SeaRex |
07-30-2005 07:51 AM |
Preliminary Rules Concerning Name Changes and Custom Titles.
It has come to my attention that a lot of people, especially new members who have not graced our fair forum for very long, want name changes. Rather than let these people take advantage of my niceness, I have decided to start baking up a set of rules to finally put to rest the questions surrounding name changes and custom titles. Keep in mind, these are not official and I'm open to suggestions.
Name Changes.- Any user who has ever been banned (for any amount of time) will not receive a name change.
- User must have remained ACTIVE for at least a year and/or have at least 1000+ posts, depending on post quality, frequency of spam, and general behavior.
- If the above criteria are met, the user must STILL HAVE A LEGITIMATE REASON for wanting their name changed. "I only joined a week ago but I don't like the name I signed up with" isn't good enough.
- Don't get "name happy." Saying "I'm tired of this name" and asking for a new one only a month after you've had your name changed for a real reason will not be accepted. This isn't MSN Messenger. If you're lucky enough to get your name changed, you'll be keeping it.
- Extremely rare cases, such as a troublesome user joining with a name similar to a more respected user, may warrant a name change.
Custom Titles.- Any user who has ever been banned (for any amount of time) will not receive a custom title.
- User must be well-respected. Respect comes in several ways. You could have a high count of meaningful posts, a knack for creating interesting topics, or just be a generally entertaining fellow. In the end, respect will rest solely on your behavior, and behavior will be the largest indicator of whether or not you deserve a title.
- User must be active for a substantial amount of time. No other time regulations have been set as of now, but needless to say, new users shouldn't expect a custom title within the first month of joining. Likewise, if you have been turned down for a title, become a more active member and try again later. MUCH later.
- Please only ask SeaRex for custom titles. If Alcar feels you are deserving, he will most likely contact you instead.
- Rules for custom titles will remain somewhat more abstract than naming rules, simply because of the special nature of these little rewards, and the fact that we love to keep you lowly peons in the dark. :p
Anyway, I want to hear some community input on this. Remember, none of this is set in stone. Feel free to suggest things.
And Mods, especially Rich, Hobo, and Xavier, I hope to hear your opinions on the matter.