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Nepsotic 06-13-2013 01:30 PM

You can't blame him, nobody's been to this forum in years, look how dusty it is.

Jordan 06-13-2013 02:35 PM


And then they made Exoddus in under a year, and it was twice as long.

Irrelevant, but it used the same engine as Abe's Oddysee, which must have cut a lot of the development process down.

It is frightening how similar some people on here are to Sonic the Hedgehog fans.

Phylum 06-13-2013 02:47 PM

The difference is that we have someone from JAW swing through and tell us not to panic, only for people to continue highlighting the same issues again and again.

Crashpunk 06-13-2013 03:04 PM

Some of you are really annoying me. I forgive you for being overly critical, We are of course the Oddworld Forums, it's our job. Unless I've mistaken what people have put, people seem to keep forgetting that JAW are a indie team. They don't have millions to spent on a game and I'm sure developing NnT is much different from when OWI were developing AO. I doubt they have nowhere near as resources as they did back in 1996. (I could be wrong and I doubt we'll ever know either.)

Anyway they are trying there damn hardest and I think they've done an amazing job so far. Sure some of the stuff doesn't look right or unfinished but give 'em time.

Also I think most of you complaining boils down to your nostalgia of the original, which I admit, once/if they do Abe's Exoddus. I'm probably going to be more critical. Sometimes being a dedicated fan can have it's down sides.


It wouldn't. That's something that I don't care about. Watching people that I talk to a lot turn into rabid, sweaty titted nerds is kind of annoying though.

This is a brand new Oddworld game in the works, a remaster of AO; many here view as their favourite game. And we are the Oddworld forums, in a Oddworld discussion about it. I don't know how we cannot rave on about it. :)

OANST 06-13-2013 03:19 PM

No excuse for being a rabid, sweaty titted nerd is an acceptable excuse.

Scrabaniac 06-13-2013 03:25 PM

Is it me or do abe's jumps in scrabania seem a tad too exaggerated? Hopefully it will be fixed before official release

OddYouko 06-13-2013 03:44 PM

All these screenshots and videos are driving me crazy now. :p I'm not at all bothered by anything now, I just want the game already, haha.

Question: Will Abe and other Mudokons have different greetings each time the button is pressed? Not just the regular "Hello"? I could have sworn Abe said something different in a video, and something else in another, but that could just be my bad memory, I dunno.

Again, it all looks very beautiful, and I cannot wait for the release day!

Jbot123 06-13-2013 04:37 PM


Is it me or do abe's jumps in scrabania seem a tad too exaggerated? Hopefully it will be fixed before official release

That really reinforced what the others were saying. Good timing.

RyuuFox 06-13-2013 06:37 PM

Watching the gameplay and trailer really got me excited,my criticisms have already been addressed here so i'm not gonna reinforce them :P, but i'm kinda curious why the switch from bitsquid engine to unity3D?

Nate 06-13-2013 10:26 PM

Question for Wil: Is NnT going to support 3d-TVs?

V_O_T 06-14-2013 01:37 AM

Seeing as we are all asking questions lol, will there be moments of silence during game play?

In some places in the original, there were moments where all you would hear are very faint sounds of a barrel dropping or machinery clanging and echoing.

Things like that make the environment seem huge and atmospheric.

Crashpunk 06-14-2013 02:13 AM


Question: Will Abe and other Mudokons have different greetings each time the button is pressed? Not just the regular "Hello"? I could have sworn Abe said something different in a video, and something else in another, but that could just be my bad memory, I dunno.

Again, it all looks very beautiful, and I cannot wait for the release day!

He did say something different. I think his gamespeak is similar to the one in Munch's Oddysee. By saying 'Hello', Abe might say 'Hi', 'howdy' or 'there's my buddy!'

Nepsotic 06-14-2013 02:14 AM

And that's stupid because it ruins the atmosphere. I'd like multiple "hello"s to avoid repetition, but what I've seen so far is far too cheery and happy.

Irrelevant, but it used the same engine as Abe's Oddysee, which must have cut a lot of the development process down.

It is frightening how similar some people on here are to Sonic the Hedgehog fans.

Your post is irrelevant, someone already made that point, and I already knew.

Seeing as we are all asking questions lol, will there be moments of silence during game play?

In some places in the original, there were moments where all you would hear are very faint sounds of a barrel dropping or machinery clanging and echoing.

Things like that make the environment seem huge and atmospheric.
I hope so, silence can be one of the most impotant elements of sound design if done correctly.

JennyGenesis 06-14-2013 02:21 AM

Silence also helped to find secret areas, even in a very old video Lorne Lanning dropped a hint that if you can hear an object that isn't on screen then it may be coming from a secret area.

Nepsotic 06-14-2013 02:35 AM

There was a bug that use to always confuse me, sometimes after killing a slig, you can still hear it snoring on the next screen.

Michael 06-14-2013 03:00 AM


And that's stupid because it ruins the atmosphere. I'd like multiple "hello"s to avoid repetition, but what I've seen so far is far too cheery and happy.

If I remember right, in the gameplay one of the Scrabania Mudokons replies 'Hey there Abe!'

I always felt like the Mudokons in Paramonia and Scrabania didn't know who he was (hence the need to offer a password or be killed, since he is a stranger and potential threat!) This is the start of his journey and he has yet to gain a reputation.

I agree the variations of 'Hello' are a nice touch, but perhaps they should be a little more contextual. I also agree some versions are a bit too cheerful.

Phylum 06-14-2013 03:06 AM

I'm fine with cheerier greeting in the wilderness. Abe should never sound happy in RF, but naturally some working muds could overjoyed with their jobs.

It would be pretty amazing if Abe whispered more in RF.

MeechMunchie 06-14-2013 03:16 AM

Is the happy/depressed Quarma thing making a comeback?

JennyGenesis 06-14-2013 03:23 AM

Are you referring to the way Abe's speech changed in Exoddus depending on your rescue/kill ratio?

MeechMunchie 06-14-2013 03:58 AM


Xavier 06-14-2013 06:16 AM


To anyone who claims the only stuff you'll see is the very best stuff that we're proudest to put out, here's proof that that's nonsense. That very early render of the movie was not meant to go public.

Ah that's good to hear. Thanks for taking the time to clarify this.

I think that, ultimately, the fact that everyone here is being picky on small details is the proof that JAW got a lot of the main things right.

By the way, Lorne has clarified the NnT on Xbox situation with Eurogamer:

V_O_T 06-14-2013 07:21 AM

Yeah I heard about that. It sucks to be xbox fans but that is just shit of microsoft to do that.. Atleast we know JAW and OI are doing their absolute best to get their work on everything and anything so its really microsoft that has the problems.

Also, I really do hate being nit picky, but how do you all fair with the voices? I'm happy regardless, but for personal preference, does this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMw6pkKllm0 sound better? Personally I liked the quiet-esqu, monotoned, humble/slightly scared and basic voices.

I do enjoy both, but what are your opinions on the new/old voices.

I feel like a twat for nit picking :eek:

Varrok 06-14-2013 07:39 AM

AO's voices were perfect

STM 06-14-2013 08:21 AM

You're perfect.

I do love that Abe says more than just 'hello hello hello' now. Will he be able to do some sort of 'All'ya' thing as well?

DarkHoodness 06-14-2013 11:36 AM

Wouldn't that make some of the puzzles too easy?

Then again having to go back and fourth, getting one mudokon to follow you to a portal at a time, while being chased by a scrab over large gaps in the walkway - Having to do that multiple times in AO and failing was frustrating rather than adding anything of value to the gameplay.

Nepsotic 06-14-2013 12:26 PM

No, but it could be implemented better. As an actual puzzle mechanic, rather than just being fustrating. I'm not sure how puzzles could revolve around the mechanic, but I'm sure they can think of a way. That way they can stay true to the original without being pointless and annoying.

MeechMunchie 06-14-2013 12:36 PM

Well, if a puzzle previously revolved around getting two mudokons down a dangerous corridor, could you just take them both at once and make the corridor twice as long?

Connell 06-14-2013 01:49 PM

Give them each a required pressure pad to stand on which would turn off an electricity gate blocking their bird portal?

Nepsotic 06-14-2013 02:14 PM

That's basically just the wheels in Exoddus, though. I'm talking about puzzles that revolve around you not being ble to move multiple Mudokons at the same time. For example, getting a Mudokon to follow you would prevent you saving another Mudokon in the same area, and you have to figure out a clever way around it. But obviously better than that.

Bullet Magnet 06-14-2013 04:56 PM


There was a bug that use to always confuse me, sometimes after killing a slig, you can still hear it snoring on the next screen.

Eventually I found that that meant there was a slig in a nearby secret area, since the snoring went away when you killed that one too.