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Havoc 05-24-2012 01:38 PM

I think I scarred Chris for life.

Varrok 05-24-2012 01:40 PM

It's funny because it looks like *a_person_with_fluttershy _in avatar* is doing it with *a_person_with_rainbow dash _in avatar*

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 01:41 PM

I'm downloading that shit :tard:

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 01:43 PM

And now officially hate you Nepsotic.

Varrok 05-24-2012 01:44 PM

Don't be angry, Chris *gives a big, friendly Brony hug*

Havoc 05-24-2012 01:47 PM

Let's group brony hug Chris.


Crashpunk 05-24-2012 01:48 PM


RoryF 05-24-2012 01:48 PM

Chris obviously adores MLP.

Manco 05-24-2012 01:48 PM

You had to ruin the fun, didn’t you Havoc.

Havoc 05-24-2012 01:49 PM


You had to ruin the fun, didn’t you Havoc.

It's what I do, you know that.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 01:50 PM


RoryF 05-24-2012 01:50 PM

There's no hate here!

Manco 05-24-2012 01:51 PM




There's no hate here!

Christ, they’re becoming a hive mind.

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 01:51 PM

Man, Crashpunk. Everything you say irritates me. Everything.

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 01:54 PM


RoryF 05-24-2012 01:55 PM

So Crashpunk, what's your opinion on MLP? You seem pretty positive about it.

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 01:57 PM

This whole thing is now directed at me isn't it?

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:58 PM

You bought it upon yourself with your hate.

Wings of Fire 05-24-2012 01:58 PM


I didn't hold the Powerpuff Girls in very high esteem, honestly, but that's entirely due to personal tastes.

It's my favourite cartoon, including anime, so yeah.

I do wish I saw more of Fosters, I very much liked what I saw.

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 02:01 PM


You bought it upon yourself with your hate.

Yeah I realize this. I have doomed myself. :(

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 02:01 PM

Foster's was pretty good, but I hated Bloo. He just got on my nerves. It may have been his voice, I'm not sure. Everything else about the show was ace though.

Manco 05-24-2012 02:05 PM

I never got big into Foster’s, but from what I remember Bloo was a gigantic obnoxious jerk, and he was the primary plot driver.

Earlier episodes were better because it was toned down more.

RoryF 05-24-2012 02:07 PM


Spooce-aholic 05-24-2012 02:13 PM


Geez, i thought I'll be the only one who accepts the challenge :/

This 'ponyfication' thing is inferior to anthropomorphism.

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 02:13 PM


I never got big into Foster’s, but from what I remember Bloo was a gigantic obnoxious jerk, and he was the primary plot driver.

Earlier episodes were better because it was toned down more.
Agreed. They flanderized Bloo into an unlikable shithead in a very short amount of time. He became more of a jumping off point than the actual protagonist. He was even the antagonist in some episodes.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 02:14 PM



I used ti watch camp lazlo

RoryF 05-24-2012 02:16 PM

He needs a little friendship help.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 02:24 PM

I'd like some.

Havoc 05-24-2012 02:42 PM


Sorry, that suddenly popped into my head and had to be shared.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 02:54 PM

I'm glad you did ;)

I bet people think I'm some kind of pony molestererer, don't they?