I can confirm there have been some changes, here is a picture I posted of the /8291 page the day this part of the ARG was found;
http://i.imgur.com/s6MEPCF.png?1 If you look now, as Xav quoted above, the missing letters are different in the URL's at the bottom. Perhaps it's imperative that we keep checking the website regularly, and eventually we'll be able to piece together the text from every time it changes. I also feel the name of the /8291 page (The tons of EDEDEDEDEDEDED's after each other) Is important; it's seems to be too bizarre to mean nothing. Also, at risk of sounding completely tech-illiterate, which I like to think I'm not, is there any significance to the fact the page ends with .html? Why does need to end like that as opposed to any other webpage. Basically I mean is there anything we can learn about the way it works from that. Probably not though! |
I don’t know enough to say whether they could be dynamically changing the page content in some other way, but it’s worth noting there doesn’t seem to be any cookies being set by the site which would be the most likely method of determining if pages had been visited in a specific order. there’s also no javascript files in use anywhere. My best guess would be that the changes we’re seeing are being added manually. I could be wrong, but there’s nothing I can see to suggest anything is being automated. |
https://i.gyazo.com/af0fda64c2eaf633...0fafda78af.png |
Yeah I just copy pasted the html code from the page, it make sense it broke the link.
Another attempt at figuring out 1029/8291
8291: (the-e--e--bel--EDe---t---c-----------da-k) there are rebels i ED echo talk carefully its dark they ended abe let Ed echo this chant here its dark there are rebels i ED ease take careful steps dark |
What do you think the chances are of them dropping us a hint? Are we missing something really obvious, do we just have to decode each page 100%? I really want this to advance but I don't think anyone knows what the true objective is.
I think they should help us a little. It's hard to decode, when we know so little letters. At least I got stuck with this puzzle.
Hey all,
Just joined, but I’ve been following all the action from the beginning:). You guys have done a great job solving all the (at times very abstract) clues/puzzles! Like Navajo! Seriously, who would have thought? Anyways, I was hoping to contribute a little to the current puzzle if I can. I had a little play around with filling in the gaps on 1029.io/8291, and came up with a couple more words that may be a possibility. For convenience sake, I’ve rewritten it using the most convincing words from previous posts and new words are in bold: GO BACK: We’d try but it’s not possible at all, it’s just too dark You have to help us. TRY AGAIN: There must be a way_ The spirit_ Where is it_ Where is the fire GIVE IN: So desperate, so hungry, so thirsty_ Just one more sip STAY: What else can we do? We’re trapped and it’s all his fault FIGHT: We’re not strong enough_ Nobody is_ It’s (seeing/saying/asking) what’s - - real problem here How can we fight it, how long must we wait? Who will save us? Where is ED? We need ED Rescue ED THERE’S STILL TIME, DON’T LEAVE US HERE: If only he knew If only they knew If only you knew Far too many video game characters were harmed extremely badly in the making of this experience. In a sane world this would never have happened. We're sorry INITIAL PAGE: The only word we can really be confident about at this stage is “dark” at the end of the sentence. I find it odd that the messages in the videos give “Be like ED” yet there isn’t enough space in this sentence to put it where it looks like it would go: The - e - - e - - be li - ED e - - - t - - - c - - - - - - - - - - - da - k Maybe??: They e - -e to be likED e - - - t - - - c - - - - - - - - - - - dark Maybe we will have to “like” someone/something on Facebook? It’s too much of a long-shot at this point. I’m embarrassed my first post turned into a short story, sorry everyone! |
:Welcome emmarose, Nice!
I still think that last one is something like 8291: (the-e--e--bel--EDe---t---c-----------da-k) there are rebels i ED echo talk carefully its dark they ended abe let Ed echo this chant here its dark there are rebels i ED ease take careful steps dark :p |
Even if we find out all the missing letters and get all the complete sentences what do you guys think we will we need to do with it?
I doubt an OWI employee is looking at the OWF waiting for us to find all the exact sentences to manually unlock the next part of the ARG. |
The bit I find most confusing is the /8/2 at the bottom of the 1029.io/8291 page. Those appeared after the page was discovered and we were tinkering. What did we do to trigger that? If anything? |
http://www.oddworldforums.net/showth...=ascii&page=35 I really have no clue what to do with those pages, I have the feeling we are missing one piece to make sense out of it. |
Considering none of what we’ve uncovered so far has hinted at a next step, and we have no obvious goals (such as a form to submit), this step in the ARG is most likely a lead-in to another puzzle rather than the puzzle itself. Solving it might provide clues to help us complete later puzzles.
The 8/2/ is most likely an indication that we’re waiting on something else to be revealed. I expect that whoever’s running the ARG will manually add to it as we get closer to whatever date is planned for the next stage. |
In tonight's stream OddworldDev mentioned that we missed something on the 1029 page. Not sure what but apparently we can move forward with what we have now.
Edit, just remembered the number string has been replaced by the phrase "we'll be here, waiting" Of course the only other new thing (I believe) that has been updated on there is "Well, I //--/ED Mudokon/. But who// _____ r///u/ //? " Which of course was previously "Well, I rescued Mudokons. But who's gonna rescue me?" Is there some form of substitution they want us to using that as the key? Perhaps they've altered the 1029 logo in some way, but nothing immediately stands out to me. It still contains the numbers "8291" spread throughout it. Now I'm wondering if he meant the 1029.io page specifically, or was he referring to the domain in general, E.G all the other pages too? Ed give us a hint plz. |
Well since there are several pages of fragmented words maybe one of them is the other part to "Well, I //--/ED Mudokon/. But who// _____ r///u/ //? ".?
I can’t see anything in what we’ve got that suggests a path forward. “Well, I Ed Mudokon, but who r u?” suggests we should be able to answer that question, but we can’t. 8/2/ implies something to do with subdirectories on the site, but no combination I’ve tried has revealed anything. And none of the various keywords that are highlighted on the site (fire, heart, spirit, rise, etc) seem to be relevant at all.
Whatever it is we’re missing I don’t see it. There’s nothing we can use on the main page, the /8291 text doesn’t give us anything useful even when it’s unobscured, we’re not getting any help from @edmudokon or @spiritof1029, and the Soulstorm site isn’t being updated any more. |
I really don't have a clue where I'm going with my current thought but I looked at what was said on the livestream and all that was said is that we are missing something on the 1029 page now that could mean the original page that ed lead us to or the new pages that we have been investigating.
The only thing that I still have questions about is why on the original 1029 page is why a random e,n,t and o were highlighted. So I went to the 1029/8291 page and started counting any of the letters that were highlighted and on that page the letters added up to 8. so maybe the 8 of the 8/2 at the bottom of the page corresponds to that? As I said I really don't know but I'm just throwing my idea out there. Edit: I'm trying to not pass out while I'm typing this I'll try to retype this when I wake up because I'm sure once I re read this it will make no sense to me! :p |
Hi everyone, just joined
I've been looking through the posts here, and the 1029.io page, and a couple of thoughts. One was the highlighted o,t,n,e are the first letter of the words One, Two, Nine and Eight. The first letter of each of these words is also capitalised in the titles of the 1029.io/8291 pages. That could just be to make it easier to read, especially in the final page, where the title would just be 'onetwonineeight' without any capitals, but it could be something useful maybe. I have tried every combination of replacing numbers with their corresponding letter on the 1029 address that I can think of but nothing worked, but wondered if it might somehow tie into the /8/2 thing . I also tried using some of the letters we have on those pages to make numbers to be used as a webpage name, as the others are also just long numbers but that failed too, partly as there are no numbers starting with the letter D. Probably completely wrong, I've done a few ARGs before and I usually am:) |
There’s got to be an extra significance to 8291 that we’re missing – it’s come up too often and every new clue leads back to it.
Also, did someone look at the numbers in the URLs? Or did we just assume it was random? I mean, the first one has 1029 in there, maybe there is more.
Just a thought - all of this numbers and titles are showing change of numbers from 8291 to EightTwoNineOne (or vice versa?), like
Default: :
Default numbers changing to this part numbers: :
Default numbers (or modified after last calculation?) changing to this: :
Like, we have base of 8291 :
Just a thought, hope not too confusing :) |
Yet again, this can be a big mistake, but somehow I think this is correct order of numbers changing:
I guess numbers which we will find would be hidden page's name. |
@OddworldInc just tweeted a message with "Ed" in it:
https://twitter.com/OddworldInc/stat...90262530203649 Pretty sure I saw some new words randomly highlighted on 1029.io but I can't easily reproduce it right now as I'm not at home. |
I don’t see anything new on the main page – the words “hidden”, “erased” and “lost” are randomly highlighted, but that’s not new.
Ah that must have been it. Sorry for the false alert :/
I'm kinda thinking that they were just innocently abbreviating "limited edition". But then part of me hopes it was a clue too... time will tell I guess haha