I've been looking into the bifid cipher that Manco mentioned earlier, and it seems that it can be done with two, three or even four grids of letters. Seems possible, but really you need each letter to appear only once for it to work. I've been trying too see if I can use the slashes in some way to specify which letters to remove, but no luck there.
Can anyone else think of a way? Also GlitterPanthers last comment about reading the numbers made me think maybe the numbers should be spelt out in the grid somehow, i.e. FOUR instead of the number 4. Like the word seventythree is. And just writing this I notice seventythree happens to have 12 letters, and there are 12 coordinates in each set. Drawing at straws again here, but maybe that's a sample result of one set of numbers to give us a clue for the other sets. I'll see if I can get anything to work out for that |
EDIT: Mr. Molluck was faster :p EDIT2: Qvfpneq jung lbs qba'g arrq. -> Caesar cipher shift of 13 -> Discard what yof don't need. Tmb bpm vcujmza ocqlm gwc. -> Caesar cipher shift of 18 -> Let the numbers guide you. |
So the numbers are the guide...
Yof's Oddysee confirmed.
So we need to figure out what the "truth" is and what to "discard"
Looks like it.
"/truth \don't need"?
This is the most sense I got 1 IT-HAND-END-JUDITH-DOZE-JOE 2 TRY-ALE-HOT-POST--JAW-BONE-LAW- 3 IT-HAS-NEW-WELL- 4 EAT-USE-BUILD-SITE-PAGE-FAX-JET Of course thats one theory I had, its probably nothing so ill keep looking I mean, they said "let the number guide" so looking at the letters is probably pointless EDIT anyone got any ideas? |
So they must be relevant to both the 'Coordinates' and the 'Letter Strings'. But HOW to know what is incorporated into these symbols... :
We should definitely focus on these parts: :
So im looking back over the source code and one part that sticks out is
"Intercept our message" And then "let numbers guide you" Please tell me its not raidio stations >.< Also what if the / and \ mean nothing? They were in previous messages from ED and weren't anything. |
New tweet:
It says: Sometimes the answers are more simple than they appear. Discard what you don't need. Be the storm. It's Caesar cipher again, this time with shift 23. |
I think what's stopping me from being able to help out is I'm struggling to understand how the "Mastermind" code works, and I really think that's the key to figuring out what we need and what we can "discard". I've just looked up 3 different sets of rules to the Mastermind game, and even using the logic Dawlthy put in his original post I can't seem to get the same answer he did with any of the rule variations. That's probably me being stupid, though. :p Can anyone further explain how it works?
You do realise just before the second set of numbers it says "dont believe what they told you" that could imply the first set is useless
Also lets define what we "dont need" technically we dont need the letters if numbers are guiding us Im also not sure we need the , : . Between the numbers |
I'll give it a go, but my explanations are usually hard to follow. The mastermind code is slightly different to what we've been asked to do now in that it doesn't tell you what to keep or discard. Instead it tells you how many of the numbers on each row are correct, but not which ones. A / means that one of the numbers in that row is correct and in the correct position, but doesn't specify which of the numbers it is. A \ means that one of the numbers in that row is part of the solution, but it is in the wrong position. Again not specifying which number that is. The first puzzle is this. A9539 \\ B2919 /\\ C4882 /\ D4627 \ E6758 \ F???? //// Looking at the first row we have 9539 \\ This means that two of the numbers in that row are part of the solution, but in the wrong position. The other two are not part of it at all. With this clue on its own we don't know which two they are. The second row is 2919 /\\ Again we know that two numbers are part of the solution, but in the wrong position ( the two \\). We also know that another number is correct and in the right position (the /). Because we know that at least three of the numbers in this row are part of the solution, but only two of them are in the first row, we can see that the two numbers are the two 9's. We also know that either a 1 or a 2 is also part of the solution.We can also see that the two nines have to go in the middle two position (because we know that cannot be in the end positions due to line A). At this point we know the solution to be ?99?. The third line is 4882/\ In this line we see that one number is correct and in the correct position (the /). We also know that another number is in the solution but in the wrong position (the \). We know that neither of the 8's is in the correct position, because those two numbers are 9's. This means either the 4 or the 2 is in the correct place(the /), and the final solution contains a 4, an 8, or a 2(the \). We now have four options: 499?, ?994, 299? of ?992. Using the previous clues we know the remaining ? is either a 1 or an 8 The fourth line is 4627\. This tells us that the 499? option above must be wrong, because we would have a / instead if it wasn't. because of this we know the number that was in the correct position in line three was actually the 2. This leaves us knowing the number at this point to be ?992. The fifth line is 6758\ This tells us that the one remaining number is in this line somewhere. As we already know it is either a 1 or an 8 we are looking for, we know the remaing digit is 8. Giving us 8992 EDIT: Ha in the time it took me to write that, it was already answered twice but never mind. Also mayber theres more than one way of playing mastermind, but in the rules i have the pegs on the board do not correlate to the position. You are supposed to place them from left to right in the slots regardless of the position of the correct numbers. It is as above, they only let you know that any one of the numbers is correct |
The numbers Mason, WHAT DO THEY MEAN!?!?
Seriously though, even with the tweets I have no idea. |
Although, I still don't know where to go from there haha. |
I will take this opportunity to remind people of the current answers we have:
I wonder what the people at Oddworld are thinking about some of my theories, how many times have they thought why are they even doing that |
I think I have an idea about the letter strings, it's probably been mentioned already but it sounds about right because of OWI stating how simple the answer actually is;
\\//\/KDIUTHANPUYHHDQOEPLNDOALJGUDITHBBDOZLGFERKJGLSAOE My theory is that much like the mastermind puzzles, the slashes tell us which parts of the text we need to keep, and which need to be discarded. I'd suggest something like segregating the letters into 6 equal chunks to correspond with the slashes, and then removing the ones that aren't "true", then caeser shifting the remaining letters to give us a message. Naturally that hasn't worked yet. :p Basically, I think they're saying to us you don't need ALL of the letters there, and the slashes are a formula of how to work out which ones are relevant. And then because it's gibberish, we probably need to shift the remaining letters. It's that age old dilemma that we're all thinking the same way, and the answer is probably right in front of us, and we just need to slightly change our thought pattern to see it haha. |