Force of habit.
Nobody I know still watches it, at least not the newer seasons.
I knew the series was dead when they made an episode about fucking Curling. Matt Groening has been asked many times why he doesn't pull the plug already, he gave a very George Lucas-y answer and said something to the effect of "The animation is better than ever, so that means the show is also better than ever". Even if this was a valid point, I think the animation has actually gotten worse. It has no character now. I miss the Klasky Csupo days where the animation was fluid and the key frames were all slightly different. Now it's Korean-animated, computer graded, and drawn from such strict templates that it might as well be fucking flash animated. |
Is it comparable with current South Park situation? Though, I even enjoyed newer seasons (of course much less)
I'd say it's worse than South Park. At least South Park has it's phoned-in "edginess" going for it. The Simpsons has become so completely flat and unfunny, and there are no redeeming qualities.
South Park always had a decent formula, which it sticks to even when the actual content degrades in quality. The Simpsons, on the other hand, had a dull setup that it overcame with the quality of its conent. As a result it's suffered more as time went on.
Don't misunderstand, Varrok. The first few seasons of the Simpsons are phenomenal. It was the biggest show in America and defined a decade. I trust your sense of quality control to let you know when it's starting to get bad.
Yeah, don't let other people's hindsight distort your own new experiences.
I'm watching Indie Game: The Movie on Steam (I thought about putting this in WAYPRN). Naturally, Edmund McMillen is the most interesting one. |
I'm watching the new season of Hell's Kitchen.
Gordon Ramsey is a huge asshole. I love him. |
Been watching a lot of Community lately, great show that is. Watched the entire second season with my cousin the other day. Not sure if I liked it as much as the first, but it was very enjoyable. The only thing that kind of bothered me was how every other episode it would be some ridiculous, over the top scheme, then go back to being regular school stuff. Kind of wish they had stuck with just the regular school stuff instead of trying so hard to parody action and horror films. Ah well, still a good show.
I loved the second season. Its over the topness is the reason for this. For me the rankings go Season 2>Season 1>Season 3. I'm looking forward to the next season, even though they are losing some people.
You're right. He isn't an asshole, he just has zero tolerance for bullshit, which I respect and appreciate, especially when he's chastising the "professionals" under him.
Jeremy Kyle is a useless turd. All of those dysfunctional family drama talk show hosts are though. |
He got his zero tolerance off his mentor, I reckon, who is a real asshole.
Kyle or Ramsey?
When Ramsey does it, it seems appropriate. When Kyle does it, he's just being an obstinate prick. He and Steve Wilkos are total hotheads who never let their guests get a word in edgewise. I prefer Jerry Springer's "I'm still doing this shit?" approach. |
I'm talking about the American one.
Oh. The english one's much better. They need more than shouting at!
Yeah... they're both shit. JK is a fucker who was, for the Americans, a gambling addict who has a deluded sense of his own fabulousness over the chavvies and the chavettes. I hope he walks into a firing range sometime.
Jerry Springer is the only guy I like who does that sort of stuff. It's hilarious at times.
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! |
I watched Adventure Time. What a horrible excuse for a show.
Fuck you.
I watched the first two episodes of The Wire. Good show so far but I don't get why it gets so much acclaim for being "BEST TV SHOW EVER!!!". Still good though, I'm gonna keep watching it. |
Yeah, fuck.
Adventure Time is an amazing show you worthless furfag tiger fucker faggotron. Go stick your crooked dick in a blender.
Oh come on! Was the guy on crack when he wrote it? And tiger fucker? I'd of thought that's an insult that you'd hurl at Havoc. I just think it tries too hard to be funny, with stupid names and mental storylines. |
Oh shit. I totally thought you were Havoc because of the Twilight avatar. My bad.
Oh well, replace "tiger" with "pony", and I don't have to rescind my statement. You're not allowed to think Adventure Time is bad and Ponies are good. Either you like both, or hate both. Have a little quality control, dude. Adventure Time was created by Pendleton Ward, who is a magnificent, huggable genius with a big bushy beard full of candy and magic. If you dislike AT, that's fine, but just know that in doing so you are giving us the right to do awful, awful things to you. |
I would post a funny scene from Adventure Time to further invalidate Nepsotic's inferior opinions, but there are simply too many to pick just one.
To this day I can't get the song from the first Marceline episode out of my head.
Watch this: This is great too: |
I'm not mean. I'm a thousand years old, and I've just lost track of my moral code.
I love Pendleton's voice.
"BARFS A TIGER!" Also Marceline's my favorite character. |
Mine too.
The song that started a thousand fanfics. |
I don't watch the show but I find some of its clips hilarious.
I've seen 2 episodes and I liked it.
The pocket fart joke had me on the floor in stitches the first time I saw it.
I honestly think you have to be a miserable old fart to actually get enjoyment out of the show. Not unlike ponies, it appeals more to adults than it's target audience. Every young person I've asked about Adventure Time doesn't like it, strangely enough. I also love how they're actually developing the story and characters. I remember Frederator mentioned off-hand on one of their numerous blogs that they would like to make Finn age, not only to accommodate the voice actor, but to keep the series going and flesh out it's characters and their relationships. I am all fucking for it. Finn is the Goku of Gen Y. |
Abbey loves Adventure Time.
If my kid didn't love Adventure Time, I'd have to go Clockwork Orange on his/her ass. |