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MasterChief 02-13-2004 06:38 AM

ahh i like this idea of teams, my cs team is already organizing a team for Halo2 but ferill il be on yours!!! YAY!!!!! o ya and my best combo is easily pistol//sniper rifle. it owns just so bad, a few quick shots with the pistol quick switch to the no scope sniper shot... owns dude :D but there r other good 1's that is just my fav. whos all got xbox live here? tell me plzzzz

Fez 02-13-2004 10:22 AM

i think it'll be a tie, Half-life 2 looks sweet. 2 pics there...

Codek 02-13-2004 01:33 PM


You Rule!

Oh well, you know. I do hear that on a daily basis, but I suppose you could just say I'm modest. :smokin:

Just for the smell of it, here's a list of fun words, some from weebl and bob, some I made up myself:

Anal Vapour
Titty Biscuits
**** Socks
Cunty Mints
Velcro Face
Plastic Vicar
Poop eyes

Fez 02-13-2004 10:17 PM

halo 2 weekly update

back on topic please. Good ones though death.


Fez 02-13-2004 10:35 PM

more halo toys on the way, i wish i was a kid...



http://halo.bungie.net/images/site/h...gruntflame.jpg http://halo.bungie.net/images/site/h...halo2brute.jpg

Xavier 02-13-2004 10:56 PM

I never got any Halo Toy...
but those ones does simply look great!
the flood is realy well done

Fez 02-13-2004 11:53 PM

the flood will be back, how did they get to earth? remember those marines that found the flood. (Sarge etc etc) well most of them had a genetic mutation that stopped the flood from infecting them. they escaped in a pelican, but there was still some flood spores hanging around them. So in the E3 footage where we see sarge talking, he probably infected those two pilots. The ODST's and MC were probably safe because of their suits. But hey, theres a decent reason for you.

Esus 02-14-2004 04:31 AM

Sweet banshie and grunt.
Thanks btw for posting the link to buy the Halo books, I hastily brought the Fall of Reach and have just finished it. There are a few things that bugged me, however:

-They made the covenant seem too animal like (grunts barking, doglike walking, 4 legged walking) I didn't like that...
-The jackal transfromed from the super cool sniper/scout into a crappy piece of cannon fodder. In fact, I believe these were more numerous than the grunts - I didn't like that.
-What was that scientist floating thing that assembled the car?
-About 7 typos...
-A few other things I've forgot.

I didn't like what they did to the covenant, but I suppose it's generally a good book, only if you really liked the game though, imo.

Hobo 02-14-2004 06:06 AM


-They made the covenant seem too animal like (grunts barking, doglike walking, 4 legged walking) I didn't like that...

They actually do walk four legged in the game, if you ever get to see one patrolling without it knowing that you're there you can see it.

Xavier 02-14-2004 06:09 AM

actually 3 legs... one hand always holds a gun

Hobo 02-14-2004 06:12 AM


actually 3 legs... one hand always holds a gun

Good point, thanks for that Xav.

Another point of discussion: The Needler - Best Weapon, Good, Average, Shite, Would rather be killed by a grunt than use the thing.

SeaRex 02-14-2004 06:25 AM

Good if you're only playing against AI, friggin' lame-ass if you're playing against real people.

Mojo 02-14-2004 08:11 AM

Is that so? I like to use it, it's fun, knowing that your enemy is doomed to explode when you shoot 7-8 needles at him, and they all hit :D

Esus 02-14-2004 08:18 AM

I think it's a fun weapon, my favourite to use out of the covenant ones, but give me any human gun any day.

Al the Vykker 02-14-2004 10:18 AM

Im liking the look of the new halo 2 figures! :fuzsmile:

I also think they should do some more flood figures or make them into mini figs too.

oddguy 02-14-2004 11:08 AM

Those are awesome figures. I especially like the Flood and Grunt ones.

Oh, and a little off-topic, but I just bought the Red vs. Blues Season one DVD. All the episodes are cut together like a full lengh movie. Real awesome. It's got the first four PSA's, Outakes and Commentary.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Hobo 02-14-2004 11:40 PM

I don't know what I think about the needler, it has saved me on a few occasions in Single player, mainly on T&R. In multiplayer I tend not to touch it, even my sister can easily kill me in the time it takes for me to shoot off a full 7 - rest of clip needles.

I mean it's fun to watch it take out a group of grunts and an elite, and I would rate it above the Assualt Rifle, but other than that it's pretty obselete comapred to the Plasma Pistol or any of the other human weapons.

oddguy 02-15-2004 01:14 AM

Needler sucks in Multiplayer. I don't know why that is. Single player it's good to use because it always follows its target and gets the job done. I'm pretty much echoing the thoughts of the previous posters, but it's so true. Hmmm......

*thinking of a logical explanation for this*

Maybe because in Multiplayer you're fighting against guys with shields and good health, and in Single you're fighting weak aliens in plentiful supply. I dunno.

*scratches head* :fuzconf:


Al the Vykker 02-15-2004 05:17 AM

If you use it the right way in multiplayer it can be pretty deadly. Usually when you have the person cornered and just unload the whole round into them they will usually explode or the final little tiny shot will kill them.

Esus 02-15-2004 05:29 AM

Do we currently know how many levels there are going to be? Or how many levels are going to based in certain areas, (i.e 3 on covenant world, four on earth, 7 on halo)?

Hobo 02-15-2004 05:31 AM


Do we currently know how many levels there are going to be? Or how many levels are going to based in certain areas, (i.e 3 on covenant world, four on earth, 7 on halo)?

Alas No, I am hoping for many earth levels as they could fit in so many different environments in just a few levels.

oddguy 02-15-2004 07:51 PM

I just found the coolest thing...ever. You guys have probably allready seen it, but whatever.

This is the original video. Watch the whole thing. It's worth it!
This video is what spawned everyone else to do the same thing......over and over.

Here's another fun video.

Fun with Warthog

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Al the Vykker 02-16-2004 04:22 AM

Yeah Ive seen those before, they are pretty good. I also like the Matrix spoof with Halo they made, and also the trailers for a Halo "Movie" with game footage.:fuzsmile:

Esus 02-16-2004 04:30 AM

ooh, where can I see such a Halo spoof?

Al the Vykker 02-16-2004 04:38 AM


ooh, where can I see such a Halo spoof?

First try and visit Halo Bungie dot Org And try looking throught all there videos in their archives under spoofs and such. And just look for The Matrix Halo Remix, and other cool vids. :fuzsmile:

Esus 02-16-2004 05:30 AM

thanks, One more question I have though.
Does anyone here know where I can see a nice big high res picture of a jackal? I cant seem to find one anywhere.

Fez 02-17-2004 09:52 AM

sorry mate, i can only find low res pics. Thats a xav question.

the needler: its not really that good, it homes in on targets, thats about the only good thing it does. It takes about 5 secs to explode after its hit the target and it takes about 7-8 of them to kill a grunt. Not worth it to me.

Xavier 02-17-2004 10:05 AM


thanks, One more question I have though.
Does anyone here know where I can see a nice big high res picture of a jackal? I cant seem to find one anywhere.

try this one...

Esus 02-17-2004 10:06 AM

Thanks Xav. Ever the picture producer you are.

Fez 02-17-2004 11:16 PM

more pictures:

