Well, if we can organise simultaneous North America and Europe Oddtours, then we need to form an Oceania Oddtour in either Sydney or Melbourne.
Or Brisbane.
Definitely Melbourne or Sydney. I'll be there some time relatively soon, it'd be cool if we could make that work. Nate? Pete?
Australia all the way.
I want to get bitten by something that makes me swell up like John Goodman at an all-you-can-gorge buffet and get pummeled by Peter and his gang of Lads. No but really, Australia mows face. My only qualm is that I'm sure they get their fair share of pasty, bloated yanks wearing sandals-with-socks and snapping photos every five seconds. Wouldn't be surprised if they have some kind of anti-tourist militia roaming around down there. Even if I'm totally wrong and the Aussies are the friendliest motherfuckers on the planet, I'd be intimidated by their chiseled physique, golden skin, and the fact they could swim through a school of jellyfish without a whimper. I miss Steve Irwin, mostly because he proved that not all Australians were Adonises, some are just stupid. |
I'm cool with Melbourne, I need an excuse to go down there. Just make it a weekend - work is busy!
Alcar... |
If it's in Melbourne or Sydney I'm out. I will be soon, however, traveling to Wollongong but I'll have a pretty hard time explaining to my mum why I want to go into Sydney by my self.
I was in Wollongong the other night. I go driving there to relax :p
Alcar... |
Gosh, I feel so geographically isolated. One of these days I'll actually have the savings to visit Britain or (maybe, just maybe) Australia. And then we'll orgy it up, and it will be glorious. I guess I should get a job.
So London then wahey no Austaralia or your best game developing guy that no one knows cannot come, yes me, Scrabtrapman, ha none of you even no my real name!
None of us want to know. No noobs allowed.
okey doke
Don't worry, Scrabtrapman, we'll get you all the alcohol you need.
come on lads, just get a few tins in for him.
That may have been a bit vicious. Regarding Oddtour, you can count on dear Oddjob on sitting comfortably at home while everyone attends. When/if it commences, do have fun. |
Orange and Pineapple Juice.
Soda and beer used to come in cans that looked more like a traditional 'tin,' and technically they still come in 'tin.' |
Someone can get me the beer and I pay like I do normally.
Pilot got it. its a nickname for 'can'.
you're winding me up and i took the bait. christ. |
I'm sure for you we'll make a couple of exceptions.
god damn global OWF meet
how about we just all jerk off at the same time and cum in a huge bucket how about it |
Err, cripes. =D
Last person to get the bucket drinks it.