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Dynamithix 06-09-2012 05:04 PM

I watched À L'intérieur ("Inside"), a French horror movie. I sort of have mixed feelings about it. On the other hand, it's great, the lighting, the sound effects and the way some of the scenes are shot, it's all amazing, but then again, the plot is quite generic and the scene before the end is just terrible, I'll tell you why in a second.

It's basically a story of a young pregnant woman whose husband gets killed in a car accident and a while after that, a mysterious middle-aged woman appears on her apartment asking for help. The main character, Sarah, refuses to help and after that strange things start to happen and the movie turns into a VERY gory horror movie. I don't want to spoil anything about it because I do recommend you guys (especially Sekto, weren't you into gory movies?) to watch it.

Though if you have seen it, or just have no interest in seeing it, the reason why I think the scene near the end basically ruins most of the movie is that a cop who already DIED in the movie is all of the sudden alive again and now looks like a zombie with no eyes and he attacks Sarah by swinging a baton at her stomach and forcing her baby to come out sooner than planned. It's seriously fucking retarded, and the director said that the cop didn't actually die but he did get serious brain damage and got blinded by the antagonist so he didn't realize what he was doing, hence hitting Sarah on the stomach. Pretty fucking stupid.

Also, I found the actor who plays the antagonist (Béatrice Dalle) so fucking sexy and I don't even know why, it's probably the gap in her teeth, just something about that... She was damn good at her role too.


Nepsotic 06-09-2012 05:14 PM

Not my type... To be honest...

Film sounds good though.

OANST 06-09-2012 06:57 PM

Okay. Saw Prometheus. I really liked a lot of it. I also really hated a lot of it. For quite a while into the movie I couldn't understand why people would have a problem with it. That is until it got to the scene where Shaw acts like a fucking crybaby because her boyfriend mentioned creating life, and she can't have babies. It was sooooo obvious that it was a set up for her getting pregnant, and it was soooo forced that I just wanted to stand up and yell "boooo". Then it would get better for a while, and then get really fucking terrible again for a bit. A lot of the movie was so well written, acted, and directed that the really bad scenes just became that much more memorable. When Shaw asked the captain if he believes in nothing, and the music started to swell emotionally as he looked away pondering her question I just wanted to walk out.

Nepsotic 06-09-2012 07:16 PM

So hang on, if the writings good and the actings good, why are the bad parts bad? What is it about them?

Wings of Fire 06-09-2012 07:36 PM

The writing is not good. That movie has too many unanswered questions to even be remotely satisfying.

Also the parts where it suddenly turned into a horror movie and wanted to be Alien were 'This was cliche thirty years ago' bad. Everyone suddenly acted like a fucking retard at the first sign of danger, it was depressingly genre-standard.

But David, man. David.

Sekto Springs 06-09-2012 07:41 PM

Going to see a movie in theaters for me is an effort.
Prometheus sounds more and more like it's not worth that effort.

The Avengers sure as fuckin' hell wasn't.

AlexFili 06-10-2012 02:31 AM


But David, man. David.

The android characters in the Alien franchise have always fascinated me. I think they get better in each film. Also one clever uncliched bit I think was when the girl got on the medical machine and had the alien cut out. Not only does it WORK but she then is not infected! Ruddy miracle!

Saw a film on TV called The Accidental Husband. Was actually pretty funny.

JayDee 06-10-2012 04:24 AM

I've only just seen, OMFGDogs. It burns my eyes in the most satisfying way.

Nepsotic 06-10-2012 05:03 AM


The android characters in the Alien franchise have always fascinated me. I think they get better in each film. Also one clever uncliched bit I think was when the girl got on the medical machine and had the alien cut out. Not only does it WORK but she then is not infected! Ruddy miracle!

Saw a film on TV called The Accidental Husband. Was actually pretty funny.

Alien 4 sucked balls. Is that the one you're talking about?

Sekto Springs 06-10-2012 10:29 AM

Alien 4 did not suck balls. People hate on it out of necessity.
Alien 3, however, did genuinely suck balls.

MeechMunchie 06-10-2012 10:35 AM

Alien ≥ Aliens > Alien: Resurrection > Alien 3.

I'm sure we've had this conversation before.

EDIT: Also, I prefer an image on its own, because I'm boring like that.


Mac Sirloin 06-10-2012 10:36 AM


I've only just seen, OMFGDogs. It burns my eyes in the most satisfying way.

Bookmarked, made as desktop background and MSN display picture.


Alien 4 sucked balls. Is that the one you're talking about?

No it didn't? We're talking about the movie called Prometheus that everyone has been referring to as Prometheus in the thread largely based around films that were just released, such as Prometheus. What a coincidence! The Prometheus of myth was also told to shut the fuck up!


Alien 4 did not suck balls. People hate on it out of necessity.
Alien 3, however, did genuinely suck balls.

I still love all of them for different reasons but ohhhh boyyyy I am most certainly never watching Alien 3 again.

Sekto Springs 06-10-2012 12:17 PM

Alien 3 was just boring. The others all had something going for them, but that one was just a snorefest.

I remember reading a synopsis before actually watching it, and I thought "oh, the alien's born from a dog this time, that should be cool". Except it wasn't.

OANST 06-10-2012 12:35 PM

I hated 4 a lot more than 3. But maybe I'm just weird.

Wings of Fire 06-10-2012 12:35 PM

Don't forget the way it raped the Aliens ending.

Alien 3 and Terminator 3 make me so mad.

OANST 06-10-2012 12:49 PM

Oh, I watched a movie called Lo last night. It's an extremely low budget horror/comedy that was shot in three days about this guy who summons a demon named Lo to rescue his girlfriend who had been taken by another demon. It's not amazing, but it works really well for what it is, and I definitely enjoyed it.

AlexFili 06-10-2012 01:46 PM


Alien 4 sucked balls. Is that the one you're talking about?

Actually I think Alien Resurrection is only slightly below Aliens in terms of quality. It's miles away from the tripe that was Alien 3.
The spoilers bit of my last post was for Prometheus.

I actually enjoyed Terminator 3 a lot, and Salvation for that matter.

Sekto Springs 06-10-2012 05:20 PM

Watched The Human Centipede. I had never seen it until now, but I knew all about it.
If I could summarize the entire movie in one word; underwhelming.

After how much I heard about how "disturbing" it was and all of it's cult fame, I really expected something great.
Of course, it was another one of those overhyped piles of boring trash, like Paranormal Activity. Yeah, the idea of sewing people together ass-to-mouth is stupid and gross, but it failed to disturb me conceptually or otherwise. Not to mention that any doctor with an ounce of medical credibility, insane or not, would know that the experiment was doomed to fail for a variety of reasons.

To it's credit, there was some great cinematography, and Dieter Laser was perfectly cast as the creepy doctor. The ending was a bit unsatisfying, but after that set up, it's hard to imagine many other ways to end it.

Mr. Bungle 06-10-2012 05:30 PM

I think that's part of the reason it got so much talk. Not only was it disgusting, but it was awful and disgusting. And not in the cool, low-budget B movie way.

Sekto Springs 06-10-2012 05:57 PM

It wasn't disgusting though. If it was gratuitously, chuck-your-lunchy disgusting, then I would have loved it. It wasn't even that though. It was just boring.

MeechMunchie 06-11-2012 12:10 AM

Sekto is unfazed by ingesting shit.

After all, he just watched a terrible film.

Sekto Springs 06-11-2012 12:20 AM

That pretty much sums it up perfectly.

Varrok 06-11-2012 01:35 AM

The sequel is classified as more disgusting, features worse cast, makes even less sense, and it's in black and white. You should watch it

AlexFili 06-11-2012 02:29 AM

I watched The Pursuit of Happyness on TV last night. Good film but pretty heartbreaking at times. Good cast and compelling story.

OANST 06-11-2012 11:22 AM

I watched "Audition" last night. It wasn't very good.

Nepsotic 06-11-2012 01:31 PM

Its just hard to understand. Very hard.

OANST 06-11-2012 01:35 PM

It wasn't hard to understand at all. I understood everything that happened. It just wasn't very good.

enchilado 06-11-2012 03:34 PM

The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists for the second time. I loved it just as much. So many little details in the sets I didn't notice the first time.

I thought it was a bit awkwardly done how Charles Darwin kept going on about not having a girlfriend, but when you consider that the author originally wrote the novels in an attempt to impress a girl he liked it becomes a lot more amusing.

Nepsotic 06-11-2012 03:43 PM


It wasn't hard to understand at all. I understood everything that happened. It just wasn't very good.

I understand the first 3 quarters of the film, but after that it just goes mental. I couldn't tell what was his imagination and what was reality.

OANST 06-12-2012 07:29 AM

It was just hackery that allowed us to see the the things she had done. The director used an inexplicable, unexplainable device (him being drugged) to allow him (but not really. It's only meant for the audience) insight her recent past. Also, the first ninety percent of the movie was boring, and stupid.

Nepsotic 06-12-2012 07:47 AM

It does have a very slow start, but its very cleverly done. You think "oh, this is just a nice story about a guy trying to find a wife", then BAM! Cutting someones head off with wire. Also, at the end when you think everything alright, then you just hear "kiddy kiddy kiddy kiddy kiddy", is a horriffic and well done moment.

OANST 06-12-2012 08:38 AM

You never think that. And it's not cleverly done. It's a really boring story about a narcissist who thinks that every woman should want him, so why not hold auditions for the one he wants, and then WHOOPS last ten minutes of the film involve torture.

Varrok 06-12-2012 12:06 PM

I've just watched though the first season of The Simpsons. I never had a chance before - it is rarely aired in my country, and if, it's at late hours. I think the show's funny, and from what I've heard, it's going to be even better (till the 10th season eh)

Mr. Bungle 06-12-2012 12:50 PM

Wait. You've never watched The Simpsons? Man, you're in for a treat. I'm almost jealous. The first 7 seasons are magical.

Nepsotic 06-12-2012 12:52 PM

The characters become dull and boring after that, like the storylines.

Mr. Bungle 06-12-2012 12:57 PM

Pretty much. There are a few gems, and most of the eighth season is pretty damn good, but there's an overall decline in quality that really starts around season 9. After that point it gets pretty fucking bad.

Mac Sirloin 06-12-2012 01:55 PM

A few weeks ago I was channel surfing and came across a new episode of the Simpsons the plot is as follows: After discovering a secret compartment in their home Marge and Homer discover their marriage was never valid and go ona journey to rediscover their love.

I literally puked my pants at this. It's just the same stupid, dumb shit over and over. I feel like they could vaguely try something new if they did another two parter a la Who Shot Mr. Burns but even then it would be completely insipid.

I used to love the Simpsons, too. Highlight of my week when I was little was watching a new episode on Sunday night.

Varrok 06-12-2012 01:57 PM

So, the story is dumb and unoriginal... are jokes at least funny?

Mac Sirloin 06-12-2012 01:59 PM


Varrok 06-12-2012 02:03 PM

Oh o_O
How come many people are still watching it?