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Manco 06-02-2012 07:03 AM

Don’t Humble Bundle games have to be Mac and Linux compatible though?

Wil 06-02-2012 07:54 AM


That does sound like a good idea. I'm guessing SWHD? because that is technically an indie game? The old, abe games won't count right?

If Psychonauts counts, the Abe games count. If anything, they count more, because they were made by fewer people. Plus they're not shooters, which don't exactly screen indie.


Don’t Humble Bundle games have to be Mac and Linux compatible though?


MeechMunchie 06-02-2012 10:31 AM

I was thinking Abe HD, when it's finished. People might not remember Abe, wheras Stranger is fairly recent and can more or less sell itself. Not that I'm implying PR/marketing is an easy job, Wil.

AlexFili 06-03-2012 05:15 AM

I bought HB-V too :) seems fun.

Havoc 06-03-2012 02:20 PM

Okay, apparently BF3 and a bunch of other Origin titles are 50% off until june 15th, but when I open up Origin it doesn't show any sort of discount. Can anyone confirm this by any chance?

MeechMunchie 06-03-2012 03:35 PM

I can confirm this:

Origin is stupid

Havoc 06-03-2012 03:39 PM

I know that but it's the only way to play BF3, unfortunately :(

Manco 06-03-2012 10:22 PM

Why would you even consider giving EA money?

Wil 06-04-2012 01:38 AM

The only reason I would give EA money is Sim City.

Damn you, Maxis!

Havoc 06-04-2012 01:59 AM


Why would you even consider giving EA money?

I'm trying to find the way to give them the least amount of money, but I do want to play Battlefield 3 online. That's why I've been waiting for a good deal of some sort.

I've also been looking at those key stores that sell Russian CD keys. All those keys are supposedly stolen which would make buying one all the more satisfactory, but that carries a risk of being scammed or banned.

Varrok 06-04-2012 02:09 AM

I bought their game once, it was in store promotion like "Buy a game, and get the second one for PLN0,01 [about 1/3 of a US cent]". That second game was Burnout Paradise. I'm ashamed to admit it was worth this price.

dripik 06-06-2012 08:42 PM

Dungeons of Dredmor is now 70% off on Steam, along with the DLC Realm of the Diggle Gods (it's kinda subtle at the moment, I only found out from the update news - oh yeah, there was a free update too, with new skills, items and everything).

MeechMunchie 06-07-2012 11:14 AM


Aaaaand Humble Bundle V just keeps getting better, now contains Lone Survivor, Braid, and Super Meat Boy, in addition to all the others, for less than you'd pay for any one of them.

Dynamithix 06-07-2012 12:35 PM

Oh man, I've been looking forward to playing Lone Survivor and that's just a deal I can't pass. Thanks for the heads-up.

Varrok 06-07-2012 01:05 PM


Oh man, I've been looking forward to playing Lone Survivor and that's just a deal I can't pass. Thanks for the heads-up.

I've just played that. I've never heard the about title before, it's awesome so far.

dripik 06-08-2012 02:31 AM



Aaaaand Humble Bundle V just keeps getting better, now contains Lone Survivor, Braid, and Super Meat Boy, in addition to all the others, for less than you'd pay for any one of them.

This morning, when I read this, I was a bit annoyed. I bought Bundle V a couple of days ago, and the three additional games look really interesting, so I was sad at first.

Then I read an e-mail from Humble Bundle and found out that the whole thing's retroactive - if you bought Bundle V before this "update", you get the three other games as well.

Varrok 06-08-2012 04:31 AM

That was always the case. It's best buying bundles as soon as they show up

Phylum 06-08-2012 04:53 AM

Yeah, especially seeing as the average on this one is rapidly rising.

Varrok 06-10-2012 06:11 AM

Hey, Sonic fans! I've got an apportunity to get S. Generations (steam + box) for about 5 dollars, is it worth it? I gotta admit, I never was a big Sonic fan, played the classic games for a while and Sonic Heroes, I kinda liked it and decided to give the franchise another chance

Wings of Fire 06-10-2012 06:12 AM

Generations is a lot of fun.

Heroes wasn't, for the record.

Manco 06-10-2012 06:14 AM


Hey, Sonic fans! I've got an apportunity to get S. Generations (steam + box) for about 5 dollars, is it worth it? I gotta admit, I never was a big Sonic fan, played the classic games for a while and Sonic Heroes, I kinda liked it and decided to give the franchise another chance


If you need convincing, there’s a demo on Steam, XBL and PSN.

Varrok 06-10-2012 06:20 AM

I've played only the Sonic Heroes Demo. And it was a long time ago. Seems like demos can be deceiving, because it was fun to play (it wasn't brilliant though)... I'll get the Generations then, I think

Is it hard?

Daxter King 06-14-2012 12:00 PM

There is a GoD sale on xbox Live starting the 19th, not very many good games. Kameo would be worth the $5, and I'll be picking up Prince of Persia.


Dynamithix 06-14-2012 01:01 PM

Does this only apply to like America?

Havoc 06-19-2012 02:59 AM

About time there's a DLC box for Battlefield 3 coming out. BF3 + all DLC for 49,99 (euro). I guess in EA terms, that's a deal.

Edit: Well no wonder I was surprised as this. The price is for the DLC only... Goddamnit EA.

Varrok 06-19-2012 06:06 AM

GoG.com told me that Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire and Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams are now free there. Any Ultima fans here? I know nothing about the series except the part that Ultima games are classic series

MeechMunchie 06-30-2012 08:41 AM

Steam Warhammer Weekend! 75% off everything grimdark!

Dynamithix 06-30-2012 10:40 AM

Speaking of Steam... Where the fuck is the summer sale?!

MeechMunchie 06-30-2012 01:45 PM

Do they have one every year?

Dynamithix 06-30-2012 05:31 PM

Well you'd think they'd have a summer sale this year too if they have had one in the past two(?) years. And if they have daily and weekly sales, you'd probably expect a big sale at summer.