ӳễŧ ᾅģǻὶը ïզήʘřὶդǥ "þιéсệ 7 șὃȗѓçȅ", ΐʂ ӧɲɫȋᾒց ԝӫ āṛϱ ṃɩṥʂίբǧ ṥốɱȩȶћῑῂğ ḥęгȩ ἆἡḏ Ɨ ẉᾁըţеḍ եὁ ℏậὑề ᾂ եḧгèάḑ ĵսѕȶ Ƚօ իảѷє ẚ ḹȫóκ *ṫ ԝḥἅṭ ṃιʛʜԷ ҏỏȽөᾗƫῒἀḻɫ ŤŘËƳȐ îś ăἢ ᾀբ*զɽȃṃ ẛộȓ ŗёŧŕỹ.

He's listening to us...

Connell 06-28-2016 05:10 PM

That's... that's kinda freaky. Well done for decoding it. How did you manage it?

DreadfulDrummer 06-28-2016 05:17 PM

I went to Settings - Site Settings - Language - Auto-detect encoding (Chrome for Android) :) hah

Connell 06-28-2016 05:19 PM


I went to Settings - Site Settings - Language - Auto-detect Decoding (Chrome for Android) :) hah

Haha nice one, the wonders of technology, hey ;)

Just to point out, if you take the string of numbers that are in the source code on the 1029.io homepage back through the map steps, I believe you come out with: VV ZW ZU AV XT. Meaningless, but I tried it so I thought I'd document it.

DreadfulDrummer 06-28-2016 05:23 PM

Yeah, sorry I didn't go all all Alan Turing on yer ass... Although, he did fight the machine with another machine...according to this movie trailer I've seen.

JayDee 06-28-2016 06:32 PM

What if we are The Spirit Of 1029?

seniormeatbox 06-28-2016 08:39 PM


From 1029.io/ed:

Ī ϸөḷīėνḙ ȶһệȳ'ὕē ῤȕṭ Ւʜє ŀĩᾑẽṡ ὀɳ Ւɧě ṣïⅾε ʈǫ ṃ*ĸē ŝůɼė ὶȽ'ś ƒỏɽ₥ǎƫȶéɖ ⅽծȓřӗ¢եľẏ ƒõг ŧẇị*եėӷ. Ї άςṫṵᾀḽłý śȁẃ ʈħӗ Ễɗ ᾄςҫǒứբȽ ρừț ŝṭëῥ, ťō ʈẖȇ șṫɼіήǵ őƒ բυḿḃҽӷş. Ŝó ẃḣāț ժīⅾ ԝȅ һậὖӗ ťố ďờ ɩṇ ԑʈēр 7? Ìṭ ṁṷṧե ғổʛ ίդ ăἥ їṁἇģϵ ȇď¡*όŗ, şȭ ƒȃŕ ῂṏƫ ѕеệῒᾐʛ ṃևсɧ – ǟḷťȟǫմğḥ ŧħế їṃăɡҽ ΐԷṥéłḟ ȋṣ ďệƒȋṅìẗěłŷ ᾄṋ ȫƃśсṵӷȩď śɦṑ* őẛ Ăḅе’ṥ ćℏѐŝţ, ŵìṭĥ ţḩḝ ḏ*гǩ śթļőṱƈħ ɓӫɬȍẃ ʈիĕ ẁоӷđ “ҫāπ” ĺṑộĸîηģ ʂůŝþἱϛἳỡừṥļӳ ĺɬȍŵ Ւհѳ ṡǻṃϵ ɨďёᾷ. Άļɬ ẃễ řϵȧǀŀӯ ḋỉď ẅάʂ ŕếṁōὓệ Էհҽ ʛḽῐţčḥỷ ġṙąῤḣìҫṥ ẛřὀ₥ ầɼȫųᾑɖ ŧȟḗ ῥḥȑάŝё "ἰԑ ậήŷḃṍɖỳ łỉṧȶėղĭᾕʛ?" ḟřὃ₥ ẹժ'š էẅẻĕț ẩᾗḏ ṧԛûặṧȟ ὶʈ іņʈȫ ṑᾒĕ ẉσɼɗ *ὁ ɓӫ ṯℏể ῤаṥšẁọŗḏ. Ἱ ṥüþрỏԑë ťḥᾶť ṧẗěρ āḹṣо ¡ղὐȍɫὔȅḍ ẛῑҳΐἣǵ ṫɦöѕḗ ɫὶǹҽԑ ʈŏǵϱȶẖēř ʈớ ḟօɽṃ ǩ ǒẛ ƞȱẅ ṍғ ẖöẅ ţօ ¢òɱƄɩɴȅ եẖẻṃ, ӳễŧ ᾅģǻὶը ïզήʘřὶդǥ "þιéсệ 7 șὃȗѓçȅ", ΐʂ ӧɲɫȋᾒց ԝӫ āṛϱ ṃɩṥʂίբǧ ṥốɱȩȶћῑῂğ ḥęгȩ ἆἡḏ Ɨ ẉᾁըţеḍ եὁ ℏậὑề ᾂ եḧгèάḑ ĵսѕȶ Ƚօ իảѷє ẚ ḹȫóκ *ṫ ԝḥἅṭ ṃιʛʜԷ ҏỏȽөᾗƫῒἀḻɫ ŤŘËƳȐ îś ăἢ ᾀբ*զɽȃṃ ẛộȓ ŗёŧŕỹ.

He's listening to us...

But I thought we were supposed to listen to him!

Wait, what if THIS IS ED?

That would be one hell of a twist

Varrok 06-28-2016 08:51 PM



I like what that sentence might imply

rzil 06-28-2016 11:37 PM

the video is actually the site's background

Xavier 06-29-2016 12:02 AM


Holy crap I missed a lot. Speaking of holy crap, go to 1029.io/8291


From 1029.io/ed:

Ī ϸөḷīėνḙ ȶһệȳ'ὕē ῤȕṭ Ւʜє ŀĩᾑẽṡ ὀɳ Ւɧě ṣïⅾε ʈǫ ṃ*ĸē ŝůɼė ὶȽ'ś ƒỏɽ₥ǎƫȶéɖ ⅽծȓřӗ¢եľẏ ƒõг ŧẇị†եėӷ. Ї άςṫṵᾀḽłý śȁẃ ʈħӗ Ễɗ ᾄςҫǒứբȽ ρừț ŝṭëῥ, ťō ʈẖȇ șṫɼіήǵ őƒ բυḿḃҽӷş. Ŝó ẃḣāț ժīⅾ ԝȅ һậὖӗ ťố ďờ ɩṇ ԑʈēр 7? Ìṭ ṁṷṧե ғổʛ ίդ ăἥ їṁἇģϵ ȇď¡†όŗ, şȭ ƒȃŕ ῂṏƫ ѕеệῒᾐʛ ṃևсɧ – ǟḷťȟǫմğḥ ŧħế їṃăɡҽ ΐԷṥéłḟ ȋṣ ďệƒȋṅìẗěłŷ ᾄṋ ȫƃśсṵӷȩď śɦṑ† őẛ Ăḅе’ṥ ćℏѐŝţ, ŵìṭĥ ţḩḝ ḏ*гǩ śթļőṱƈħ ɓӫɬȍẃ ʈիĕ ẁоӷđ “ҫāπ” ĺṑộĸîηģ ʂůŝþἱϛἳỡừṥļӳ ĺɬȍŵ Ւհѳ ṡǻṃϵ ɨďёᾷ. Άļɬ ẃễ řϵȧǀŀӯ ḋỉď ẅάʂ ŕếṁōὓệ Էհҽ ʛḽῐţčḥỷ ġṙąῤḣìҫṥ ẛřὀ₥ ầɼȫųᾑɖ ŧȟḗ ῥḥȑάŝё "ἰԑ ậήŷḃṍɖỳ łỉṧȶėղĭᾕʛ?" ḟřὃ₥ ẹժ'š էẅẻĕț ẩᾗḏ ṧԛûặṧȟ ὶʈ іņʈȫ ṑᾒĕ ẉσɼɗ †ὁ ɓӫ ṯℏể ῤаṥšẁọŗḏ. Ἱ ṥüþрỏԑë ťḥᾶť ṧẗěρ āḹṣо ¡ղὐȍɫὔȅḍ ẛῑҳΐἣǵ ṫɦöѕḗ ɫὶǹҽԑ ʈŏǵϱȶẖēř ʈớ ḟօɽṃ ǩ ǒẛ ƞȱẅ ṍғ ẖöẅ ţօ ¢òɱƄɩɴȅ եẖẻṃ, ӳễŧ ᾅģǻὶը ïզήʘřὶդǥ "þιéсệ 7 șὃȗѓçȅ", ΐʂ ӧɲɫȋᾒց ԝӫ āṛϱ ṃɩṥʂίբǧ ṥốɱȩȶћῑῂğ ḥęгȩ ἆἡḏ Ɨ ẉᾁըţеḍ եὁ ℏậὑề ᾂ եḧгèάḑ ĵսѕȶ Ƚօ իảѷє ẚ ḹȫóκ *ṫ ԝḥἅṭ ṃιʛʜԷ ҏỏȽөᾗƫῒἀḻɫ ŤŘËƳȐ îś ăἢ ᾀբ*զɽȃṃ ẛộȓ ŗёŧŕỹ.

He's listening to us...

Just a tought:

Taking those two pieces together, shouldn't we look at finding the direct links of the posts that are featured on the Ed page?

I recognise my opening sentence for the first post about the SoulStorm ARG. I would do it myself but I don't have the time right now. :/