Mass Effect 3
Well, Mass Effect 3 is out this week and I pre-ordered it. Generally I wasn't really into BioWare games much, but I heard a lot of good things about Mass Effect, and since I love Sci-Fi so much I decided to give it a go. I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 for many reasons. Firstly, I missed out on Gears of War and many other similar cover shooters (never had a 360/PS3), so it was a unique experience for me to have this kind of frantic combat. After realising it was something my PC could run comfortably, I jumped at the chance of trying some next-gen gameplay. I really like levelling up squadmates and picking abilities... for me it's just the ultimate way of developing characters in a meaningful way which will affect how a player can experience a game. Heck, trainee assassins in AC:Brotherhood was the main reason I bought it (along with multiplayer). I look forward to the multiplayer gameplay. Until AC Relevations gets cheaper, this'll be my main source of multiplayer modes on the PC for a while (besides TF2 of course). For an intro to multiplayer check this (yes that is my voice on the video!): I love many things about Mass Effect in general. The alien races, the mythology behind the characters, the backstories, the voices, the graphical style. In particular I like the squadmates Tali'Zorah, Garrus and Grunt. All three are awesome in so many ways, though I do love the mercenary Zaeed as well. His lines are just so badass in every way! Has anyone else played Mass Effect 1/2 before? What did you think? |
Well now. |
Mass Effect 3 is utter puke. Shame, Bioware used to be great.
I heard that one of the main characters turns out to be a tranny.
From what I hear about the process of adding DLC, the first thing they get are the voice actor's dialogue files, then they focus on adding character models and locations and then the final outputted mission is the very last thing that gets done in the production line.
It's weird how the critics gave this game between 90% and 100%, yet there is a large negative vibe going around the internet. I don't get it, internet trolls? disgruntled users? |
This game sucks because it has DLC before the gayme even came out and that to me is a warning sign that it's not a good game.
Yeah. Fuck gaymes that have DLC before they're released.
Heavy spoilers, but it gets the main complaints out there. |
I won't read that because I haven't completed the game yet, but I'm at least eighty percent done now, and I don't get it. The only complaint I have is the combat, and I have a pretty big complaint about that. It's awful. It just doesn't work right. Shepherd will not stay in cover. He bounces out of it if you even think about looking in another direction, and instantly gets his ass hammered by every cocksucker on the screen. I had to do one particular battle ten fucking times because I couldn't convince the son of a bitch to stay in cover. And then there is the bullshit decision to have the hardest enemies to kill decide that close combat is the way to go. This game is not designed for close combat. Shepherd's normal melee move is unbelievably weak, and his strong melee takes so long to execute that half of the enemies just stroll to the other side of you while you're performing it. Not to mention that doing this means you have to stand up, and leave cover, opening you up to every motherfucker with a rocket launcher to fuck your asshole loose.
But the rest of the game is normal Mass Effect. Not the greatest story ever, but told well. Thane's section of the game, in particular, is extremely well done. I don't know. I guess you either like it or you don't, but the nonsense people are screaming about their awful decisions just seems like a bunch of whiny shit. The game is better written than Mass Effect 2, and it really goes out of it's way to tie up all the loose ends. I like it. |
I honestly don't think that the final five minutes of the game will destroy my opinion of the game as a whole. The journey is the important part, right?
In the final five minutes, Shepard peels off his skin to reveal he is actually a Geth. He then murders all other characters, but in a shocking twist discovers they were all also Geth in disguise!
Gethard then proceeds to weep tears of petroleum and screams into the black depths of space, while the Prothean Queen devours Earth. (i have not played a mass effect game) |
Apply for a writer job at Bioware. Seriously, with your help they might be able to make a decent storyline.
Then Voldemort turns up.
tali potter
Alenko Kadevra.
I did it right, right? |
I don't know. I've never played Mass Effect either.
Garrius Black! |
You'd have to be braindead to choose anything else than the RPG mode. Seriously, "action mode" or whatever it's called is probably the dumbest idea ever.
It didn't ask me what I wanted, so I assume it put me in the middle territory since I always play them on normal.
Yeah. I can't really say one way or another until I finish it, I guess. I should be getting the perfect ending, as my meter showing military strength has been full for some time now.
I haven't had any issues with the cover system. Not as bad as you anyway. And as far as the close combat..I don't know. I play as a vanguard, so if they're not coming to me, I'm closing in on them. Haven't really had any complaints about the enemy AI flanking in close. If anything it's made my experience more enjoyable. |
Huh. Maybe I just fucking suck. It's always possible.
Also, I'm playing as Soldier. I guess I probably did pick the most generic, awful class. |
Meh. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm playing my Shepard from ME 1 & 2, so vanguard is really all I know.
I joined and coined the little bitchfest surrounding ME3 for a bit, but I really, REALLY want to play these games so I think I'm going to download them through PSN so I can finish them in order and not turn around and sell them. It is a long time coming and (not endgame spoilers, but be careful!) the cutscene of the Thresher Maw Queen buttfucking a Reaper to death convinced me. Also, I really like Legion. Like, a lot. He's really cool, right guys?
Guys? |
Legion is awesome.
I finished it last night. I liked the ending. I don't think that the series ending in a way that people didn't expect makes it bad, and it's not like it just came out of nowhere. There had been little hints all along. |